Reaper-chan: Yosh! I finally finished chapter five of Then There Were Five and a wooping seventeen pages! I feel content and accomplished!

Ailac: Don't mind Reaper-dono, TalesOfLegendia Fan just visited us a little while ago gave me bashing and now I have to deal with two hyper fangirls *sighs*

Reaper-chan: well who ever told you to stay here and watch us bounce on the walls baka -_-|| ohh Giotto-san Tsuna-chan~ can you do the disclaimers and the rest please? *gives puppy dog eyes*

Tsuna: *blushes a teenee weenee hue of red ok he blushed a LOT* O-okay Reaper-chan

Giotto: As you wish Reaper-chan *smiles*

Tsuna: Reaper-chan doesn't own KHR or any of it's characters, if she did she would pair me up with Aikyo and get us married- WHAT! *blushes again*

Giotto: Yes now as Vongola Decimo hyperventilates there, Reaper-chan doesn't own anything except for her OC's and the other OC's are owned by their respective creators.

Tsuna: A-and we would also like to thank those who reviewed Then There Were Five's Chapter Four, Myrad Lapse, Sang'gre Aisyu Shinigami, TalesOfLegendia Fan, Jigglipuff's Pillow, Kaitlin177, Kyra Ensui, Tateno Atsukino, SadisticShadow-BoysCutrTorturd, and last but not the least Kingyo! Arigatou Gozaimasu!

Ailac: You guys are keeping me from my job, anyways...enjoy this chapter to your hearts content *smiles*


Reality Five


By: AngelzReaper

Hajimari de Gozaimasu!

On the Road Aikyo's POV

"I've been woken up with a bang this morning, snuggled by a poisonous Tarantula and last but not the least chased by crazed fangirls. And here am I now talking to myself, Lord Kami I'm definitely metal."

Hmm? What am I doing you asked? I've been talking to myself inside my brain cursing the deity of luck to eternity because he or she didn't exactly grace me with luck today so he or she can go screw herself or himself for I care I will not believe in world luck anymore.


Looking around the bustling streets, trying to suppress the crawling paranoia into my system, I tried to see if I can pinpoint the location of our evil stalkers who oh so graciously revealed themselves to us by releasing a good amount of jaki killing all the plants in the sidewalk a while ago. I closed my eyes trying to block every sound in the vicinity and concentrated on feeling that dark nefarious aura. I steadied my breathing and made it synch with the beating of my heart, I could feel and hear the sounds fainting to a minimum level as colored auras attacked my inner vision raging from blue, red, orange to white but to no luck (damn I used the luck word ugh) not even a residue of that dark indigo hue was picked up by my sensitive senses so I dismissed them for the time being (oh how wrong that move was).

After that sad attempt to locate our hidden enemies, I focused myself on walking trying not to trip on my hakama glancing around us from time to time; I still stood in the middle of Byakuran and Mukuro for strict safety purposes only. We still don't know if they can access their dying will flame here and use their Vongola Boxes and Rings so I have to play referee to the two TYL Mukuro and Byakuran-bo if ever they think of going physical with each other.

"They've been awfully quiet since the fangirl fiasco; I bet Mukuro is still mad about all the comments of his Yaoi fangirls doing sexual 'things' to TYL Hibari."

As if completely understanding the ticks of my mind, Nappo-kun turned his miss-matched glare towards me, a vein popping on his forehead.

"O-kay… that was creepy, times five to the power of ten creepy."

I was about to resume my-not-so-peaceful-stroll when I felt the slight weight of a hand attached to my shoulders. "Ne ojou-chan is there any marshmallows in the place we are going?" when I turned my head to the left, I was poked by a pointer finger which belonged to the Mellifiore's white spell boss, Byakuran.

"Marshmallows? Oh, gosh I'm such an idiot!" "Yes, there's marshmallows there Byakuran-san, plus a long lists of sweets, cakes and mouth watering foods. After all Luna de Venus is a restaurant/café, good for all ages."

Another hand went to my other shoulder and judging by the laugh you can all tell who that person is by now, "Fufu~ by any chance that that restaurant is that building ojou-chan?"

My attention was caught by the building he was pointing, Luna de Venus my all time favourite restaurant/café I could almost smell the scent of the sugary sweets from here.

"Only five blocks away, and then I can finally eat! Hallelujah!"


