Screaming Infidelities

A/N: Thanks to everyone who has read/favorites/alerted/reviewed this story! I think I've said this before, but it really does mean the world to me! Er…some people might be a little OOC, but for the most part, I've done my best to keep them all in character. (:

I do not own any character, I swear.

Chapter Four: Weekends

Luffy stared at the door Nami had just ran out of. Truthfully, he didn't understand why she had just run out on their conversation like that. His eyes were fixed on the door; willing her to run back in and apologize, or something. Even though he knew her well enough to know that she wasn't going to do anything of the sort, he stood up to get some snacks. Walking only a few steps, however, he stumbled over something square and soft, like some sort of fabric. Catching himself and looking down, Luffy grinned – Nami's bag. Obviously she hadn't realized it was on the floor otherwise she wouldn't have left it here, he decided.
"Luffy-San, did you slam the front door?" Makino called from the kitchen. Picking up her bag, he walked into the kitchen and sat down at one of the bar stools that decorated the kitchen. Makino said that Gramps had designed the kitchen for her comfort – she used to work at a bar until she came here a few years back. "Where's Nami-Chan?" She asked, turning around to look at him.
"She told me she had a crush on me then left," Luffy said simply. He wasn't a liar – that was Usopp's job, after all. No, he was always one hundred percent honest with everyone. Especially Makino – she was the closest thing he had to a Mom anyways.
"Really now…maybe she didn't mean to tell you that she had a crush on you," she suggested, placing a tall glass of soda in front of him. Luffy grabbed it and began to drink quickly, finishing the glass in just a few seconds.
"Then why she did say it?" He asked. It didn't make any sense – Nami always thought things over before she said anything, so her saying something by accident didn't make much sense. Makino shrugged, and went back to preparing some food for him.
"Maybe she was thinking it, and it just slipped out. Nami-Chan is only human, no matter smart she may be," she pointed out, her back facing Luffy. Luffy stared at her, waiting for her to continue. "If you like her back, you should go after her. Otherwise, someone else might take her before you can," Makino said softly, turning back to look him in the eye.
"Someone else?" Luffy asked, anger suddenly rising in her stomach. In his mind, he imagined Nami walking down the hall towards their locker holding hands with – of all people – Zoro's cousin Cabaji, despite the fact that he hadn't been in town for months now, "But, I don't want anyone else to take her." He said, crossing his arms against his chest. Makino's serious expression vanished, and she laughed.
"Then go to her house right now and tell her how you feel! The only thing left to do is tell her, and then everything will be perfect, Luffy," she said, chuckling as she took the glass back and began to wash it. Immediately, Luffy jumped off the stool and headed towards the door. Dragging Nami's bag with him lazily, he slipped his feet into shoes and left the house.
It was already getting cold out – not to mention dark quicker. Though, being November first probably had something to do with that. As he started to jog towards Nami's apartment, he decided he'd ask her why it got dark and cold around this time. He'd ask her all the things that came to mind – like why her sister was back and if he Mom was back too. They would talk for hours, just like they did as little kids. The image seemed to warm Luffy up considerably – especially as he didn't bother to grab a coat. Slinging the strap over his shoulder, the teenager began to sprint to her house, desperate to get there as fast as possible.
The walk to her apartment was a good twenty minute walk, and a normal person running was about ten minutes. Seeing as Luffy was not a normal person when it came to athletics, it took him seven minutes flat to reach the near run down building that housed two of his best friends. Looking around for a small stone, he dropped Nami's bag and began to toss rocks repeatedly at her window. It was the signal they had come up with years ago – tap until she answered then throw up the note.
After what seemed like hours, Nami finally opened her window slowly, sticking her head out to scowl at whoever it was. At the very sight of her, Luffy felt his heart skip a beat, and he grinned. "Can you come downstairs?" He called up, pointing to her bag. Nami stared at him, her expression unreadable. Finally, she nodded and closed the window again. Luffy grinned, and sat down on the brownish grass in his impatience for her to come downstairs.
