I do…

A/N- Had this idea and had to get it out. It'll only be a few parts. Maybe just two, but I hope you all like it. Reviews will make the next part be posted quicker. Hint, hint.

Summary: Rory's getting married to Graham, a teacher she met while on her campaign trail. She's back in town for her wedding, Jess is back too after receiving her wedding invite. Maybe lit, maybe not. Just have to wait and see.

'I'm getting married in two days!' Rory squealed loudly, Lorelai's face broke into a smile at the entrance of her daughter.

'You're back! When did you get back from Chicago?' Lorelai asked, enveloping Rory in a hug.

'About ten minutes ago. I dropped by the house but then thought to myself, what am I doing, mum won't be here at four in the afternoon, that's brownie time.' Rory said pulling out of the hug.

'My baby girls getting married.' Lorelai said tears glistening in her eyes. She hugged her one last time, before leading her to the counter to grab a seat.

'Hey Rory.' Luke greeted her with an awkward hug, although they were getting less awkward since he married her mum.

'Hi Luke.' Rory replied excitedly.

'Coffee?' He asked pulling out a mug.

'Have I been gone that long that you've forgotten.' Rory feigned shock, her hand flying to her head.

'You've been gone forever, that stupid campaign trail kept you away from me, and when it didn't, you're stupid fiancée did. I felt neglected, abandoned by my one and only child.' Lorelai called loudly.

'Mum! Don't be so dramatic, I visited you all the time. Besides you love Graham almost as much as I do.' Rory replied.

'That's right I do, so when is he getting here? Patty and Babette are waiting to greet him, though I wouldn't let him stay for longer than five minutes, because, well you know those to, and they love him.' Lorelai said laughing slightly.

'I left him at the house, he said he'd drop my stuff there, then head over to the inn with his things.' Rory replied. 'I said we'd meet him at the inn later.'

'You know guests have started arriving already.' Lorelai said.

'What! But the wedding isn't for two days. Why are they here now, nobody is coming that far.' Rory said turning to face her mum.

'Well everyone wants to see you in your last days of being a Gilmore.' Lorelai said. 'So far your grandparents have arrived, Dean and Lindsey, Graham's parents, your dad, and some of Graham's other guests.' Lorelai said looking back at the door as the bell rang. 'And newly arrived from Philly…' She trailed off. Rory's head snapped around, coming face to face with Jess. In a matter of seconds she was up out of her chair and hugging him. He was taken back for a seconds but then put his arms round her waist.

'You came!' Rory hugged him a little tighter before letting go.

'Well you did invite me.' He smirked at her. 'Though I never guessed I'd get such a warm welcome.'

'I didn't think you would come, after last time I saw you, and I was such a…well anyway let's not get into it.' Rory said smiling brightly.

'Honestly, I was just glad that the invitation didn't have Logan rich jerk from Yale on it.' Jess smirked again. She hit his arm lightly. 'So when do I get to meet Graham. I hear the town love him.' He rolled his eyes, but smirked good naturedly at her.

'They do!' Rory smiled, once again hitting him on the arm.

'You've gotten violent.' Jess feigned pain, rubbing his arm. 'So when do I meet Graham?'

'Soon I guess. I mean the rehearsal dinner is tomorrow night, but maybe before that.' Rory replied.

'Cutting things a little fine aren't we.' Jess said lifting his bag a little higher on his shoulder.

'Well we had to, Graham was working in Denver and I was in Chicago. My last week on the job, so tomorrow was the only time we could both be here.' Rory explained.

'You know it would be a lot comfier at the counter, and easier for me to hear.' Lorelai said, annoyed because she couldn't hear their conversation.

'Do you want to go for a walk?' Rory asked. 'Catch up.'

'Sure.' Jess nodded.

'Hey, no fair!' Lorelai called as Jess came up to the counter and dropped his bag behind it.

'I won't be long, then I'll come help out if you want.' Jess said to Luke.

'Yeah sure.' Luke nodded, still unused to this more helpful Jess.

'Jess.' Lorelai acknowledged him.

'Lorelai.' He nodded, then headed out the door with Rory.

'So where do you want to go?' Rory asked, shivering from the cold.

'Well I may have grown up a little, but there still isn't much in this town I actually consider worth going to.' Jess said walking beside her.