I don't know if it's just me or I'm being paranoid again but every time we took a step closer to the Victorian era looking establishment, I have this gut feeling that things will go from worse to chaotic. What bothers me the most was that Anju-chan has stopped playing a while ago for some unknown reason, she didn't even have her headset on her head, she wasn't listening to her music and she has this maniacal glint on her pale blue eyes similar to Seigaku's Tensai from Prince of Tennis, Fuji Syuusuke.

My Brain says that Anju-chan is being Anju-chan as usual so just ignore her.

But my gut begs to differ because it says "BLOODY PRANKSTER ALERT! SELF PRESERVATION MODE ON! RAWR BITCH RAWR!" and I always trust my gut when it gets me those gutsy feelings.

And just after my prankster alert went off, the speed daemon sped to my voice manipulator friend's direction slinging her right arm around Katie-chan pulling her towards her direction. "Ne Katie-chan, what do you say about confuzzling Ryuu-chan with our awesome grammatical errors?" cue bloody prankster mode on with matching diabolical smile.

"So that's why she was SOO quiet! SHITE!"

Katie-chan being the badass that she is, who was arguing (again) with the silver haired grump snapped her attention towards the niidaime Matt of our group catching her evil drift. "Saa…that will be…interesting." Now both of my young friends were sporting identical grin, their wicked minds ticking. In that split second I swear I saw them as two mini Mukuro's complete with the mismatched eyes and the evil Kufufu~ laugh.


I took a tentative step backward, slowly distancing myself to the scheming duo…but by doing so I almost stumbled upon the Vongola jyuudaime himself (again) if it wasn't for the grouchy storm guardian catching one of my wrists in a tight grip. "Watch where you're going baka onna! You almost hurt jyuudaime with your stupid self!" sea green eyes blaring with hatred and fury. Without any warning Gokudera suddenly let go of me turning his attention to his beloved boss, his sea green eyes softening. "Jyuudaime! Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you? If you are, I'll kill this—

But before the silver haired tako head could brandish his dynamite, luckily for me the baseball freak interrupted. "Maa, maa Gokudera calm down. Tsuna is fine see?" And just to prove his point, he patted Tsuna's shoulder and then the young Mafioso's back. "He's fine and dandy~"

"Yamamoto's right Gokudera-kun, I'm fine!"

Vongola's storm guardian grumbled a little deciding it was okay for me to live. "Well if jyuudaime says so, then it's fine."


"Thank kami for the always calm rain guardian! Whatever shall I do without the peacemaker?"

"Aikyo-san?" came an almost feminine voice to my right.


Hazel eyes met soft brown ones.

"Sorry if Gokudera-kun had offended you in any way or form, I guess he's just…worried about me seeing that something like this happened and we were just in the middle of a fight from where we are from and umm…ano…e-eto…" I guess he's still uneasy and wary around us. Who wouldn't be, when you get transported to another world, in an almost unknown territory, landing in the room of some weird Otaku girl and the worst part of it was knowing that you only existed in that world in a thin sheet of paper through a drawing and because of Amano-sensei's creative imagination.

"…If only Katie-chan didn't open her mouth at that time then they will be staying here without knowing the truth for a while till the time is needed to tell them…"

Giving a small sigh, I looked at his small form (I'm a few inches taller than him but ehh whatever XD) when I see him like this I can't help but pity him a little. The faith of their future, their world relies upon his small shoulders and here he is on our world teleported by some unknown reason when they are in the middle of their own war in their world stuck with the person who can probably kill him and his guardians in an instant. He must be worried shitless about his companions in Namimori knowing that the Real Six Funeral Wraths are after them and Yuni, I just hope for the sake of Tsuna, Gokudera, Yamamoto and Mukuro that they are okay there.

But I know he'll make I through thick and thin, they'll be able to get back to their own universe and I'll help them that's for sure. Although Tsuna may seem wimpy, he has grown to be a strong boy through Reborn's guidance *coughspartantorturecough* and with the support of his friends so I guess one more stone on his bumpy road won't hinder him into reaching his goals no matter how hard the trails are laid for him.

"That's what I really like about him, plus he has a warm heart ready to take in even he's own enemies i.e. Rokudo Mukuro."

I smiled at that thought hehe I almost forgot that HE is my favourite character in the series.

Sparing a small glance at his still fidgeting façade, I gave him a small comforting grin, time to screw Tsu-chan's head for a bit teehee~ "That's he's waayy overprotective of you that it makes me think that you two are having a secret relationship behind the others backs?"

