Warnings: Bondage, asphyxiation with water, and yaoi. Otherwise, enjoy!


Chapter 6: A New Mask

Sasuke dazedly awoke to find himself tied and strapped haphazardly on his hands and knees, buck naked. He blearily opened his eyes, only to feel strangely dizzy and cold. A jolt of shock went through him as he found himself half kneeling half spread out in a bathtub.

His body was bent so that his feet pressed against one end of the tub. His chest rested on something firm while his arms were strapped to either side of the same thing his chest rested on. Sasuke's neck overhang what the rest of his torso was strapped to, leaving his head to lull forward. He craned his neck upward to see the faucet close to him.

Unlike usual, his eyes weren't blind folded and his mouth wasn't gagged.

Quite frankly Sasuke didn't see how this proved Naruto was a demon, but he also didn't really care. He'd go along with it as long as he got what he wanted in the end. And he wasn't just talking about getting Naruto's cock in the end of his ass either.

Sasuke wanted this – wanted to be with Naruto. Now that his mind was slowly coming to terms with the fact that his lover was Naruto, he felt he should have known. He'd always been strangely drawn to Naruto at work. Every time Naruto walked into Sasuke's office, he would stop what he was doing to listen to Naruto. No one else made him feel that way. Sasuke also enjoyed their banter, and loved it when he was able to make Naruto laugh.

He wanted access to this every day whenever he wanted it. It was fulfilling to know how much Naruto cared about him while simultaneously being able to anticipate and meet all of his sexual wants and desires. He also wanted to see how much of this side of Naruto had been hidden behind the mask he seemed to wear at work: the mask that Naruto had inadvertently said protected Sasuke.

After everything that Naruto had done for him, Sasuke was willing to open himself to whatever it was that Naruto needed to fulfill Naruto's desires. Sasuke would do whatever it was that Naruto wanted and needed, just as Naruto had done for him.

A thrill of lust raced through him as he wondered how forceful Naruto would be if Sasuke cracked the last barrier Naruto had put between them.

His body tensed in anticipation as he felt something warm and slick being poured onto the center of his back. The liquid began to run down his sides and down his crack, making him grit his teeth as he tried not to squirm too much at the feeling.

Familiar hands began to press and massage his back, working out the muscles. Sasuke groaned at the intimate feel. His body loosened and relaxed. Naruto ran his hands from his lower back, pressing out the knots as his fingers trailed sensually up to his shoulders, rubbing out the tension in Sasuke's neck.

Naruto's moist lips ghosted along the juncture of Sasuke's neck and shoulder, kissing him lightly before he pushed his mouth down. He sucked at it, using his lips and teeth to massage his body which ripped a stuttered moan of pleasure from Sasuke's lips.

His hands moved more frantically along Sasuke's back as his biting became deeper, gripping Sasuke's flesh between his teeth, but never hard enough to break the skin. Sasuke moaned in bliss at the intimate way Naruto massaged him.

The pain he had felt before seemed to disappear. Whatever Naruto had poured onto him seemed to have not only dulled the pain, but made his body feel more and more alive. His cock stood at full attention. He tried to move his hips forward slightly, trying to rub himself on whatever it was that his chest rested on, but his knees made contact at just the right angle to deny any friction to his weeping erection. Sasuke moved his body slightly, but all it did was to cause Naruto to massage into him deeper while liquid poured down his sides.

Some of the strange substance dripped down from his back, to the sides of his stomach, and then slowly and agonizingly drip, drip, dripped onto his cock, causing him to twitch in pleasure.

"The liquid?" Sasuke gasped out in question.

"It's something from my side of things. My side – that is, the demon side of me. It'll heal your pain. It's what I use. I never have injuries for long because this heals it quickly," Naruto explained as he rubbed the liquid into Sasuke's back. His fingers began to lightly rub the oil into Sasuke's temples, pulling more sounds of pleasure from Sasuke's lips.

It wasn't harsh and rough, but the forced position, and the waiting were driving Sasuke just as crazy. Not to mention he had a feeling this was what Naruto wanted, and it thrilled him to know he was what Naruto needed. Sasuke let his head lull forward. The liquid that Naruto had poured onto him had to be working because there was no way the position his head was in would have been comfortable otherwise.

Sasuke felt Naruto settling behind him, making him take a gasp of breath in anticipation. Naruto's weight settled onto his legs. Sasuke gasped as he felt something warm, wet, and prehensile suddenly push into his ass. It took half a second for Sasuke to realize it was Naruto's tongue.