'How about the bridge?' Rory glanced at him. He nodded his agreement and followed her. They sat down at the bridge and started talking, about everything. Though the main conversation, as always was about books.

'I should go.' Rory said after two hours. 'Mum and me are meeting Graham for dinner, and his parents and my dad and Luke. It should be fun.' She rolled her eyes.

'Yeah, so see you tomorrow.' Jess said standing up alongside her, she nodded and started walking off.

'Rory?' Jess called after her.

'Yeah?' She slowly turned around.

'You are happy aren't you?' He asked, the question took her by surprise. She hesitated for a few seconds before answering. As it started to snow, she looked at him through the lightly falling snow and smiled.

'Yeah, I'm happy. You?' Rory asked.

'See you tomorrow Rory.' He replied. She stared at him for a moment then smiled and walked off.


'There you are. We were getting worried.' Graham said standing up and kissing her cheek. Rory checked her watch.

'I'm only ten minutes late.' Rory said taking a seat at the table.

'So Rory any last minute jitters?' Graham's mother asked her?

'No, not really, but I've been so busy at work, I haven't really had the chance to get nervous.' Rory laughed.

'Well now you're done with the campaign trail you'll have all the time in the world.' Mrs Parker replied.

'Yeah, well until I get a new job.' She said.

'Oh! You still plan on working after you're married.' Mrs Parker said astonished. 'I had no idea.'

'Well of course I'm still going to work, what else would I do?' Rory asked.

'I just assumed you'd start a family.' Mrs Parker replied.

'Mum! Don't.' Graham looked down at his plate.

'Uh well if me and Graham decide to have children, I won't give up work.' Rory replied. Both of the Parker's looked surprised.

'Let's change the subject shall we?' Lorelai said, knowing how uncomfortable this subject was making Rory.

'This is such a charming little inn.' Mr Parker said looking around.

'We all like it.' Lorelai said proudly.

'Lorelai's done very well for herself here.' Richard spoke up.

The rest of the meal went by with no trouble, all getting along and chatting happily. Before Graham started walking Rory home.

'So…Interesting dinner.' Graham said draping his arm around her shoulders.

'Hmm, another one tomorrow. With a whole bunch of people.' Rory said as they walked past the diner, she glanced in and saw Jess standing at the counter. Lifting up her hand to wave at him, before walking on.

'Who was that?' Graham asked a little further down the road.

'Jess, a friend of mine. I've known him a while, he's in town for the wedding.' Rory replied.

'Luke's nephew Jess? Your ex-boyfriend Jess?' Graham raised his eyebrows.

'Yeah that's him.' Rory answered, shivering from the cold. Thinking back to how Jess had avoided answering her question about being happy. Was he not happy?

'Well introduce me.' Graham said pulling her back.

'Graham it's late, you'll meet him tomorrow.' Rory protested.

'Come on it won't take long.' He persisted. Pulling her through the door, she stumbled slightly and hit her wrist on a table top.

'Oh sorry honey, are you alright?' Graham asked holding her wrist.

'I'm fine.' Rory said, aware that Jess was watching them both.

'This must be Graham. I've heard a lot about you.' Jess said putting his book down on the counter.

'I am, and you must be Jess. I can't claim to know much about you.' Graham said. 'I'm a little surprised you know that much about me though. I didn't think you and Rory had been in touch for over a year. Not since Lorelai's wedding.'

'Oh I have my ways.' Jess said pouring Rory some coffee.

'Which are?' Graham persisted.

'Really dull.' Jess said unenthusiastically.

'So humour me.' Graham said, Rory took a sip of her coffee and rested her elbow onto the counter.

'Fine, Luke tells me things when we talk on the phone. I was trapped into talking to Patty earlier who just sings your praises. I can't go to steps out of the apartment without hearing your name. satisfied?' Jess asked, raising his eyebrows.

'So what have you heard?' Graham asks.

'Graham I thought you wanted to meet Jess, not give him the third degree.' Rory sighed, finishing her coffee. Jess refilled it.

'It's ok Rory. I know you are a teacher, who travels to different schools in the country, but you've just taken a job in San Francisco. You and Rory met in LA and started dating. I could go on but I really can't be bothered.' Jess said once again refilling Rory's cup.

'Honey I think you've had enough, you had two at dinner remember.' Graham said pulling the cup away.