"Yeah—EHHHH? HELL NO!" came the Vongola Decimo's indignant reply.

I ruffled his spiky but soft hair a little in a showing some of my diminutive affection "Just kidding! I know what you mean, my friends tends to be like that too even if I'm older than most of them."

Tsuna pouted crossing his arms over his chest "Mou, Aikyo-san please don't tease me!"

~inner fangirl has fainted from excessive blood loss due to Tsuna's moe-ness please try and call later~

I stopped walking looking at his soft brown eyes, I closed our distance and as I gained space I can see his face flushing a cute shade of pink. Stopping only a few good centimetres away, I gave him one of my rare smiles and gave his right cheek a light pinch "You know with you acting like that I can't help but inwardly scream 'KAWAII' and give you a tackle hug, but this will do for now and at least you aren't as gloomy anymore."

"Aikyo-san..." "…Arigatou…"

Awww kawaii desu~ And as much as I want to huggle the rest of the Katekyo boys and console them, my friends will kill me for laying my hands on their man XD.

"Now let's go before the two of my friends causes a major road kill and blame it to aliens or something along those lines."

Giving him one last smile, I took his hand in mine dragging him to Luna de Venus.

At Luna de Venus still Aikyo's POV

"WE COME IN PIECES!" Both Anju-chan and Katie-chan exclaimed in synchrony banging the door of the café almost loosening it from its hinges. They looked at the nearly broken door with uninterested eyes before grinning at each other and hooking their arms marching inside the said place, ignoring the fact that all of the costumers had stopped what they were doing just to openly gape at the two psychotic girls sauntering inside the establishment dressed as Taiga and Ryuuji from Toradora in a weird creepy synchronized fashion.

And to tell you the truth they looked really creepy and I bet some of the costumers who saw them at that time died a little inside.

Dot. Dot. Dot.

The silence was suffocating, the eyes that were trailing us becomes irritating and there in our usual isolated spot was a pissed off seven year old looking girl clothed in an aristocratic cherry colored Victorian dress. She was tapping her foot on the floor impatiently while looking at the two girls seated face to face on the table, the two was on a heated argument about something but abruptly stopped when they saw our group of eight approach.

The one in pigtails turned from her position, the hem of her dress swirling from the force of her turn together with her long gray-ish black curled hair, her sapphire eyes flashed in deep fury almost making me combust on the spot and looking closely the said girl was my seventeen year old Lolita friend Outoro Ryuuki and Oh man was she mad as hell.


"Will you two stop using inappropriate grammar just to aggravate me?"

"We loves the awesomeness that ish us!" Replied Anju-chan and Kay-chan still in their prank mode in their weird synch.

"I hate you guys!"

"We loves you too to bits and pizzes Ryu-chan 3!"

"Stop this nonsense at once!"

"Stop what Ryuu-tan?"

Apparently it is annoy-the-hell-out-of-Ryuuki-chan-day…oh JOY.

Now the pissed off strategist pointedly ignored the two Toradora cosplaying girls and averted her cerulean gaze at me pouring all of her anger and frustration in that one heated glare.


"YOU'RE LATE! YOU'RE LATE! YOU'RE LATE! YOU'RE LATE! YOU'RE LATE!" The Ciel cosplaying girl nothing but hollered the last word of her sentence to a shocked moi who looks like all I want is to ran away as far as possible from her and plug my ears with a ten feet pole or something.

"But Ryuuki-chan me and the boys we're—

"The boys and I! Aikyo-chan! How many times, do I have to tell you about using the proper and correct GRAMMAR?" She screeched throwing her yellow fluffy plushie at me who is called HiGirl (which is a big version of Hibird by the way) in frustration which I in turn caught the poor thing before it can make out with the carpeted floor.

"But Ryuu-chan you see—



Before I could utter the first syllable of my sentence, someone banged our table and I was face to face with a pissed off and bitchy teen who is about 5'7 in height. Her pitch black hair was put in a high ponytail some of the strands were loose framing her face. She was dressed in a black graphic T-Shirt and on the back was written 'If life gives you lemons, you don't make them a fucking lemonade instead squeeze them on some random people's fucking eyes!' while her bottom half she wore a black Freego (me do not own) regular bootleg pants. She glared fiercely at us, her violet contacted eyes promised death upon us.