"Thank you for bringing me back my bag, Luffy," Nami said when she finally reached the lowest level. Luffy sprang up and grinned, keeping her bag on the ground. "I was planning on heading over tomorrow to grab it, so this saves me a bit of time," she said, her voice oddly formal. Luffy smiled at her, and watched as she walked forward to take it.
Makino had told him to come and tell her how he felt, but now he wasn't sure. He felt uneasy, extremely uneasy, and he wasn't even sure how to get the words out. "Nami, did you mean what you said in my living room?" Luffy asked suddenly, titling his head to the side. Over his hair, he felt his precious straw hat slip a bit, but it remained on his head.
Nami grabbed her bag off the ground, but Luffy could see how tense she was. Turning back to him, she shrugged. "Just forget I said anything in your living room, alright?" She said in that odd formal voice again. "Thanks again for bringing back my bag." Turning to leave, Luffy caught her arm and she stopped.
"Did you mean it?" He asked again, looking right into her eyes. For the first time, he realized just how beautiful she was. Her orange hair was blowing around her in the slightly rough wind, and her eyes were flat and looking down. The color reminded him of the numerous chocolate bars he and Usopp had collected for Halloween, only prettier.
Nami looked right back at him, her expression still unreadable. "It doesn't matter. Just forget it," she said again, turning to leave. Stopped again by Luffy's grip, she sighed and stopped walking. Luffy stared down at her, and she frowned. Nami had never really seen Luffy serious – sure, he had his moments, and she knew him well enough to know that he wasn't as stupid as some thought of him – but for the most part, he was always happy and obnoxious.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds, both waiting for the other to reply. Finally, Nami sighed and looked away. "Yeah, I meant it. But it won't change anything, so just forget it," she said, slinging the bag over her shoulder. "I'll see ya' Monday."
Luffy shook his head, releasing her arm. He felt really warm, and his heart was beating really fast. It reminded him of how girls reacted when Sanji talked to them – they got all blushy when he flirted. Oh. Was that why he felt warm? Was he the one blushing? "I like you too," he said, looking away. Now he felt really nervous. Distantly, he recalled a conversation between Sanji and him when Luffy had told him he was kinda interested in someone.
'Well, when or if you finally tell the lucky lady, you'll probably be really nervous. If she feels the same, she'll probably be even more nervous than you are, so be prepared. If she doesn't believe you – and a lot of girls don't – then you'll have to convince her. It's a lot easier said than done, too. Just keep on telling her how you feel, and she'll eventually get it. And, after she believes you, hug her.'
Nami stared at him silence, and the intensity of her gaze broke through Luffy's thoughts. Her expression was now clearly readable – shock, disbelief, and a hint of sadness. Wait, she was sad that Luffy felt the same way? Finally, Nami laughed, confusing Luffy even more. "Right. Luffy, you shouldn't say something like that so lightly. You could really hurt a person like that," she said, smiling at her friend.
Luffy frowned. "I'm serious. You said that you have a crush on me, right? Well, I feel the same!" He exclaimed, grabbing her shoulders and holding her in place. Nami still stared at him, any trace of a smile gone now. "I would never lie to you, Nami, ever!" He told her, sighing.
Watching her expression carefully, Luffy felt his face go hot again and he released her. The two stood in an awkward silence for a second while Nami stared and Luffy looked away. Maybe she didn't really feel that way, he realized silently. Maybe it was just…one-sided. As he turned away, a hand grabbed his arm gently, yet it kept him in place. Turning back to Nami, he saw his friends own pale face flooded with color. "You…do?" She asked softly. Her eyes were both soft and determined, and it made Luffy feel like jelly.
He had never had this happen to him. Girls were just like guys, only prettier and a lot less strong. Vivi and Kaya made him happy, sure, but not the way Nami had just now. The way she smiled at him, the way she explained everything he didn't understand, even the way she'd argue with him. Luffy knew right there that he didn't ever want anyone else to feel that way about her. This was a feeling not to be shared with anyone else. "Yeah, I do," he told her softly, turning back to her.
