Chapter 1

May's POV

I was walking through the hallway of the Rose Garden Academy, I'm new here, I looked at down at my uniform, I was wearing a black above the knee skirt, a white polo shirt and a black school jacket as well, along with the red neck tie, I decided to wear a red vest as well. I entered the huge school, only to see the hallways' design, carvings of roses and such.

It was the first day of school, and I don't know anyone at all. I then bumped into someone, great on my first day and I fell flat on my butt. "Ouch" I murmured

"Are you okay?" A boy asked, I then turned to look at him.

He had deep emerald eyes and the same green hair, was that even possible?? "I am" I said and stood up, brushing the dirt of my skirt.

"This is your first year, isn't it?" He asked me

"That would be correct" I said, and smiled, "My name is May Maple, a 3rd year student"

He smirked and flipped his hair, "My name is Andrew Hayden, but better known as Drew around here"

"Well, it's nice to meet you" I said, "But I have to get to principal's office" I said and started walking

"See you around, May"

"You must be May Maple, Norman's kid" The principal said, I just smiled shyly and nodded.

He smiled, "I am the school principal, Principal Hayden" Hayden? Where did I hear that name?

"Welcome to the Rose Garden Academy, I hope you would be here for a long time" He said,

I nodded, "That would be nice" I said

"I shall call one of my student council members" He said, "Miss Solidad, would you please call Amethyst to my office"

I knock was heard from the door, I turn to see a girl about 5 feet flat, with long butterscotch brown curly hair that reached her knees, she had bright amethyst colored eyes and had a smile on her face. She was wearing the same uniform as me, but she was wearing a pink vest and she had a red ribbon instead of a necktie. She was carrying a Vulpix.

"Principal Hayden, I was already in the office when you ask Miss Solidad to call me," She said, she also had a petite voice.

Principal Hayden nodded, "Ah yes, Amethyst, ace of the Diamond, can you please show Miss Maple around the school, you're in the same class as her" He said

She nodded, "No problem with me Principal Hayden" She said and turned to look at me and held my hand, "My name is Amethyst Jewel, and you must be May Maple, Drew told us that his father informed him that will be having a new classmate" She said and shook my hand up and down, "We're going to be the best of friends!" She said and giggled.

I smiled in respond, "Sure thing Amethyst" I said then she shook her head, "My name is quiet long, you can call me Amy for short" She said and I nodded, she was quiet small.

So that means, this petite girl is also a 3rd year student?! Well, that's different. We then walked out of the principal's office while she still carried her Vulpix.

"So, I am trusted by Principal Hayden to show you around and tell you about this school!" She said, "First of all, the school is quiet huge, it might take you a few months to really know your way here"

I nodded in agreement, "We have our own student council, known as the Royal Rose" She said

"Royal Rose?" I asked in confusion

She nodded in agreement, "Yap!" She said and pulled me towards her locker, she opened it and held a chart. "This is the Royal Rose"

She placed the chart on a wall and had a stick pointing towards the chart, I sweat dropped by her little act but decided to go along with it. "The Royal Rose is divided into 4 groups" She stated. "And there are 4 members in each group, the King's Chair, Queen's Chair, Jack's Chair and the Ace's Chair"

"The first one is the Heart Group" She said, pointing to the heart shaped symbol, she then pointed her stick to the first picture, a boy with messy raven hair and chocolate brown eyes with fair skin. "The king's chair of the Heart Group, is Ash Ketchum, known as a Pokemon Master in training, he has joined many Pokemon league and made it to the finals, though he hasn't one yet, but he is the champion of the Kanto Region's Battle Frontier"

She then pointed to the next picture, a girl with orange hair that was tied into a high side ponytail. "The Heart group's queen is Misty Waterflower" She said, the girl had deep cerulean eyes, "She is the sister of the current Cerulean Gym leader's, Daisy, Lily and Violet. She loves Water Pokemon a lot and swimming, she is the captain of the girl's swim team after all"

"Jack's chair, is my famous cousin, Ruby" She said, a boy with ruby red eyes and white hair, "He is a young Pokemon Coordinator, very famous at the Rose High Academy, he has broken many hearts" She said and giggled, "And also, he loves home economic things, such as sewing and cooking"

"The ace's chair, another Pokemon Coordinator, as well as the daughter of a Famous Pokemon coordinator, Dawn." This girl had midnight blue hair that reached past her shoulder and her dark blue yes shining.

"Now, for the Spade group!" She said, this time pointing to the blue shaped symbol, she first pointed to a boy with sandy brown hair, "The ever famous Green Oak, the grandson of Professor Samuel Oak" She said, the boy hand green eyes and he seem uninterested at the picture, "His not much of a talker, but his a really great Pokemon trainer!"

"Spade group's queen is no other then Blue" She said, this girl had a huge smile in her face, she had deep blue eyes and long brown hair, "Blue's style is kind of unique, she like's cute Pokemon and raises them to use very strong moves!"

She then turned her attention to the next picture, of a boy with raven black hair and red eyes as well. "This is Red Ketchum, cousin of Ash Ketchum, he is a strong trainer, plus he has his own fan club! He won the Pokemon League not so long ago and was offered the spot at the Viridian gym which he declined"

"The Ace's chair is Green's younger cousin, Violet Oak" She said, the girl had the same sandy brown hair as Green, but it was quiet long, she had it tied into two high ponytail and she had deep violet eyes. "Her aim is to be the world's best Pokemon Stylist and Coordinator, she won the Pokemon Contest grand cup the same year when Red won at the Pokemon league" She then whispered to my ear, "I think she has a thing for Red" She said and giggled.