"What's wrong with you Sakarya?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong WITH me? You people are getting on my nerves for making me wait for an hour stuck with this sugar high pest little bitch!"

"Well it's not my fault that they arrived late! For Pete's sake if I knew we would be stuck here for more than an hour then I would've called off this meeting!"


"Ryuuki-chan, Sakarya-chan please just calm down and let's talk like civilized people."


Ok sheesh fine, shutting up now.

After ten seconds of having a heated staredown, Ryuuki now sat on our 'happy corner' joining a still pissed Sakaraya and a hyper Saraishi-chan ushering me, Anju-chan and Katie-chan to do the same forgetting about the boys who tagged along with me for a moment.

The strategist of our group glanced at me with her visible eye while she crossed her gloved arms over her chest. She took a deep breath to get rid of the last batch of her angry cells before she spoke with an inquisive voice towards me.

"Now can I have an explanation as to why you guys are an hour and a half late and who are these—she immediately stopped at the middle of her rant seeing who I had brought with me to the restaurant.—these cosplayers that you brought… especially the hot Byakuran one." She all but whispered the 'especially the hot Byakuran one' part so no one heard her but an amused me grinning at her while hiding my smirk under the long sleeve of my hakamashita.

"Someone's got a crush~"

"Heh, him handsome? I don't see anything about him being attractive, all I know that he is a just white haired old gay geezer who is obsessed with little girls…eew talk about being a paedophile."

Well apparently the other half of our bloody pranksters heard her as well, and here she is being her usual rude self expressing her hate in one of the main antagonist of KHR. Even if she's an anime nerd like us, I don't know why she hates Katekyo Hitman Reborn, she says she prefers Elfen Lied and Death Note.


"Well don't mind me, it's just my opinion Aikyo and let me get this straight…I absolutely hate the series he is in so there." Our spear specialist spat the word hate like venom glaring at what she thought were Katekyo Hitman Reborn cosplayers near where I was sitting.

Yup, just behind me stood the incomplete set of the Vongola family and the one and only white spell boss of the Mellifiore's also dubbed as the Yuni paedophile by Ryuuki-chan. The Mist guardian and Byakuran were watching our conversation with mild interest while Tsuna stood there sweat dropping, dealing with this kind of scenario with Gokudera and Yamamoto surely he is used to random outburst and the excessive stretching of the vocals so this is nothing new to him.

Ryuuki coughed a little trying to regain her lost composure; she sent our bitchy friend a stern glare before looking at the Katekyo guys with sparkling adoration in her eyes.

"Wow their great cosplayers! Look at the effort they put on the costumes and the hairstyles! And that one cosplaying as the bomb user even dyed his hair silver up to its roots!" Ryuu-chan ran towards Gokudera's direction with sparkling eyes while fiddling with his hair seemingly amazed by it.

"What's so fucking great about his hair? Anyone could bleach their hair silver but I bet their not dumb enough to have the same hairstyle as that effing tako head."

The grumpy guardian only swatted her hand away clearly irritated grumbling sending his own personal glare towards my tall seventeen year old friend.

On the other hand, my loli friend only pouted at him crossing her arms above her chest muttering how much of a grumpy pants the Gokudera cosplayer was.

"Che, complain all you want shoujo but if you touch my hair again you'll end up with a missing limb later girl."

Her contact covered eyes widened at the threat, but she brushed it away as if it was nothing locking her eyes with the tako head she answered. "Humph, whatever I'm not scared of you Gokudera-san."

Ryuuki-chan left him gaping at her wondering how a girl her age has that deadly glare (well they still though she was seven surprise, surprise XD) like she had. Our strategist ignored the sputtering storm guardian and headed with newfound admiration to the marsh mallow loving sky mare ring bearer.

"And you— she pointed at Byakuran who just smiled in response—are the most convincing and perfect Byakuran cosplayer I've ever met! Nice tattoo under the eye too very detailed, for that I give you ten brownie points!" My seven year old looking friend dashed towards him examining his 'costume' and staring hardly at his face in her tippy toes.

Hearing her statement the marshmallow loving white head just broadened his smile and tapped her head. "Ara ma, aren't you a cute little girl." Cue Yuni like obsessed pedo smile.

"Thanks for the compliment Mr. Byakuran cosplayer sir but I'm not a little girl as my psyche would suggest, I'm a healthy seventeen years old girl." She bowed in a lady like manner curtsying, holding both sides of her skirt and then tilting her head a little way downwards in a small polite bow.

