HELLO YELLO! I'ma back with an epilogue to the story! This will give hints on what will happen in the sequel - Human Limitations - so read carefully! :P
Anyway, for the final time this story...ROLL ON THE CHAPTER!
Luigi felt calm.
He knew he was dead and for that...he was glad. He didn't have to live knowing Starlow was forever in Bowser's grasp. He could, as cliche as it sounded, finally rest in peace.
The living world though, it seemed, had other ideas.
He was floating in a pitch black world. Nothing was in this world except him, and he had the curious sensation he was floating. He looked at his arms. Not a single blemish on them. He stared at them, then took a peek at his chest.
There, where his heart should be, was a gaping hole.
He screamed out - and shot up, back into the world of living, panting. Someone yelped and scarpered. He heard their footsteps retreating, and he got up painfully. He gazed in horror at his surroundings.
Toad Town was burning. Every shop. Every house. He could see Bowser torching everything in sight, laughing manically, an unconscious Peach slung over his shoulder. Starlow - he recognised her with a pang in his heart - was trailing behind him, that blank expression still on her face. A Dry Bones and Koopa followed her, each with the same expression. Suddenly, she looked over at him. He saw her give him the faintest of smiles, then mouthed three words.
"Peach's 1-Up,"
Ah, so that was how he was still alive. But...here he felt the biggest hurt yet...his brother was dead. There was no denying that. He looked towards the hill and saw his brothers dead body. He felt the grief scoop him out, living him hollow. In a daze, he stumbled towards him and, upon reaching him, fell down to his knees. He cried over his dead brother's body until no more tears would come. Then, slowly at first, he felt rage. Rage building up inside him, threatening to make him burst at any moment. He growled low, realising that if he roared here Bowser and his army would surely hear and come running. So, he slung his brother over his shoulder and stood up. He tilted his cap to cover his face and headed off to Blubble Lake.
"You are going to have a decent burial, brother,".
He reached Blubble Lake and immediately headed for the trees, wanting to find some cover. Once under their shade he ploughed on, wanting to make himself hidden. After walking for twenty minutes he came to a stop. He drew out his hammer and, using its sharp side, started to dig a hole.
Half an hour later - rage and grief combined had given him strength - the hole was done. Carefully, he placed his brother inside it. Then, he covered him up quickly, not wanting to see his brother's prone form for a moment longer.
Quickly, he left the burial site, but not before making a swift wish on Mario's behalf.
He walked slowly through the woods, aimlessly wandering. His life seemed pointless now. Why did Starlow revive him? So he could witness everything he held dear being destroyed? Was that the reason? No, Luigi thought, absent-mindedly kicking a fallen branch.
She didn't want to lose me...
He jumped, startled, as something in the trees rustled. He peered deep into the gloom, trying to spy the intruder. A rustle to his left. Then to his right. Then...
Something barreled into his stomach, knocking the wind out of him and forcing him to land on his back. He felt small fists hitting him over and over, and he grabbed them. They struggled widely, and Luigi took a closer look at his attacker. He sighed frustratedly.
"Oh, not you..." he groaned. Fawful responded by kneeing him in the stomach; groaning with the pain, Luigi stood upright, holding the furious little Beanbean kid by his hands.
"How on earth did you survive?" Luigi asked incredulously.
"Fawful will not be telling you that!" Fawful cried, struggling furiously. "Be letting go of me!"
"Uh-uh," Luigi said. "Not if you are going to hit me again,". Fawful paused.
"O of the K. I will not have the hitting of you," he said bitterly. Luigi set him down, and sat on a nearby tree stump.
"So, how did you survive our last encounter?" Luigi asked. Fawful glared at him, then mumbled something under his breath. Luigi cupped one ear.
"What's that? I can't hear you..." he said. Fawful's glare deepened; he cleared his throat.
"The shrooms of revivalness," he muttered, and Luigi noticed an empty bag of 1-Up shrooms hanging from his pocket. He nodded.
"Ah..." he said slowly. He remembered something. "Was that you I heard by Toad Town?" Fawful stared at him.
"You should not have had the hearing of me then," he said slowly. Luigi blinked.
