(Sorry so late for updating! Not much happens, but finals are having their toll on me! Enjoy!)

"Are you ok? Wake up Misaki!" Tayishi whispers to me, holding me in his arms.

"Oh, Brad Pitt, oh!" I whispered, grabbing Tayishi and kissing him, his face turning beet red. My eyes slowly open.

"AAAAAAHHHHH! IT'S YOU!" I screamed, running from him. "Oh, I'm still in this dream. Will you just wake me up? Hello weirdo baka #1 and weirdo baka #2!" (Translation: Baka = idiot.)

You're not in a dream, you're the weirdo!" Tayishi retorted, not able to think of better come back.

"If I am in a dream, then I'm sleeping in and I'm going to miss school! EK! But if this isn't a dream, then I can't possibly get to school from here! No school? Or finals? THANK YOU! My prayers have been answered!" I yell, bowing down to the trees around me. Tayishi raises an eyebrow and muttered to him self, "I think she's delusional."

My eyes slowly filled with tears.

"Hey I was just joking. Don't cry." Tayishi called to me, his face filled with concern.

"But that means...NO MORE CUP O' NOODLE! OR ICE CREAM! ::Sniff:: No more hot guys to stare at and even worse, no more anime club! I want my kittttyyy!!" I begin to sob, crying out my eyes.

"Are you saying I'M not hot?" Tayishi angrily crosses his arms, but his complaints fall on deaf ears. Neither of us noticed that Umpo had left. A strange grumbling sound begins to come from my bag pack. "Misaki, don't more. I think there's a monster in your backpack! Don't make any sudden movements." He called out to me, pulling out his sword. But by then, I had already grabbed my backpack and chucked it about seven feet away from me. The sound began to get louder, the backpack moving.

"Mreoooooww!" Is heard as a fat kitten tumbles out of the backpack.

"TAMA!" I yell, running out and hugging my dear kitten. "You silly! You went into my backpack again! This time I'm glad you did! But there are no sinks or faucets here for you to stare at until the water comes out! Like my costume? I know it's so cool!" I blabber on to the kitten, as he purrs happily and a giant sweat drop forms on Tayishi's forehead.

"She's talking to a cat!" He gripes on and on.

"Zip it! I can't take any more of your stupid talking! Now we need to find the rest of the crystals or else, no more Dairy Queen!" I shout back at him.

(Gomen everyone, Sorry! I find it kind of hard to write this as me being the person telling the story so from here no I'm going to write it as a narrator, so instead of saying. "I ran into a tree." I'm going to write "Misaki got up and ran into a tree." Sorry if I confused you! ::bows:: )

"OK! Anywho, Umpo gave me this little necklace for you, she said it should point in the direction of the nearest crystal." Tayishi said to Misaki, getting a nod for a reply. She gently placed the necklace around her neck and the necklace tugged until it pointed to the north.

"That way." Misaki pointed north, holding her kitten in the other arm. The three started to walk.

A Few Miles Later...

"Are we there yet?" Misaki sighs.

"No. But I have to go to the bathroom." Tayishi replied.

"How much longer?"

"HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW?" Tayishi screamed, then stopped as a village of people stare at him.

"I think where almost there, but we can stay here for now." Misaki smiled.

"Mreow!" Tama replied in agreement.

"Yeah, you're right, we should rest in that hotel." Misaki pointed to a tiny building.

"You can understand that thing?" Tayishi pointed at Tama.

"Yeah, and he has a name, it's Tama!" Misaki make a face at Tayishi. The necklace began to tug in a different direction and glow. "I think the crystal is close by!" Misaki stuttered.