This story was created by an idea me and my friend (not the one I created Habitual Attachment with) came up with. I thought it was awesome and needed to be a short story. Please don't hurt me or hound me about Habitual Attachment. It will come out in due time as will Chain Requiem. I love you guys and please continue to support me! Thank you!
Disclaimer: I don't not in any way own Bleach or its characters. I do, however, own Ichigo's extended powers.
Setting:Takes place two years before Ichigo's freshman year of college.
"Get up…Kurosaki Ichigo."
The said orange-headed young man panted heavily as he struggled to get up. He stabbed his sword into the ground and used it as leverage to bring himself to his knees. Blood, burns, and deep gashes covered his skin and clothes while his opponent stood strong with like nicks and scratches. Ichigo glared harshly at the man before him.
Yamanmoto Genryuusai Shigekuni gazed sternly down at the living shinigami in front of him. He was reckless, and untrained but a very strong person. With the proper instruction the boy could be great, as he had thought many times watching his battles, and resolved to teach the boy himself.
The Soutaichou watch silently as Ichigo struggled to stand and shakily grasped his zanpakutō. He mentally commended the boy for not giving up and would have to thank him later for answering to an old man's vague request.
"Good. You can still stand, but we still have lots of work to do." The older man said and readied his blade. Ichigo regarded the man with a slightly confused look and readied his own blade.
"So, are you going to tell me what his is about?" Yamamoto simply gazed at the young man blankly before closing his eyes briefly and releasing a content sigh. Taking a second to collect his words, the Soutaichou opened his eyes and narrowed them on his target.
"Kurosaki Ichigo, you are a direct link between Shinigami, the world of the living, and Hollows. I wish to see how far your potential truly runs." the older man stated simply and let loose and enormous amount of reiatsu. Ichigo stood his ground concluding that Yamamoto was just testing his skills.
For three months Ichigo battled Yamamoto learning the basic movement of a sword fighter. He literally got the shit beat out of him, but it paid off. About a month later they began establishing his unique style of fighting. At that point Yamamoto could see the younger shinigami's progress as he slowly gaining control of his reiatsu.
By month seven Ichigo had his zanpakutō reduced to katana form. It was slightly longer than other shinigami's blade but looked just as ordinary. The sheath was black with a red hanging cord that kept it attached to his white clothes belt. The hilt was wrapped in intricate black, sturdy, cord wrap over the white ray skin that allowed a firm grip. The hand guard was circular and had a spiral pattern. Ichigo was rather ecstatic at his progress but Yamamoto wasn't as thrilled. They only had three left before he handed the boy over for his secondary training and there was still much more to be achieved.
Yamamoto's narrow gaze met Ichigo's brown ones, calling immediately a serious atmosphere. All celebration aside the young adult braced himself for the attack he knew was coming.
"....Reduce all creation to ash, Ryūjin Jakka! Jōkaku Enjō!"
Intense red flames surrounded them at an unnatural height. The old Soutaichou stood straight, haori off, as well as the upper part of the shinigami uniform. His sword blazed furiously beside him ready for a challenging battle. Ichigo looked at the old man with a grateful smile. No one had actually taken the time to instruct him on the basics and advanced techniques of swordsmanship and he was sure there was still much he need to learn but he knew the skills would be need, and that time was now.
"Ichigo. I'm sure you are aware that with this training you have risen above captain level." There was a pause in confirmation.
"If you can beat me here, it means your training with me has been complete and I will tell you why I asked you to meet me months ago. Do you understand, Ichigo?" he questioned, said teen nodded.
"Ah. So, no holding back?" a sad smile wrinkled the old man's face.
"Sou desu."
As soon as the words left his month the fight had begun and the future set. Ichigo let loose a bit of his newly controlled spiritual pressure causing the furious fire to become nothing more than a dim flicker. His orange hair covered his eyes as his right hand moved slowly to the hilt of his blade.
"Myaku: Zangetsu. [1]" the words were low and barely audible but Yamamoto had heard the words before and took them in stride. The fire blazed anew.
"Sou desu ne, Ichigo. Show me your true power." Yamamoto murmured to his self. He couldn't keep the proud awe from his voice as he watched the young man transform before him. Ichigo raised his head a bit, his hardened eyes now visible.