Nami's face suddenly lit up in a way he had never seen before. She was positively glowing now. It made Luffy's own face break out into a huge grin, and he stepped closer to her. He was blushing brightly, but he didn't care. She believed him. She honest to God believed he felt the same about her as she did about him. Before he could say anything else, her arms were wrapped around him, locking him into a tight embrace. Immediately, Luffy's arms rose and held her to him.
For a full minute the two stood there, blushing and hugging. Finally, Nami tensed and pulled away. "Luffy, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I completely forgot about Papa…I'm sorry!" She said, grabbing her bag and rushing to the steps. She paused, and turned back to him. "Er…" she said, turning away.
"Will you go out with me?" Luffy suddenly blurted. It was as if Sanji was commanding his words from afar. Nami stumbled a bit at his sudden exclamation. Luffy stared at her, waiting in tense silence for her answer.
"G-go out?" She stuttered. Her face colored a red darker and faster than Luffy had ever seen it. He didn't move, just waited for her answer. Suddenly, she smiled, "Yeah, of course I will," she said, grinning at him and rushed into her building. Luffy stood there for a few seconds, dumbstruck. She had…agreed. His face slowly broke into a smile wider than any other, and he ran into the building after her, rushing to Zoro's apartment as fast as he could possibly. Opening his front door, he walked right past Zoro's Mom and right into his bedroom.
Zoro's head shot up at the sound of his door slamming shut. He blinked, trying to figure out if Luffy was real or not. "Whattya doin'?" He mumbled, yawning widely. Still grinning, Luffy sat down on the floor by his bed, crossing his legs.
"Nami told me she had a crush on me, so I went and told her I had a crush on her, and I just asked her that question Sanji always talks about, and she said yes!" He said happily, laughing. Taking his hat off and placing it in his lap, he looked around. Although him, Sanji, Usopp, Zoro, Nami, and Vivi way back when had spent hours at Zoro's house before he moved, none of them had ever actually been in his bedroom. It was pretty empty except for a large weight set in the corner, and a desk opposite of it.
"Slow down, Luffy. Start from the beginning and explain it slower," Zoro said, pushing himself into a sitting position. Luffy turned back to his friend and grinned again.
"After school today, Nami told me that she had a crush on me, but then ran away. So, I was talking to Makino about it, and she told me to go after her before someone else got there first, and I told her I felt the same way – just like Sanji told me to! And then, just before she could walk back up to her apartment, I asked her if she'd wanna go out with me!" Luffy explained, leaning forward for emphasis. Zoro stared at him blankly, obviously lost.
"When did you and Nami start likin' each other?" He asked, running a hand through his short, but messy, green hair. Luffy grinned, and shrugged. "Jesus, wait till Vivi and Sanji hear about this. Bet it'll blow them away."
Luffy laughed, and nodded. "Probably, but I don't care. Because I really like Nami and Nami really likes me and now we're together!" He said, clapping his hands together once. Zoro grinned down at him, and held out his fist. Luffy bumped his own against Zoro's and leaned back. "Can we go up and see her?"
Zoro laughed, and shook his head. "Her Papa is a pain in the ass when it comes to her friends, so we'd just get her in trouble," he pointed out, yawning again. Stretching his arms above his head, he laid back down on the bed. "Luffy."
Luffy stared at him. Titling his head to the side, he placed his precious hat on his head. "Yeah?" He asked confusedly. Zoro smirked up at the ceiling.
"You ever hurt her, and I'll kick your ass. I don't give a damn if you didn't mean to. Hurt her in any way, and I swear to you now; it'll be the last thing you ever do. Got that?" He said. His voice was as casual as he could make it, but Luffy could hear the threat buried beneath it. Zoro had always been more like a brother-figure to Nami, as Luffy knew well.
Luffy crossed his arms and smirked back at his green haired friend. "I would never hurt her. She's my friend." He said, nodding seriously. Zoro grinned, and sat back up.