"You are really cute na." Aww the marshmallow loving boss still thinks she's a seven year old acting too mature for her own age. Well she really is seventeen she just looks like she is seven; blame the lack of growth hormones.

"No Really Byakuran-san she's seventeen not seven. She wouldn't be able to attend a college university if she was the age her little figure suggests."

To say that Byakuran was shocked was an understatement but he just covered it with his usual heartbreaking smile still tapping my grammar freak friend.

"Yeah, cause when I was little I was stupid enough to believe my parents that drinking milk will make me grow tall but look what good it done to me I look like a freaking seven year old."

The air was tense, and the atmosphere was so thick it could be cut with a butcher knife, as our tensai glared at a smirking Sakarya who was now standing towering over her petite form.

"Che, whatever I'm going to the restroom to vent some anger. Later bitches~"

I relaxed a little seeing no violence would occur and thinking that FINALLY we get to eat our fill and shut our growling stomachs but sadly I concede defeat because just when I let my guard down a little, hands wrapped around me in t tight embrace almost making me puke my guts out of my mouth. "WAI, ITS AIKYO-CHAN! OISHASHIBURI BURI~" said that thing in a super high pitched voice. Looking down at the thing that was latching at me, I was surprised to see a mob of brown hair nuzzling my abdomen. When she turned her head at my direction, a shock of blue-ish green eyes connected with my hazel ones and those eyes can only belong to my bubbly and hyper (when she had a full stack of sweets) friend Sugimoto Saraishi.

I couldn't help but smile at her cheerfulness, I swear if she was an anime she would be sporting a pink background with blooming roses and her eyes would have those sparks. After nuzzling my stomach, Sa-chan stood on her height a wooping 5'6 compared to my 5'3, she pinched my right cheek merrily stretching it to its limits making my mouth salivate leaving me looking like a dumb idiotic teen having a Patrick moment.

Looking at her and her huge kira kira eyes, you can almost feel her hyper activeness leaving her body being passed into you and you can't help but be hyper too.

"Sa-chan! Back already from Russia?"


"Was it cold there?"


"Did you meet some of our Russian employees there?"


"You're hyper aren't you?"


"Want some candy?"


I was about to hand her my secret candy stash when I felt the temperature of the room goes down a few degrees, and lo and behold our bitchy Sakarya was back from the bathroom leisurely strolling over us with that heavy air around her glowering at me and the shape shifter of our group.

"Don't provoke me Aikyo; I'm pissed off as it is so if you don't want to be my next prank target, hide that sugar trash." Our spear specialist said giving us her infamous 'Xanxus glare'

Her appearance sucked all the hyper activeness that Saraishi-chan gave bringing me back to my solemn mood.

"Whatever Xanxus dai nii."

"Che fucking megane."

"Love you too Saka-chi." Take note of the sarcasm people.

Anju-chan tapped the table a few times before asking, "Hey, where's that DS obsessed sports girl? Didn't she go ahead of us cursing up a storm in par with the two raven potty mouth?" she pointed her thumb to a cross looking voice manipulator who looks like she was ready to bit her mouth to draw some blood to manipulate our speed daemon friend and do humiliating things together with Sakarya who narrowed her eyes at the comment ready to beat up the fourteen year old blond.

"Hey, I fucking resent that!"

"If you want to see the next sunshine Anju shut the fuck up!"

"Ma, Sakurai Kaitlin calm down okay? It's bad enough that Anju-chan and you scared most of the costumers away please don't make another racket or I may be forced to brandish 'darling' to discipline you two."

"Che whatever."

"Hai, hai. I'll just listen to my music here and don't disturb me until our order is here."

"And please Sakarya-chan none of your rude comments for now ok?"

"I make no promises bitch."


"Saa, why don't you guys sit over there and order some food, I know you guys are hungry—starving almost. I just have to discuss some things with my friends here, and Yoshi-kun you are in charge hai?"

"HIII? I-um-Okay."

Pointing at a nearby empty table, I steered the Katekyo guys and sat them down like a good hostess I am until one of the waiters came asking for their order. I stared at them giving them a silent message to keep their real identity to themselves till I introduce them to the rest of the girls. They all nodded in unison understanding my situation and with that I left them with a wave and a grateful small smile.