'Graham I've had a long day, travelling from Chicago and then the dinner. Besides I've only had seven today, that's a small amount compared to what I used to have.' Rory complained.

'Rory, let's not get into this now, I don't want you having anymore tonight.' He said handing the cup back to Jess. 'Shall we go?'

'Yeah fine, whatever.' Rory said jumping down. Leaving her phone on the counter. 'See you tomorrow Jess.'

They walked outside onto the newly lain snow.

'So that's Jess.' Graham said steering her down the road.

'Yeah that's him.' Rory replied hugging herself tightly, to try and keep out the cold.

'He's not what I expected. I mean you dated him and he doesn't seem your type.' Graham said crossing the road.

'Well he was, we got on really well.' Rory defended him.

'He just seems like a failure, never graduated, wrote one book then disappeared and the first one wasn't that successful. Always causing trouble.' Graham said, Rory stopped in her tracks.

'Where did you hear all that? Jess is doing really well for himself, he's co-owner of a publishing house and wrote a book, he got his GED and fixed his life. He was never a bad person, he was smart and interesting. I just don't see why everyone judges him.' Rory snapped.

'I heard it from Dean and your mum. They were just saying some stuff earlier. I stopped by the diner and they were there, I asked where you were and they said you'd gone for a walk with Jess, so I asked a bit about him. You never speak about him, I don't know anything about the time you spent together. You've told me about Dean and Logan, but never gave much information about Jess.' Graham tried to keep his voice low, but found it rising.

'It's complicated. Jess was different from the other two, it isn't so easy to explain our relationship.' Rory tried to explain. 'I can't believe mum is still saying bad stuff about him. I'm going to call her.' Rory said reaching into her pocket. 'Oh I've left my phone at the diner.'

'Come on then, let's get it before it gets any colder.' Graham sighed.

'No it's ok, you go back to the inn. I'll see you tomorrow.' Rory turned back to the diner.

'I love you.' He said pulling her back and kissing her quickly. She smiled up at him.

'You too.' She said before hurrying back into the diner.

'Forget something?' Jess asked, holding up her phone, but not looking up from his book.

'I need coffee.' She replied dropping into a stall.

'We're closed you know. I closed up just after you left.' Jess said putting his book down.

'Please Jess.' Rory asked. He noticed she looked upset and got her a bigger cup than usual, filling it to the brim with coffee.

'You ok?' He asked resting his elbows on the counter.

'Yeah. Just had a little fight with Graham. It was nothing, just stress about the wedding.' Rory said sipping her coffee.

'Sure that's all it is, because you look like you're about to cry.' Jess said, refilling her coffee.

'Yeah. Just stress.' She sighed. Draining the last of her drink.

'More?' He asked, holding the coffee pot over her cup. She nodded soundlessly, looking behind her at the snow which was now falling again.

'What you reading at the moment?' Rory asked.

'Franny and Zoey.' Jess replied. 'But I can't get into it this time round.'

'Really? I never get sick of that one.' Rory answered.

'What about you? Reading anything good?' Jess asked, she looked away from him, knowing that he'd be able to tell something was up if he saw her eyes.

'Uh not at the moment.' She replied evasively. Jess knew something wasn't right, but decided not to press it.

'What was the last book you read?' He asked instead.

'The subsect.' She smiled, looking back at him.

'Liar, now tell me what you really read.' He said grabbing a piece of cherry pie and placing it in front of her.

'Honestly, I read the subsect last. It's one of my favourite books, and not just because I dated the author. Wow that sounds odd, that I could actually go into a store, pick up a book from the recommended section and say I used to date the author.' Rory said quickly, rambling on.

'All true though, well with the exception of my book being in the recommended sections.' Jess smiled at her, she looked up, loving that she was the only one that could make him smile.

'Ah but you forget, I have travelled through many states during my time on the campaign trail, I went into bookshops, many bookshops, and whenever I saw your book, I may have moved it to the recommended. But only because your book is so good!' She laughed.

'You're a very interesting girl.' He smiled at her again.

'Yeah. I should go, um so thanks for the coffee and the phone.' She smiled, picking up the phone this time. She got up from her seat and headed to the door.

'Don't let anyone change you Rory. You did that before and it didn't suit you.' Jess called after her.

'Promise you'll be there to save me if I lose it all again.' Rory let slip, then hurried out before he could answer.