Pups and Tykes

Chapter 1

Fusedtwilight: Well here it is, the sequel to Storks and wolves. A big thanks to all the fans of Storks and wolves, your demands for a sequel have brought you this. This chap is a bit short but the next one will be longer.

Leah P.O.V

It was midnight and I should be in bed. I was a mother now and I would need all the energy I could get to look after Sarah. But instead I stood over her cradle watching her sleep.

Embry was sleeping soundly in our bed. I would glance at him from time to time and smile at how adorable he looked sleeping. A year ago I would have laughed if someone had said we would be together. It wasn't like we harbored any secret feelings for each other. We just…happened.

A year ago if someone told me I would have a baby I would have punched them. I thought me being a wolf made me sterile. Turns out since me and Sam had sex before I turned into a wolf I was already pregnant. But since I was phasing and a fertilized egg is just a bunch of cells I didn't find out I was pregnant until after I stopped phasing.

The whole situation was filled with angst, tears and revelations. Before he died old Quil told us that we weren't the only wolves around. Turns out many hundreds of years ago the Makah's were having some vampire trouble so we lean them a hand. The Makah elders wanted their own wolf protectors so they got them some beer and women as a job well done for killing the vampires. Warriors letting off some stem after some hard work, long story short after they celebrated their victory they returned home. But what they didn't know was that the Makah's virgin offerings were with child after the wolves got done with them. A fact they kept secret for many generations.

The Makahs even began a breeding experiment to make the wolf gene stronger, and for all intents and purposes it worked. The Makah's found that if a female wolf and a male wolf copulate the child they will have will be a born wolf. I wish we had known that sooner.

Old Quil knew this because his wife Susan was from Makah. She had the power to see the future in her dreams. She knew her and Old Quil would meet and fall in love and have kids. The Makahs were hesitant at first to give her over but her mother wanted her daughter to be happy so she let her go, as long as they would never tell about the Makah's wolves. But Old Quil broke his word. He knew how tough I was going to have it and since Susan was dead the pact was null and void. We met with the Makah's and made a new treaty with them. They hand over all the info they gathered on werewolves. Since our ancestors provided the material we had a claim. The Makah's agreed and even sent some of their wolves to join Jake's pack.

It had been their hope one of the Makah wolves could seduce me and bring me over to Makah. Females were rare and valuable things. The Makahs had been using females to breed purer wolves for generations. What's the difference between us and pure wolves? Pure wolves are born as wolves, not physically speaking. They are born human but they are bigger then most babies and they have the temperature and the power to phase. Which makes it tough for them growing up because how temperamental children can be. Pure wolves can also partially shift, where we have to go all the way some of the more talented wolves can phase so slightly they can alter their appearance.

The wolf blood had grown so hard in Makah it was possible for a wolf to be born even if one of the parents was human. There were a few exceptions; it was frowned on for a wolf to breed with a human the elders didn't pick. They even used humans who had wolf ancestry to breed with wolves which helped with the breeding process. Another difference is they have more rules then we did. I thought we were strict, at lest we didn't get our sex lives dictated. The wolves in Makah were told who to breed with and the only time they stopped breeding was if they imprinted or died.

A noise brought me forth from my inner monologue. Embry was up and walking towards me.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

I smiled, Sarah was his niece but he treated her like his daughter. I learned during the pregnancy that Sam and Embry were brothers, half to be exact. It helped solve a few issues but it raised some personal ones for me. But obviously they were out the window. In fact I and Embry were engaged. There was no date set we needed to settle a few things first.

"It's okay, just watching her sleep." I was fiercely protective of her. I always had a tough time sleeping. I was so worried someone was going to sneak in and steal her. Stupid I know. But I never thought I would have a baby. I thought I was a sterile girl doomed to be all alone. Yet here I am with Embry and Sarah.

"You should sleep, you can't keep staying up like this, you're so grouchy," he teased.

"Watch it buster." I said.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and we watched her together. "Ever since Seth took her you've been so uptight."

Seth had snuck in while I slept and took Sarah downstairs so she wouldn't wake up and wake me up. When I did wake up and saw she was gone I flipped. I ran downstairs and had called Charlie, Jacob, Sam, hell every one. Then I went outside and Saw Seth with Sarah on the porch. Needless to say when everyone arrived they saw me chasing after Seth with a knife….okay psycho bitch of me I know but at least I made sure Sarah was back in her crib before I chased after Seth.

"I can't help it; if anything happened to her…god I would loose it." I said leaning my head back onto his chest.

"But nothing will happen, she has you, me, Sam, Seth, Chris."

"Which I am not too thrilled about." I muttered.

Chris was the former pack master (Alpha) of the Makah wolves. He was originally sent here to seduce me and bring me back to Makah because with Makah wolves it is the pack masters responsibility to breed with a female which at the time was me.

Ironically all he wanted was a normal life, wife, two kids, a dog, white picket fence. He didn't press the issue when I let him down. But then he imprinted on Sarah right after she was born. Me and plenty of other people had a nice talk with him about it, but now I know if there were any hands I could trust her with it is his.

"Don't worry about it too much. He has no plans on going back to Makah so we don't have to worry about that." Embry said.

"Yeah your right, I am so glad you can keep me calm," I said.

"Me keep you calm?" he laughed.

"Watch it," I growled. I kissed him and he kissed me back. We stopped when we heard a ripping sound. "Damn it!" I cursed.

Sarah had phased. Her fur color was dark silver, a mixture of mine and Sam's fur. Sarah looked at us with innocent puppy dog eyes, her cloth's torn.

"Why did she phase? She wasn't mad or anything," I complained.

"I know but you know what the Makah's say, they phase really easily." Embry said.

"Yeah you're right, come here Sarah," I picked Sarah up and cradled her in my arms. I placed her between me and Embry. This was a technique the Makah's taught us. The scent of me and Embry would help sooth and calm her. We whispered to her to help with the process telling her how much we loved her and everything. A few minutes later my baby girl was human again.

"We have to try harder to learn more calming techniques or else she'll stay young," I said as Embry went to go and fetch her some clothes.

"There is only so much we can do Leah, Kouga says if we were pure wolves it would be easier."

"Well were not pure wolves so Kouga can stick it," I said. Pure wolves this, pure wolves that. If I hear one more thing about pure wolves I will flip.

"There is the other option, we could have Chris move in, she seems to like him," Embry said carefully. He knew my feelings about the situation.

"I'm not that desperate yet," I said. "It would just be too weird you know?" I asked.

"I know, but if he can help her isn't it worth it?" Embry asked.

"I'll think about it." I said.

I placed Sarah back in her crib and kissed her on her head. She didn't cry much, she was real easy to get to sleep too.

"Good night, don't let the bed bugs bite." I whispered.

Embry covered her with her blanket and we both went to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a doozy, tomorrow we would be telling Embry's mom we were engaged. Sigh. This will be fun.

Fusedtwilight: Next chapter they tell Embry's mom they are engaged and we see some Seth and Tony interaction. Please review.