"Oh? And why is that?" he asked, grinning. Fawful looked astonished.
"You...you were currently at the waking of the shroom of revivalness," he replied slowly. Luigi blinked incomprehensibly.
"What was that?" Fawful smacked his forehead in frustration.
"You were currently in the act of the dead!" he said loudly (yup, I can't write engrish. At all. If anyone would be willing to help me with it then he or she would be much appreciated). Luigi grinned at him.
"And that is supposed to mean..." Fawful growled at him.
"Be shutting up! You are giving me the head pains," he hissed, clutching his head to prove his point. Luigi apologised, then looked out into the gloom. Fawful peered around from under his hands.
"Where is the fink rat of red?" he asked. A lump suddenly appeared in Luigi's throat; he turned away from the Beanbean kid.
"Dead..." he whispered, choking back a sob. Fawful growled again.
"I was wanting to be the one who ended the life of that fink rat!" he exclaimed loudly. Luigi remembered something else.
"Hey, where's all your gear? Y'know...the headgear, the ray gun..." Fawful glared at him. God, I'm not very popular today, am I? Luigi inwardly chuckled.
"I am having the losing of those thanks to you two mustaches!" he growled. Luigi laughed.
"Oh, the Dark Star! What - was it too scary for ya? Did Dark Bowser break lickle Fawful's toys?" Luigi said teasingly. Fawful roared and lunged at him. Luigi, laughing, held him back at arm's length, as the Beanbean kid swung his fists wildly at him.
"BE SHUTTING UP!" Fawful roared. Luigi continued to laugh; he pushed the kid back and Fawful landed heavily, growling all the while. Luigi wagged a finger at him.
"Ah ah ah! Temper, temper..." he tutted, smirking. Fawful gave him a look of deepest loathing before turning away. Luigi stretched.
"Well, I guess it falls to me to save our precious kingdom, eh?" he chuckled, trying to sound light-hearted but was anything but that. Fawful turned back to him.
"Be leaving the Bowser who I hate to I who is Fawful!" he shouted. Luigi clapped his hands over his ears.
"Geez, kid, you're going to have to keep the noise down..." he groaned. Fawful smiled sheepishly.
"Oopsing..." he whispered. Luigi turned away from Fawful, staring into the forest.
"There is no way we are going to take on Bowser and his army by ourselves now, are we?" he mused. "What to do, what to do...Aha!" he exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "We'll go to Little Fungitown!"
"Why in the kingdom of the Beanbean?" Fawful asked questioningly. Luigi stared at him.
"Umm...because...all the people who could've helped us here are dead?" he said slowly. Fawful looked blankly up at him. Luigi sighed.
"Trust me, Little Fungitown is the best option...I trust you know the way?" he asked. Fawful nodded.
"Fawful is knowing all of Beanbean Kingdom since..." his voice hitched, and he choked back a sob. He continued in a low voice. "...since Great Cackletta..." he mumbled. Luigi felt empathy for him; he wasn't the only one here that had lost somebody... He cleared his throat.
"Come on then! Little Fungitown isn't going to come to us now, is it?" he said enthusiastically, leading the way out of the woods. Fawful followed him, and on their minds was only one thing:
How on earth did life get to this?
Ya...I probably picked the hardest person to write dialogue for. EVER. This is my first attempt of engrish (if you exclude my review of Fireworks by SelanP) and I SUCK AT IT. So, if anyone has any experience in writing engrish you could PM me and tell me what is wrong with Fawful's dialogue. As I...seriously have trouble writing engrish.
Anyway, this now concludes the story Being Human. Hope everyone enjoyed it and thanks to the people who fav'd it and reviewed - especially Siran 774 who has been my main reviewer throughout the story! Dunno why nobody else reviewed, though...perhaps it was too unoriginal? That it's been done before? Or that it wasn't good enough?
Anyway, whatever the reason I am going to leave writing a sequel for a while and rewrite the story I started in year seven - Yoob's Revenge. So you can all look out for that!
Anyway, REVIEW, PEOPLE, and TheAlmightyDarkStar officially ends the story here!