It was one of the strangest feelings. Never before had Naruto rimmed him. Naruto's tongue felt intimate moving and stroking his insides while tan hands gripped pale hips to steady himself. His tongue darted in several times before he pulled out.

"That stuff tastes really good on you," Naruto said a little breathless, his words coming out heavy. When he spoke, Sasuke could feel his warm breath, almost moist, against the crevice of his cheeks. Not knowing what to say to Naruto's admission, Sasuke merely grunted as he pivoted his hips backward, implying to Naruto what he wanted.

Naruto laughed darkly.

"Do you believe me now?" Naruto asked.

Honestly, Sasuke hadn't really been focusing on whether or not Naruto was a demon, though he had to admit that healing liquid couldn't be natural.

"Yes," Sasuke said, after a moment. A swift slap to his butt had him crying out.

"You hesitated. I don't think you really do," Naruto said as he drew his hands from Sasuke's body. Sasuke turned his head to the side and watched incredulous as Naruto got out of the bathtub.

"I believe you, you fucking asshole! Come back here!" Sasuke demanded, angrily, doing his best to quell the panic he felt that Naruto was leaving.

Instead of coming back into the tub, Sasuke watched, cursing at his bound and helpless state, as Naruto began to turn the knobs of the faucet. The shower head that Sasuke couldn't even see began to pelt his back with hot water, washing away the foreign liquid. Sasuke cursed, frustrated as he yelled and demanded Naruto to come back to him.

Sasuke despised not getting what he wanted. Although the chuckle let Sasuke know Naruto enjoyed watching him squirm. Sasuke took it all back. He didn't care what Naruto wanted; he wanted Naruto, and he wanted him now. Surely Naruto wanted that too, right?

Sasuke could feel the liquid washing off his back, dripping in streams down his side. The different texture of the liquid from the water left his body feeling slick despite how much water had poured onto him. The warmth from the shower water kept his agitated erection still happily bobbing with need.

The water from above him ceased as the sound of the running bath water filled Sasuke's ears. Lifting his head slightly he could see the tub's faucet streaming and steaming with hot water. He watched as the water level rose higher and higher, covering his bound body.

In what felt like mere moments, the water had gotten so high that unless Sasuke lifted his neck out of the water, his nose touched the surface. His breath hitched as he thought about the reasoning behind why he was in a filled bathtub.

Naruto stopped the water. However, when he slowly sank back into the tub, the water level rose higher, leaving Sasuke craning his neck upward so his face wasn't submerged below the water's surface. Sasuke closed his eyes as he felt Naruto's fingers curl tightly into his hair. Sasuke took a quick gasp of breath, knowing what was coming as Naruto pushed his head forward below the surface of the water, holding his head there.

Sasuke squirmed despite of himself when he felt Naruto's other hand grip him tightly at his waist before ramming himself all the way in, spreading Sasuke's legs as wide as his bound form would go. The water around their joined bodies should have made the movement slower, but instead, Naruto seemed to have no trouble pounding into Sasuke as fast as possible. Beneath the surface of the water, he could hear the strange way the water made the slapping of their skin sound.

A tug to his hair, and Sasuke's head broke the surface of the water. He gasped for breath quickly. His lungs burned slightly as Naruto barely gave him time to breathe before his head once more plunged beneath the surface of the water. He felt Naruto's body shift, making his cock angle upward into Sasuke's body, causing him to cry out, and gag into the water. His head came above the water again as he coughed out the water that had gotten into his lungs when he'd cried out. Naruto readjusted his body so that his front was flushed with Sasuke's back. His right arm crossed Sasuke's back with his hand resting on Sasuke's head as his other hand reached around to swiftly begin stroking Sasuke's erection.

"Breathe," Naruto husked deeply into Sasuke's ear. Sasuke took a deep breath as Naruto once more forced him beneath the water's surface. Water moved over his back with the force Naruto used to thrust into him. Naruto's hand fisted Sasuke's cock in time with the thrusts. His mind got dizzier with the lack of oxygen, the natural high coming on faster with the water surrounding him. Naruto's pace got wilder and wilder.

Sasuke could feel Naruto's body tighten as Naruto suddenly pulled his head above surface, letting Sasuke hear the raw pleasure in his voice, a sound he'd never heard before as he began to orgasm. The guttural release of passion sent Sasuke over the edge as well as he partially gasped for breath and partially grunted his release as Naruto pumped him through his orgasm.

Even though Sasuke didn't see him move, Naruto must have reached over him and pulled the plug on the drain. The water began to slosh quickly out of the tub, leaving Sasuke free to rest his face forward.