"No, she ain't your friend anymore," he said slowly. Luffy stared at him flatly. The green haired teen laughed and shook his head, "Now she's your girlfriend, kiddo." Zoro smirked as he watched Luffy's reaction. First, it was confused, and then it turned into a happiness Zoro hadn't seen on his friends face in a while.
"You're right! Nami's my girlfriend now!" The younger teen said, clapping his hands together again. Zoro grinned, and the two began to talk about other things. Grades, school, Vivi, Usopp and Kaya, and even Nojiko were the things that came up.
Zoro seemed greatly interested in the older teenager, though he tried not to show it. "You ever talk to the woman just one on one? Jesus, she's vague! I couldn't get a damn answer that made sense out of her after school!" He complained, rolling his eyes. Luffy grinned at this comment.
"Shishishi, she seemed nice to me!" He said, shrugging. Zoro rolled his eyes again, and sighed.
"Yeah, she seems nice, but she's a bit…I dunno, over-bearing, or something," he said, shaking his head. Luffy grinned widely, and glanced at the clock. "Getting kinda late…wanna call it a night?" Zoro asked, yawning again. Luffy turned back to him and nodded.
Standing up, he waved at Zoro. "I'll come see you again if I stop by Nami's house tomorrow," he called as a good-bye. Letting himself out, he silently slipped outside into the cold November night. Feeling happier than he had in a long time, he began whistling to himself cheerfully.


As her two best friends talked happily two floors down, Nami was sitting on her bed and trying very hard not to touch her newest wound. Although it wasn't exactly new, her Papa usually stuck to punching her arm or slapping her, so when he threw an already broken bottle of beer at her, she hadn't had time to duck and avoid it. Now a rather large cut was on her right hand where she had lifted a hand in reflex.
Cursing silently, she wrapped more cloth around it. Nami knew it wasn't the best way to go when treating wounds, but it was the only method she had at the moment. Until Papa was asleep, she was confined to her bedroom as always. It was better that way, though. If she was locked in her bedroom, he couldn't hurt her as easily. Nami had always been good at protecting herself from Papa's wrath; hide away until he called her out.
Instinctively, Nami could not bring herself to be sorry she had broken the rules and left the apartment. For starters, she needed her bag to do homework. Besides, if she hadn't gone outside, then Luffy wouldn't have told her how he felt, and she'd still be a single woman.
Automatically, Nami's whole face broke into a smile. Her first boyfriend was her best friend. Only, he wasn't just her best friend anymore. He was her boyfriend. Nami laughed at her own thoughts – she was running around in circles. She reached her for her bag, to finally start on that homework, but stopped. There wasn't a chance in Hell she'd get any work done like this.
Wishing desperately that Nojiko was here, Nami began to pace her room. She was too restless for sleep, for homework, for anything and she knew it. Pausing, she sighed. This was, she thought irately, impossibly frustrating. She wanted to talk to Luffy, not be stuck in her bedroom while her drunken father guarded her bedroom door. Anger suddenly welled up in her, and kicked the fragile nightstand over, which fell with a satisfying thud.
Not quite meeting her desire to destroy something, she picked the nightstand back up. Allowing it to remain standing for a measureable amount of time, the red head suddenly reached out and grabbed the fragile nightstand. Flinging it to her right, she watched in silent awe as the wooden piece of furniture was reduced to nothing more than splintered wood. Finally happy with her result, she sat down on her bed.
The door to her bedroom suddenly sprang open, causing Nami to jump off her bed in surprise. She shouldn't have been nearly as surprised as she was, she decided. Loud noise meant disruptions, which meant Papa was angry. Angrier than usual at any rate, "P-Papa, I can explain!" She cried out, forgetting again her own rule.
Eyes narrowed, her father stepped forward and grabbed her wrist. In a desperate attempt for freedom, Nami grabbed onto her desk. Missing the hard wood by inches, she instead grabbed her bag off the desk and dragged it behind her. Without a word, he flung his daughter into the living room. Landing painfully on her knees to the left of his chair, Nami scrambled back, getting distance between her and her father.
