A/N: Thanks for all of the brilliant reviews! We just love them. And Gabby will be a guest star in here. Oh and guess what? I have no school this week. At all. Great, eh? Hehehe. Yeah, I'll just shut up now. –One of the Fallen

Important: Everything after Sealed with a Diss never happened. Massington stayed together, Claire and Cam broke up, Dylan likes Plovert, and Kristen likes Kemp. There are no overflow trailers, Briarwood never flooded and the boys stayed in their school.


Alicia Rivera sat in the Range Rover in between Dylan Marvil and Kristen Gregory. Her other two best friends, Massie Block and Claire Lyons were on the other sides of Kristen and Dylan. Alicia's phone vibrated and she picked it up, knowing that she had a new text.

"Who are you texting?" Massie asked, knowing that the only other people that Alicia would be texting right now would be her almost boyfriend, Josh Hotz, or her other ditzy blond friend, Dah-livia Ryan.

"Josh," Alicia lied.

She didn't want Massie to know one of her secret sources was her cousin Drake from New Jersey.

"Ehmagawd!" Alicia cried suddenly.

"What?" They all asked.

"I have got some major gossip," Alicia smiled.

"How many points is it worth?" Dylan asked.

"At least twenty," Alicia replied.

"Spill," Massie said, trying to not look so eager. If it was going to be worth twenty gossip points, then it would just have to be good.

"Soo…my sources tell me that we are getting some hawt, hawt new exchange students from a school in New Jersey," Alicia chirped.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Claire asked.

"Yeah, like when you got into the car?" Kristen said.

Alicia shrugged.

"Must've slipped my mind," she replied. "Do I get my gossip points?"

"Depends, are these hawt new exchange students guys?" Massie asked.

"I'm not sure," Alicia admitted.

"Then you get fifteen," Massie said.

"Fine," Alicia rolled her eyes.

If the new hawt exchange students were boys, then would her and Derrington still be able to be together?

We all know that nothing lasts forever.


A sleek black limo pulled up to Octavian Country Day School and girls stared in wonder. The driver, Ramón, walked around to open the door for the people inside.

As soon as the door opened, a girl with dirty blond hair and startling blue eyes. slipped gracefully out of the car, followed by a girl with sparkly honey-blond hair and green/blue eyes, a girl with soft black hair and black eyes to match, a girl with almond shaped dark brown eye with perfectly straight black hair, naturally tinted auburn and a girl with brown hair and innocent looking brown eyes. The last one out of the car was a pale girl with startling violet eyes and dark, glossy black hair, walking around with an air of confidence around her.

"This school looks like…crap," the last one, obviously the Alpha, said.

"Be nice, Mersaydez, you haven't even been in there yet," the second girl replied.

The girl called Mersaydez sighed.

"Have you ever been to an all girls' school, Tiff?" Mersaydez asked.

"Crap! This is an all girls' school?" the third one asked.

"Jeez, Tess, did you not pay attention to…anything?" the fourth girl asked.

"Oh whatever, Kailin," Mersaydez said, "Let's just go in."

"Kay," replied the first girl.

The other girls just shrugged and followed Mersaydez into the school. They were all in perfect union; it had always been that way. It was sort of like a natural instinct.

They soon realized that they had no idea where they were going.

"Hey, you!" Mersaydez shouted to a nearby girl.

"Yes?" The girl asked, clearly a little frightened.

"We're new here, where are we supposed to go?" Mersaydez asked.

"You go to the front office, which is the door behind you, then Principal Burns will introduce you to everyone else in the Café," the frightened girl replied.

"Thanks," Mersaydez smiled, sickeningly sweet. "What's your name?"

"It's Gabby," she replied.

"Cool, bye," Mersaydez said, and with that, they were off again.

"This school is puh-thetic!" Kailin said.

"Ah-greed," they all replied.

"How's my hair?" Tiffany asked.

"Perfect," Mersaydez smiled.

"Thanks," Tiffany said.

"Let's go," Mersaydez replied. "This school shouldn't be that hard to take over, especially with such losers here."

The girls all giggled.



Massie Block sat with the rest of the Pretty Committee in the Café, waiting for the bell to ring so that Principal Burns could quickly rap up her 'Welcome Back' speech and she could be off to design class with Alicia and Dylan. This year was the beginning of eighth grade, and this year would be the best!

"Do you think P. Burns will introduce those new kids?" Claire asked.

"Yeah, she always does," Massie replied.

"Oh," Claire nodded.

Before Massie of any other member of the Pretty Committee could reply, Principal Burns started to speak.

"Welcome back to another great year at Octavian Country Day School! We are all so excited to have you back!" Burns said.

"I'm sure after all the trouble we caused last year," Dylan muttered under her breath, causing her friends at Table 18 to laugh.

Principal Burns went on and on about the school regulations and procedures and, finally, the new students.

"This year, OCD is participating in exchange program with a school in New Jersey called Preston Preparatory Academy. The students who are coming were hand selected straight A students who will be testing the different learning environments," Burns said, "and now, for the newest additions to OCD!"

The girls all cheered.

Everyone except for Massie.

"Wait," She said.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"We're an all girls' school," Massie said.

"We know!" the girls all said.

"And we're expecting boys to come!" Massie said.

"You mean...they're girls?" Alicia said.

"Yes," Massie replied.

"Alicia, your sources suck!" Kristen said.

"Oh shut up and pay attention," Alicia snapped into the already quiet room.

No one even glanced in her direction.

"Why's everyone so quiet?" Alicia asked Dylan.

Dylan pointed to the front of the room, where a group of five girls stood, dangerously hawt.

They were too hawt.

Massie sighed sadly.

"Looks like we've got some competition this year."