As I went back to our table I saw my Ciel cosplaying friend sipping her oolong tea together with some sweets shooting daggers with her eyes towards Anju-chan, Sakarya-chan and Kai-chan, I sat across from her placing my palms on the smooth surface of the table before taking a mouthful of the pasta I ordered.

"So where's our time manipulator miss strategist?"

Our tensai closed her eyes for a second savouring her tea before setting it down and answering, "I sent Kai-chan to go after those shenanigans that where following us a while ago. It turns out that they were after you guys too no?"

She got three nods in reply.

"Well, they didn't try to mask their presence and their fucking killer intent were leaking all over the place it makes me want to effing gag." Yep our female Gokudera answered making gagging gestures for her own entertainment.

"I didn't think that the situation would be this bad, they were coming at us giving us hell one after another."

"Heh, we didn't know that arriving here in this world would get our lives screwed Saraishi-chan." I told her in a gloomy voice.

"So where's the fucking old jiji? Isn't he supposed to be here in his smiling glory gushing at how much we've grown blah blah blah hugging the breath away from us now?"

"Well apparently Sakarya-chi, he was called back to the HQ so he left me to explain things to you guys."

"Ah, damn and here I think me and Anju could pull a little prank on him, na Anju-chan?"

"Hai Sakarya-chan."

I shook my head and then sighed in defeat; these two are so mischievous for their own good.

"So what's our situation?"

"The gate that we were suppressing from opening for four years had cracked, I don't know how it happened but when I sent Szec and Kyra there to investigate they were almost ambushed by high level daemons but luckily they escaped but is heavily wounded."

"It seems that even a tiny crack on the tablet door can cause a little rip from hell to Earth letting those blasted beings lurk in our dimension, I suggest that we remain here in Japan to assess the situation further and seeing our yearly resonance is almost here be on high alert and don't let your guard down. One fatal mistake and its means death to all of us."








Our special phones rang at the same exact moment cutting our conversation, when we flip our cellphones open; we were greeted by a completely black screen. We waited for a few moments before a single orange fire was set ablaze exactly at the middle of the phone panel, it grew bigger and bigger until it reached the edges of the screen before bouncing back at the middle returning to its original minuscule size.

Ten roman numbers were at the top corner of the screen, the numbers I, III, VI,VII,IX, and X were in vibrant shade of ginger while the numbers IV, V and VIII were rapidly blinking bathed in the color of crimson red alerting me and my friends.

A beeping sound came to our phones again and the flame in the middle of our screen flashed from orange to a dangerous red slowly sporting some white lines, street names, buildings and finally the whole map of Areno district infected with five blinking violet rectangular objects nearing our direction chasing the number IV on our screen and that made us snap from our stupor, our friend is in grave danger and so is the civilians here in the restaurant together with the Katekyo Boys.

The severe-ness of our situation bitch slapped us across the face leaving it a swollen mess.






Our strategist abruptly stood from her seat barking directions, "Okay, seeing that we have exactly 3 minutes we don't have enough time to evacuate the civilians and secure their safety. So I suggest that instead of wasting time we keep them here under our wing, protect them at all cost, wait for number four so we can stop time and lure those five daemons to an open area to battle all out. Do you all agree with me in this one number one, three, six, seven and ten?"

We all nodded our heads in reply not wanting to argue with a serious strategist.

"Aikyo I know you still have the sleeping fragrance with you, use it to lull the restaurant's occupants to sleep. After that use your cards to form a barricade over them to ensure their protection and make sure to double the coat of your hell flame to make your cards somewhat indestructible."

"Kaitlin-chan you stay here and protect them while they are asleep and eradicate any daemons that goes pass us and the barrier."

"Why do I have to fucking stay here? I can fight and you know that Ryuuki let me out there!"


"UGH FINE DO WHAT YOU WANT NUMBER NINE I DON'T FUCKING CARE!" The obsidian curse loving girl bellowed marching at towards the direction of the counter scowling.

"Anju-chan, you stay with Katie-chan and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid you just got your cast off of you last Monday rest for now, Aikyo, Sakarya, Saraishi and I can handle this."

The blonde Marche look alike looked at the pissed off teen near the counter shrugging, "Okay, take my other dirk for protection then, I can manipulate them at a certain distance to help you with the offense." She threw one of her precious dirks to my tensai friend.

"Sakarya-chan you know what to do. Kill every daemon on sight, don't show any mercy and don't let them touch Aikyo-chan's barrier no matter what the circumstances are."

"Got it loli bitch."