Papa, however, didn't touch her again, but sat down on his chair. Grabbing his beer can, he drank deeply for the metal can while Nami watched in curiosity. "I don't want you back in that room. You stay out here with me now," he said, his words slurred to the point where Nami had to run the words through her mind several times to understand. When she didn't respond, he threw his empty can at her. Hitting her head with a 'thud', Nami remained completely silent; shaking slightly, but refusing to give in.
"I saw yer slut of a sistah' today," he said after a few minutes passed. Nami's slight tremors froze in action, and her eyes widened. "Walkin' down the street like she had e'ry right tah be there…jus' like that whore of a Mama you got."
Anger welled up inside her again. Slowly, Nami stood up, staring down at the man who had made her life Hell for the past twelve years, "Don't," she said quietly, "talk bad about my Mom and sister."
Papa eyed her in amusement. He began to laugh harder than Nami had ever heard him. Nami stood her ground, and continued to stare right into his eyes as he laughed. "What are you going to do, eh?! Stand here and defend whatever I call em'?! You can't do shit!" He cried at her when he recovered. Nami attempted to swallow the lump growing in her throat, but otherwise remained still. Without warning, he reached for her and grabbed her neck, pinning her at arm's length against the wall. "Yer as useless as yer Mama and sister, you know that?! I don't even know why the hell I kept you around for so god damn long! Hah, probably because all you'll ever be good for is getting my beer!" He screamed, the horrid smell of alcohol blowing into her face, along with flecks of his spit.
"Fuck you!" Nami choked out, wrenching free. He stared down at her in disbelief – never before had she ever fought back. "Fuck you, and fuck your beer!" Nami cried as her vision went cloudy with tears. Grabbing her bag, she stormed into her room, and grabbed the picture of her Mother, Nojiko, and herself. "Get your own damn beer." She said scornfully, glaring at him one last time before slamming the front door behind.
Never before had rage consumed the red head as it did now. Shaking as she shoved the old photograph in her school bag, she walked down the stairs so quickly, people would think someone was chasing her. Pausing at Zoro's floor, she stared down at the hall. At that moment, Nami was tempted to crawl into his apartment and let herself loose, but something told her that wasn't a good idea. Having no idea how much time had passed since she and Luffy became a couple, she continued outside, but it was completely dark now, so he had to be home.
Nami stay rooted in place. Papa wasn't the kind to chase after her, but she simply didn't know where to go. She could go to Luffy's, but something told her that wasn't a good idea either. Sanji was working until closing time a few hours from now, and she couldn't ask him to give that up, nor would Zeff let him. Sighing, she began to walk to the left – not caring exactly where she was going.
After only thirty or so seconds of aimlessly walking, she heard her name being called behind her. Automatically, she began to walk faster – if it was Papa, then she was screwed. The person called out again, and Nami broke into a sprint, tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she did so. Her bag was flying behind her, but she ignored it – her only thought was to get as far away as possible.
Suddenly, a warm hand caught her arm, and she stopped. Falling backwards onto whoever had just caught her, Nami closed her eyes tightly in wait for whatever punishment she was about to receive. "Nami?" The person said, his voice oddly familiar, "What happened?" The person asked, his voice a mixture of concern, innocence, and worry.
"L-Luffy?" She asked softly, rolling off him. Sitting up, she stared disbelievingly at her friend – boyfriend, she corrected mentally. "What…why aren't you home?
Luffy sat up, and replaced his hat on his head. In the dark, Nami prayed he couldn't see her tears, which had spilled over finally and were streaming down her cheeks endlessly. "I was talking with Zoro," he explained, standing up and holding out an arm to help her up. Shaking, Nami looked down and buried her face in her hands. "Nami," Luffy asked again, kneeling down next to her, "what happened?"
Nami shook her head, hiccupping loudly. The last time she had cried was that time in her bedroom, and her body wasn't used to it; her shoulders heaved and she was shaking mercilessly. Without needing to hear a reply, Luffy draped an arm around her and pulled her into an embrace. Nami choked out a sob and leaned into him, clutching onto his shirt.