"Diamond group, is where I came from" Amethyst said, "King's chair is no other then Jimmy! Originally from New Bark town, and his one of the final four in the silver conference! A.K.A the Johto's Pokemon League" The boy had bluish black hair and deep blue eyes.

"Along with him is Marina! Also from New Bark town, she made it to the final 8 at the silver conference, and her aim now is to become a Pokemon Idol!" She said, she looked familiar to me, I've seen her in a magazine or two, and she had blue hair and blue green eyes.

"The Jack's chair, and my partner" She said, a light shade of pink in her cheeks, "Damien, a strong Pokemon trainer plus his a Pokemon Athlete trainer, which means he and his Pokemon participate in an athletic competition" The boy had reddish brown hair and emerald green eyes.

"And for the Ace's chair, we have no other then Amethyst, Me!" She said and giggled, she pointed to her picture, her curly brown hair was long, and I had to admit she looked like a kid, maybe because of her petite body and height? Of course I won't say that out loud. "Amethyst is a Pokemon trainer who loves fire Pokemon, her aim is to be the Fire Pokemon Master" She said and giggled.

"And for the last group.." Before she could say anything she was cut of by a boy with Reddish brown hair, which I believe was Damien.

"Amy, what are you doing?" He asked her while his hand on her shoulder.

"Damien! I was telling May all about the school and the Royal Rose" She replied and looked at the boy.

"Mind if I take it from here Amethyst" I look at the boy behind Damien and gasp. "Drew?" I asked

He nodded and smiled, "That would be me" He said and took my hand, "Come on, you still have many things to know about the school" He said and dragged me

"Like?!" I asked him

"Where your class is and where you're going to sit" he said

I gave him a questioning look, "But you didn't let Amethyst finish what she was saying"

"Which is?"

"About the student council here, or better known as the Royal Rose" I said and he stopped walking and gave me a questioning look.

He was emotionless which scared me a bit. "How much do you know then?" He asked me

"Well, she told me about the Heart Group, Spade Group and Diamond Group, but she hadn't told me about the fourth one" I said

He smirked and smiled, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" I heard a female voice asked, I turn to see a girl with brown hair and blue eyes, she was about my height as well. She was wearing the school uniform without a vest.

"Excuse me?" I said in a confuse voice.

She then slapped my hand off of Drew's, what was she? His girlfriend? "For your information new girl, I am Brianna, Queen's chair of the clover!" So that was the fourth group, and this was there queen?

"Brianna, don't make a big deal about small things" A girl with orange hair said, she had deep violet eyes

The girl named Brianna then turned her attention towards here, "Stay out of this Zoey, your just the ace and I'm the queen" She said

"A spoiled one if I may add" A girl with sandy brown hair said, it was Violet Oak, Ace's chair of Spades.

"Brianna, we told you if you wanted to stay Queen, you should act like one" Another girl said, she had a side ponytail; I'm guessing she's Misty.

"I am a queen" Brianna said and glared at me, "And I don't want my King to be taken away by a new girl"

"When did Drew become YOUR King?" Violet asked,

"Drew is the king? Of the clover group?" I said in a whisper then looked at Drew, he had another emotionless expression.

"THAT'S IT" I heard Amethyst shout, Damien holding tightly to her, restraining her from doing anything, "I HATE THAT BRIANNA SO MUCH, I COULD ALREADY KILL HER" Amethyst screamed.

"What can you do? Ace of Diamond" Brianna said with another glare.

"We can take your position from you and give it to someone else" Drew said, everyone turned there attention towards him. So did I.

"How?" Brianna asked him

Drew just smirked and stepped forward, "Let's say, if there was another Queen Candidate, a lot of things could happen"

Brianna gave him a glare as well, "There can't be another Queen Candidate" She said

"But Brianna, you know the special task of a Female member of the Royal Rose" Drew said, with an evil smile.

"What special task?" I asked Amethyst,

Amethyst looked at me, she calmed down already so Damien decided to let go. "You see, a Female Royal Rose member has to be given a special task before she could keep her spot permanently." She said

She had another chart in her hand and she made Damien hold it and she had her stick again, I couldn't help but sweat dropped again.

The whole student body surrounded us, interested with what was going on. "You see" Amethyst started her lecture

"One a Female Royal Rose is picked, she has a test, where in, Principal Hayden entrusted them with there very own Eevee" She pointed to a picture of an Eevee, "Eevee has many evolution, depending on the trainer and how high there trust to each other is, will be the only time an Eevee will involve, whether through a special stone or not"

She then went to the next page, "We, the female members of the Royal Rose, must raise this Eevee, and once they evolve, you can secure your spot in the Royal Rose" She said with a smile, "Misty raised her Eevee, which is now a Vaporean" She said, pointing to a picture of Misty and her Vaporean. "Dawn's Eevee evolved into a Leafeon, not to long ago" This time pointing at Dawn and her Leafeon's picture.

"Blue's Eevee evolved into an Umbreon and Violet's Eevee evolved into a Espeon" Amethyst went on, pointing to some pictures, "Marina's evolved into a Leafeon as well, same as Dawn and Zoey's evolved into a Jolteon" She said, showing some other pictures, "And ofcourse, my Eevee evolved into a Flareon" She giggled.

"But as for Brianna's" She looked at Brianna's way with an evil look, "Her Eevee hasn't evolved and always runs away, am I right Brianna?"

Brianna glared back, "My Eevee doesn't run away" She said

"Then what is this!" Amethyst said, holding an Eevee who was frightened when faced to Brianna.

The Eevee then snuggled back to Amethyst arm, "I found her at the garden hiding"

"So what?!" Brianna asked.

"So that means, we can get another Queen Candidate" Drew said "And I have someone on mind"

He then grabbed my hand and raised it "May Maple"

-to be continued-