"Saraishi do what you do best okay?"


"Ready Aikyo?"

"As ready as I will ever be Ryuuki."

Stuffing my hand on the deep pockets of my hakamashita I fished out a vile with a blue sparking sandy substance in it. Opening the lid, I blocked the half the mouth of the tube with my thumb spilling its contents around the room to the people inside.

"I wish you all …a pleasant sweet dream, oyasuminasai."

Once they breathe in the sleeping fragrance, all of them started yawning and when I finished spilling a good amount of the powder, all of the inhabitant of Luna de Venus were sound asleep…some got their faces on top of their foods while some were unfortunate enough to be spilled by their drinks. When I dragged my hazel eyes to the table where Tsuna and the rest of my guest are, I was shocked beyond belief seeing them wide awake and was now walking towards my direction.

"Impossible, the substance in the vile is made of a strong sleeping drug capable of knocking a full grown elephant and here they are the anime's from the Katekyo verse wide awake after inhaling a good amount of 'Lilia'"

"Aikyo-san! What's happening here? Everyone fell asleep all of a sudden!"

"What the hell are you planning woman, are you an assassin sent to kill jyuudaime huh?"

"…" Yamamoto isn't smile anymore, one word…kowaii.

"Kufufu~ I never thought you ladies could come up with a plan like this. To be honest I'm surprised, you look like normal girls at least in my standards."

"I'm in big SHITE."

A felt a cold metal pushed against my skin sending Goosebumps to my spine, raising my right hand I felt the long length of the impending object slicing my fingers in process. Yamamoto Takeshi has his Katana against my throat ready to chop my head off to pieces.

"I can't believe I'm perfectly calm in this situation!"





"We have no time to argue, I don't have the time to argue with you. If you want to cut me, blow me up, burn me with X-burner you can do it later because I have more pressing matters to attend to like killing those wretched abominations who are heading here with the intent to kill so EXCUSE me."

I turned my attention back to my seven year old looking friend seeing her just about to end her explanation to Sakarya-chan and Saraishi-chan brushing my way against the pissed off tako head not caring if Yamamoto's Katana had produced a cut at my throat and is bleeding. I guess I have to deal with them later.

"Okay, while you do all that I'll find their Alpha leader render him immobile, cut some limbs here and there and when I'm done I'll call you Sakarya and Ai-chan for the finishing blow."

Just as our strategist finished saying that, Kaili-chan literally flew through the door, as bloody as hell completely wrecking the wooden door out of its hinges, she was being chased by five inhumanly gorgeous guys with elongates ears and yellow-ish golden eyes that were in slits lunging at my obsidian haired friend eyeing her with hungry filled eyes.

Before reaching her fragile figure I guess they felt our group's killer intent towards their direction, so they stopped just beyond the broken door wearing shit eating smirks revealing a good set of sharp edged bloodied teeth.

Saraishi shot from her spot without thinking twice jumping into mid air, she glowed a vibrant yellow color before shifting into a great white tiger. Her paws, hind legs and tail were flaming like they were on set on fire; she flipped before catching the unconscious and bloody time manipulator on her back. She landed on all fours slightly skidding into the floor, her eyes sharp while a feral growl escaped her fanged mouth glaring at the daemon that was trotting towards their direction.

Moving a little, she tried to secure Kaili-chan on her broad back without her falling. When she was sure that our unconscious friend won't fall, she started to back away from the creatures her back facing us.

Sakarya was about to lung at them with her now invoked raven spear ready to stab and kill but was stopped in pure disbelief when the daemon spoke, "Oya, a little koneko-chan has decided to play with us how cute~ you'll make a fine meal kitty." When the silver haired daemon reached out to pet our shape shifter, she raised her right paw swiping the daemons hands dealing a good amount of damage on its hand and forearm.

"T-they can talk? I've never faced a daemon with a will and the ability to talk before. What the hell is happening here?"

"You damn beast!"

As the daemon dressed in human skin lunged at Saraishi with his full groaned sharp nails, the white tiger opened her mouth and bit down hard at the approaching hand impaling her large fangs on the daemon's arms before tearing his whole arms from the screaming foul creature.

Spitting the rotting limb to the floor, she made a dash for it returning to our side. "I'll tend to her wounds; you guys go and avenge us!" Saraishi-chan said wiping some blood from her mouth with her black sleeve.