The two sat like that for quite a while in silence, before Luffy finally pulled her to her feet and began to steer her back to his house, not listening to any complaint she had. While they were walking, Nami grabbed onto his hand so she wouldn't fall behind – not realizing how, now that were a couple, she could do that any time. This time meant something, not just them walking down the hall or to the park. This certain moment meant that she, Nami, needed him, whether or not he realized just how much.


The next afternoon, the new couple found themselves walking with Usopp to Kaya's house, where they'd then go to Sanji's, then Zoro's, then Vivi's. As they planned, Usopp stared with disbelief at Nami, who was dressed in some of Makino's smaller clothes. They had explained the circumstance – not including the break down – and Usopp agreed to keep quiet until they got Kaya, Vivi, and Sanji together to announce the news.
"I can't believe it!" He kept on saying, despite Luffy and Nami's many attempts to get him to believe. "I just can't believe that you two, you two, are a couple! Nu-uh. Nope, not possible." He said, shaking his head. Nami watched in some amusement as his curly hair slightly bounced at the motion.
Luffy was happily running ahead of them, attempting to race cars. Nami was walking with Usopp a ways behind, watching him in slight amusement. "You better start believe it, Usopp. It's definitely true," she said, chuckling. Usopp, the grand liar, would automatically assume she was lying.
Usopp shook his head firmly. "You and Luffy?!" He repeated, crossing his arms against his chest as they walked. Nami chuckled at his unspoken logic.
"Trust me, I didn't expect it to happen either," she insisted, shrugging. That was one of the most truthful things she had ever said; it just happened, whether or not people chose to believe that.
Her long-nosed friend sighed deeply, looking out at Luffy in the distance, "Kaya-Chan figured this would happen," he said seriously in a low voice. Nami smiled automatically – Kaya was far more observant than she was at any rate, "I wonder how Vivi will react. Probably not what she expected, coming home for a few months and finding you and Luffy sudden a couple," he said, sighing.
Nami tensed. Vivi's reaction was what worried her the most, out of everyone she knew. Odd, as she hadn't known the girl long enough to know her very well, but she wanted Vivi and she to be friends, and the new relationship between Nami and Luffy could jeopardize that. "Yeah, I know what you mean," she said under her breath, smiling at Luffy as the two reached him. He smiled back at them both, and pointed at a large house on the corner.
"This is where Vivi lived last time, right Usopp?" He asked, not noticing as Nami tensed again. Her gaze shifted to the house, and she felt her stomach flip – Vivi's family must be loaded to afford such a house. A wrap-around porch was decorated by the occasional potted plant, and clean looking wicker furniture dotted around. It was rather Western, Nami thought.
Usopp squinted at the house, trying to determine whether or not she still lived there, "You know, I think she still does live there. When she's in town anyways," he said after a few minutes of Luffy's impatient bouncing. A wide grin suddenly appeared on their friends face, and he darted up the walk-way and bounced up the door. "Luffy!" Usopp cried out, staring open-mouthed at his friend. Nami, however, followed him as fast as she could, slowly walking up the steps.
Luffy grinned at her again, and knocked on the large door several times. From behind them, Usopp was muttering to himself about how crazy they were, but remaining on the sidewalk in case they were wrong. The door slowly opened, and a narrow figure appeared. "Ah! Hello, Luffy-San!" He said happily, opening the door wider. Luffy grinned wider at him, and Nami smiled hesitantly. "Vivi-Chan, Luffy, Usopp, and one other young girl are here to see!" He called behind him, turning back to Luffy and Nami, "And who are you, young lady?" He asked the redhead politely.
"My name is Nami, I'm a friend of Vivi's," she said slowly, trying to ignore the protectiveness in his voice, the way he seemed to care so much of Vivi. It made her a bit sick, truthfully.
Vivi suddenly appeared behind the man, wearing a skin-tight tank-top and long blue jeans. Her whole face lit up when she saw the two – or, as Nami suspected, Luffy – and then turned to the man. "I'm going out, Uncle," she said hurriedly, slipping past him. He grinned, and nodded. "Bye!" She called, politely closing the door behind her. Luffy grinned at her cheerfully as they all started to head down to Usopp. "Where are we headed?" She asked after greeting Usopp.