"Satsu: Zangetsu. [2]"
Kyōraku Shunsui, captain of the eighth squad and Ukitake Jūshirō, captain of the thirteenth squad stood on a high cliff overlooking the battle between their old teacher and the Shinigami Representative. When they heard about the Soutaichou's plan for the first time they were, of course, against the idea. They argued, they complained but the tired expression permanently impressed into the elder's face caused them to take the situation from his perspective and in the end they understood the old man's reasons.
Kyōraku frowned as he watched the two shinigami clashed, blade against blade, sparks flying on contact. It had been a long time since he's seen the old man fight so seriously and with no regrets. His gaze then turned to his friend to see his reaction about all this but his face gave away nothing. He shook his head and sighed.
"I hope Yama-jii is sure about all this." He commented wearily placing his arms within the billowing sleeves of his robes. Ukitake didn't react immediately but added his own worries.
"He has blind faith in Ichigo's power and his potential to rise above others."
"Hmmm…." Kyōraku hummed accepting the statement. Ukitake smile knowingly.
"And besides, you know as well as I that that boy is the only one capable of filling sensei's position." Kyōraku nodded with a small grin.
"And if I know Yama-jii, he hasn't told Ichigo anything."
The two captains turned back to the commencing battle making sure to brace their selves as a clash of the powerful reiatsus caused a brief shockwave. They watched on with lighter spirits at what was in store for them, Seireitei, and the young orange-haired boy.
Ichigo flipped a certain feet away from the again captain swiftly pacing his katana back in its sheath, at the ready. He had an uneasy feeling about this battle but couldn't exactly pinpoint what caused it. Narrowed brown orbs met patient black ones and suddenly the feeling grew exponentially. He had half a mind to relax his stance and call it quits but the spike in reiatsu coming from the old man made him choose otherwise.
"Do not play me for a fool Ichigo! You will fight me for I give you no other choice!" he was gone. Ichigo's hand tightened on the hilt of his blade, all senses on high alert.
"Satsu: Zangetsu!" with a quick horizontal slash, so fast the drawing of the blade could not be seen, everything within a five mile radius was cut in half. Yamamoto dodged using advanced Shunpo causing the abandoned buildings in the area crashed into rubble, its foundations not able to support the crumbling weight.
The attack had initially missed its mark but served its purpose. Dust form the debris covered the area, effectively hiding Ichigo and forcing Yamamoto out to hover about scanning the area for the orange-haired teen.
Ichigo lightened his stance but never moved his sword hand from the hilt. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and allowed himself to retreat consciously into his mind. He mentally noted that he only had a few minutes before the wind blew away his cover and revealed his position.
He opened his eyes and found himself in the familiar glass building landscape that was a reflection of his soul. Out the corner of his eye he saw the billowing of a black coat with frayed edges. The figure that wore it, balance expertly on the shikai form of the blade currently attached to his hip. Black eyes met confident brown ones.
"Zangetsu os-san." Ichigo greeted normally.
"Ichigo, you've became stronger." The soul cutter stated casually.
"Ah. Yamamoto-san helped with my training." The conversion was casual, almost as if they were old friend catching up with each other lives. The mention of the Soutaichou's name turned the casual atmosphere to a solemn on. Zangetsu stared down his partner.
"Be careful, Ichigo. Ryūjin Jakka's roar has become dull and sad." The blade informed. Ichigo let the information settle piecing it with his observations of the old man.
"Wakarimasu [3]. Although I get the feeling that the result of this battle will not turn out what it should be." He nodded to Zangetsu and turned on his heel only to come face to face with his smirking Hollow side; self named Shiro.
"Ne, Ichigo, wasn't gonna greet me while you were here?" grinned the Hollow reflection as Ichigo inwardly groan at his misfortune. He had no time for foolish bantering.
"Not now Shiro-san." He made to move past him only to be halted by the Hollows words.
"Well, if you aren't mister high and might," Shiro scoffed then grinned maliciously, "Must be an ego booster to kill old captains." Brown eyes widened in horror as Shiro's evil laughter shook the very core of his soul, the words echoing loudly.
'…to kill old captains…'
SI: So how was it? Was it good? Was it completely not mysterious enough to wait for the rest? Please review so I'll know if I should continue or not! Thankies!
[1]: Myaku: Pulse
[2]: Satsu: Slice
[3]: Wakarimasu: I understand