a/n: okay, since 'Love On The Volleyball Court' is nearly finished, I had this story nagging me. So, here ya go.


Twenty seven year old Shane Gray bounced his leg up and down as he inwardly cursed New York traffic. He also was glad he had at least been able to get a cab.

Shane Gray worked for the biggest music company, Gellar Productions. He handled looking over GP's stars' songs and editing them to make things more likeable. Caitlyn Gellar, who obviously owned the company, was also conveniently engaged to his brother, Nate.

He looked out the window and saw a young man, about the same age as he, with his wife and small child. Shane let out a sigh. He had hoped to have been married with a child or two by now, but he just never had the time to meet the right person.

Then his eyes locked onto a young brunette, waving frantically at the taxi man, who glanced at her, but then looked away.

"Driver, you can pick that young lady up, she won't be a bother to me."

The driver nodded and yelled out the window for her to come over. She smiled and quickly ran over, hopping in next to Shane. "Thank you so much, I don't know how long I was standing there for."

Shane's heart sunk a little when he looked down and noticed the small bump on her abdomen. "Congratulations, you and your husband must be very happy."

The woman looked down. "Oh, uh, there is no husband."



"Oh." Shane smiled lightly and looked out the window.

"No! It isn't like that at all! When my boyfriend found out, he left. I'm not a slut or anything, please don't judge me."

Shane smiled and placed his hand on her arm. "Don't worry, he obviously didn't know what he was leaving behind. I'm Shane." He extended his hand.

She gladly took it, saying, "Mitchie. You look really familiar, are you…Shane Gray from Gellar Productions?"

"That would be me."

"Ah. Caitlyn talks about you all the time."

"Caitlyn? Let's see…you must be the best friend Mitchie that I always hear about. Correct?"

"Absolutely. Nate is your brother, right?"

"Yep. I'm happy for him and Caitlyn. And besides, she can't fire her husband's brother." Shane smiled charmingly, to which Mitchie blushed.

"Using your brother, that's interesting."

"We're here."

Shane and Mitchie looked up, surprised that they had gotten to their destination already. Shane paid for himself and Mitchie and they walked into the building together. As they walked into the insanely large lobby, Shane said, "I'll walk you to Caitlyn's office, I just have to take care of something first."

"Shane, Miss Cyrus is in your office to discuss those songs you fixed." The secretary smiled, as though she felt sorry for him.

Shane groaned, motioning for Mitchie to follow him. "When we get to my office, just sit in the chair near the door and be silent, I don't want that diva to say anything harmful to you."

Mitchie nodded, grateful that he was so caring.

As he opened the door and Mitchie sat down, indeed Miley Cyrus was sitting in front of his desk. "Mr. Gray, I've been waiting for half an hour."

Shane sighed and sat down. "Terribly sorry. Now Sharon said you wanted to discuss the songs I returned to you?"

"Yes. In 'Simple Song', you changed the lyrics to 'I can't tell which way is up, which way is down' You know that I wanted hell instead of down."

"Miss Cyrus, how many times do I have to remind you that you are not Britney Spears or Katy Perry? You have young fans that will listen to this music and they will repeat every word in the song. Just like in 'Talk Is Cheap'. Do you honestly think I want young children running around saying the word pissed because you had it written into one of your songs?"

"Mr. Gray, please, it was there only once."

"It was still there. This is the way things work when you are tied to Disney. This isn't my fault, I'm just doing what is asked of me."

"Well I'm asking you to let me have it my way!"

"I don't take orders from you. Only from those who are superior to me, and you are not one of them."

"You give Demi and Selena all the good songs."

"Actually, Miley, they write their own songs with little help from me. Plus they are much easier to deal with…and they're new. Oh, look, I have to go! I'll see you next Monday!"

Shane quickly shoved Miley out of his office, then came back and groaned. "What is it with celebrities these days?"

Mitchie shrugged. "You have to deal with that all day?"

"Only one or two of them are like that. You should've been around when she was both Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana. She would actually put the wig on and come in here. It drove me crazy."

Mitchie giggled. She couldn't remember the last time someone had made her feel so bright inside…the brightness faded as she looked down and saw her baby bump. Shane would never date her, with a baby on the way. He had this big job and probably didn't have time for a family. "So, are we going to see Caitlyn?"

Shane nodded and opened the office door. In no time, they were in front of a big door with 'Caitlyn Gellar' written across it. Shane knocked and peeked his head in. "Caitlyn?"

"Hi, Shane. I need to speak with you about that duet."

"Not to be rude or anything, but can we do that later, you have a visitor."

Mitchie walked in, smiling lightly. "Hi, Cait."

Caitlyn immediately forgot about the big stack of papers in front of her and ran to Mitchie. "Mitch! Hi!" She pulled back and smiled brightly. "You're showing! Shane, you're dismissed, we need some girl talk."

Shane smiled and shook Mitchie's hand again. "Alright. Nice meeting you, Mitchie."

"Bye, Shane." As he left, Mitchie looked down at the small paper he had placed in her hand.


Just call if you need anything…or if you just need someone to talk to.



She smiled again. Caitlyn raised her eyebrow. "Why are you staring at the palm of your hand like it's the most fascinating thing in the world?"

Mitchie didn't answer. She was too happy. It seemed that Shane liked her…even if she was pregnant.

Maybe she had finally found the one.

Just maybe.