"Aikyo, Sakarya on my signal,





Snapping into immediate action, I withdrew several cards from my deck threw them into the air before willing them to double in size. When they reached the height of the ceiling and grew a meter wide, I snapped my fingers making them stop in mid twirl halting them before landing their pilled stack just beside a surprised Sawada Tsunayoshi almost landing them on his feet.

"Oops hehe sorry."

Giving the five dimension travellers an apologetic smile, I swiped my hand to the left dragging my cards one by one at that direction blocking the sleeping humans from view, and then to my right also blocking the other costumers from sight including a growling voice manipulator and a serious looking speed daemon mouthing 'please be careful' before my cards completely blocked them sealing them from our side.

Now the only space that was open was in front of me, the size of my single current card would fit where Tsuna and his friends were gaping like fishes.

"I'm sorry for this, but believe me when I say we're not here to hurt Tsuna in any way. We're just doing our job, our duty and while we make it rain daemon blood please stay there until our fight is over. I don't want you guys involved in this mess, each of us have our own battles to fight and yours is not here."

I closed the last remaining gap with my ace of heart card sealing the barricade in place double coating it with my hell flame for more needed protection. While coating them I could feel a presence nearing them just behind my figure.

"If I were you Tsuna-san, I won't touch my cards."

"Eh?" "How did she know?"

"They may look like your Dying will flames in one glance but they are far from alike, one touch and you'll turn into ashes in an instant if you are not an accommodator of that type of flame."

Another presence.

"I said don't touch them, are you deft Byakuran-san!"

"Maa ojou-chan don't be angry ne, you're flames are just so beautiful I can't help but be attracted to them gomen ne?"

"Mitsuhiko-san, how can you…

"I can feel you're presence nearing my flames Tsuna, if you'll play with my fire you'll get burned especially when they are the kind of flames that burns in the fury depths of hell. This flame that carry our own personal burden, our own personal hell."

"Then… what kind of flames are they?"

"I'll tell you guys…in due time."

Wasting no time, I ran beside my Lolita friend who was fending some lower levelled daemons who were invading her personal bubble striking their vitals in practiced precision in a speed that rival Anju's. She plays usually in defence but now she's taking the offense side due to the lack of our members.


I smiled at her outburst, flinging a single card on another daemon slicing him in his midriff before he turned into ashes.

"Oi Sairaishi-chan how is Kaili-chan doing?"

"She has a broken left wrist and four fractured bones almost piercing her right lung plus a concussion I don't know if she can make it without any further medical attention! She needs to go to see Ichijou-senpai to check on her number ten!"

"Number nine do you think we can handle these five just you, me and number six?"

"To tell you the truth, I have doubts in us making it out here alive seeing that the creatures before us are far from our level and with our body in this state… I just hope we'll be lucky enough to last till sunrise."

The hell till sunrise! It's just seven in the evening and she's telling me to hold on for twelve freaking hours!

Clicking my tongue in annoyance, I sent our daemon perpetrators fierce look. Anger was coming off of me in waves of golden flames killing the walking abominations that were lower in level leaving the first five who were chasing after Kaili-chan. But that didn't make any difference because as soon as they vanished in thin air another swarm appeared double in numbers.

"Calm down, Aikyo! Don't lose your temper bakayarou!" Sakarya-chan jumped in front of me, swinging her two-yards-long-spear in a circular motion decimating the daemons on close radius. She ran at her full speed on the swarming daemons, jumping in mid air before gracefully landing down swiping a good number to her left before turning a good one hundred eighty degree angle stabbing an oncoming beast that was just about to strike at her back.


"Do I give a fucking care?"


God, I don't know that it's hard to concentrate on making a barrier and fending a swarm of daemons no matter how low level they are! At this rate we will tire and our body will eventually give out and when that happens…I don't think the circumstances will be good.

"Will we make this out alive?"


Reaper-chan: Sooo didja...

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And oh bdw, TalesOfLengendia Fan you didn't give me any name for your char so I took the Liberty to Name her Sugimoto Saraishi (well I saw your name in your profile was Sarah so I named her Saraishi [Sa-rai-shi] hehe~) Ooh and seeing that the story has come to an all out battle, i guess I'm going to get the last batch of Katekyo bishies in chapter six or seven ^^'

Oh and PM me Myrad Lapse, TalesOfLegendiaFan and Jigglipuff's pillow if I got your characterization wrong okie?

AngelzReaper signing out! Peace yo!