Naruto's fingers began to untie the wet bindings around Sasuke. As Naruto's fingers worked, Sasuke took deep, even breaths. It had been quick, but intense. Everything seemed blurred to Sasuke, but he realized that Naruto was helping him up, drying him off, and putting on a borrowed pair of boxers before he was ushered into an unfamiliar bed.

When Sasuke awoke the next morning, his body didn't ache. At first, due to the seemingly lack of bodily proof of the previous night, Sasuke thought he'd dreamed it; that he'd dreamed having sex with his lover at the gala, dreamed finding out his lover was Naruto, and then having more amazing sex back at Naruto's place.

But the pleasant yet unfamiliar smell of someone else's home plus the fact that he was pushed off toward the edge of the bed with someone else pressing himself up against him quickly let him know it hadn't all been a dream.

"Move over," Sasuke grunted as he shoved Naruto back to his side of the bed. Naruto grumbled something unintelligibly before rolling over onto his other side, leaving Sasuke more room on the bed.

He rolled onto his back, and leaned his head to the side, watching Naruto sleep. Naruto seemed peaceful in his sleep, and somehow, very young and innocent looking.

Groggily Sasuke realized that Naruto seemed to be able to play up on fantasies he didn't even know he had. Naruto had paid so much attention to what he liked that it was as though Naruto knew what he wanted better than even he himself did.

While it seemed so very hard to believe last night that his lover and Naruto happened to be one in the same, somehow in this morning, it was easy to see that Naruto's caring nature and his ability to do whatever it took to please others clearly meant he was capable of doing anything if it meant making someone else happy.

Naruto certainly knew how to please him, that was for sure.

Sasuke rolled over on his side to face Naruto, took a deep breath, and quickly fell asleep again.

The second time Sasuke awoke, he noticed Naruto sitting on the edge of the bed. He sat with his feet on the floor, staring at nothing. Instantly Sasuke's body tensed, looking at the way that Naruto sat poised. Something was off. He didn't want Naruto to regret him knowing. He wanted to continue. He wanted more.

Sasuke sat up in bed, his movement catching Naruto's attention. Naruto turned to look at Sasuke, a strange expression on his face.

"I can't go back," Naruto said, his voice sounding hurt. Sasuke licked his lips.

"I don't want to go back to the way we were before. I want us to be together permanently," Sasuke said. He wondered if he should say, 'I love you.'

He did love Naruto, and he was sure with everything that Naruto loved him. Somehow he felt that between the two of them, it would almost ruin something to say it though. They loved each other so much that they didn't even need to say it. At least, that's what he thought. Yet with the way Naruto seemed so stricken, Sasuke was willing to do just about anything not to lose Naruto after all they'd been through.

"You don't understand. I can't go back – back to where I originally came from. Remember how I seemed to just disappear? I could cross over to the other realm. I can't anymore. I was supposed to visit my family. I'm stuck here, with you," Naruto said, his voice sounding strange.

"Stuck here?"

"It's not as though I don't want to be here, but I won't be able to see my family now – at least not for some time. But the things is, I can't get away from you now. It seems whatever it was about you that drew me back here over and over again, is making me stay. I can't just leave you anymore. I might not be able to stop myself from going after you all the time," Naruto said, swallowing.

It sounded as though Naruto were afraid of going after Sasuke all the time, as though jumping him and ravishing him was bad.

Sasuke, on the other hand, thought it was probably the best news he'd ever gotten: his mind already thinking of ways to entice such a reaction from Naruto.

"And how is that a problem?" Sasuke demanded as he leaned forward.

"If I can't jump between, I can't get more of that liquid to make you heal fast," Naruto said, biting his lip.

Yes. That could be problematic.

"We'll work the details out later," Sasuke said airily.

More and more complications seemed to come to the forefront of Sasuke's mind. Finding out Naruto's identity had changed so much of their relationship. There were so many details to figure out. Would they live together now? If so, at who's place? What was their official relationship status? How should they act at work? Should they keep their relationship a secret? Would they even be able to get any of their work done? After the novelty wore of, surely they would do some work, right?

And how would Naruto be able to go and see his family? When would Naruto be able to get more of that special healing stuff?

All those details were push to the back of Sasuke's mind.

For now, Sasuke was focused on discovering all the personalities and sensualities he could pull out of Naruto.

"Right now, the stuff still seems to be working pretty good. Why don't we have another go?" Sasuke asked slowly and sensually. The feral and almost inhuman grin Naruto gave him made Sasuke wonder about the whole demon thing.

He didn't know if Naruto really was a demon. What he did know, was that whatever or whoever he was, Naruto was finally and irrevocably his.


Hope you enjoyed this fic! Happy Halloween all! ~ Jelp