"Me and you are gonna go get Zoro and Kaya, because they live kinda close, and Luffy and Nami are gonna go to Sanji's place and get him," Usopp said promptly, hands on his hips, "Then we'll all meet up at the playground!" Vivi nodded, obviously remembering their grand club. Nami felt a sudden, unexpected stab of jealousy – she'd have to adjust to the thought that Vivi had known her friends longer than she had, and would have been in the group if she hadn't left. Vivi nodded, turning to Nami.
"Are you feeling better, Nami-San?" She asked, genuine concern in her voice. Nami smirked, and waved her words away. The blue-haired girl nodded, smiling, "I'm glad. I was worried you might have hit your head again at your house." Nami laughed as if it hadn't been very possible for a head-injury to occur at her home.
Luffy grabbed Nami's arm, sending tingles up the latter's entire arm, and began to take off, turning partially to the other two, "We'll see ya' at the playground!" He called, not waiting for any affirmation before running off with Nami in tow. The redhead tried to keep up with him, but the younger boy was just too fast for her. When she cried out these thoughts, he instantly stopped and slowed to walk, releasing her arm.
A sudden impulse took over the girl, and she reached out and grabbed his hand in her own. Luffy looked down at their intertwined hands, then back up to Nami, a smile spreading on his face. "That's right! We can do stuff like this now!" He declared, laughing. Even the redhead couldn't contain her laughter at his blatant innocence.
"That's right. We can do stuff like this now," she agreed, feeling any tension fly out of her body. She'd just leave Vivi to her imagination for now, and befriend the blue-haired girl regardless of her new relationship. Besides, Vivi didn't strike Nami as the type who would hold a grudge over something as petty as a boyfriend.
The couple began to talk about nonsense things – mostly Luffy asking questions and Nami answering. The two went about like this until they reached the restaurant that Sanji worked at most days, and then lived above when he wasn't elsewhere. Luffy released her hand, leaving it slightly cold, and ran up to the door. Instead of knocking, however, he sucked in a huge breath, "SANJI!!" he screamed. The scream was so loud that Nami had to cover her ears, laughing all the while.
From above them, there was an audible crash, loud swearing, and the movements of someone around. A window smashed open, and an extremely irritable Sanji poked his head out, looking down at his friend that suggested he would rather murder the boy. "What?!" He demanded, a long white unlit cigarette hanging out of his mouth as he spoke. Nami grinned, and rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's way of doing things.
"Sanji-kun, come downstairs! We're all meeting at the playground, and it simply wouldn't be the same without you," she cooed, batting her eyes. Sanji grinned, nodded, and retreated back into the apartment. Nami turned to Luffy smugly, "That's how you go about things. Screaming at people to wake them up doesn't usually work," she told him, grinning. Luffy grinned, but Nami could see that it didn't reach his eyes. Her own smile was wiped away, and she stared right into his dark eyes. "Luffy…? Is everything alright?"
Luffy stared right back at her, his expression unreadable. Before he could say anything, however, Sanji came lumbering down the stairs, his clothes neat and as crisp as was his style. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, his slacks touching his heel, and the cigarette being lit. "Let's go," he said, causing the couples heads' to snap up in surprise. They all exchanged smiles, and set off.
"You guys want to come by the Crap-Geezers place for lunch later?" He asked after a few minutes of walking. Nami smiled instantly, and Luffy's expression went from unreadable to excitement in less than a second.
"Yes, please!" They both cried, all three laughing. Nami watched in curiosity as her boyfriends tension drained away from him, and the walk passed without difficulties. By the time they reached the playground, they were the last ones there, and they all ran to reach them faster. As always, Luffy beat them both, Sanji in second and Nami in third.
Once all greetings were exchanged, Luffy sucked in another burst of air, and Nami thought for a wild moment he was going to scream again, "I have something to tell everyone!" He announced just loud to get everyone's attention. Three sets of different colored eyes all turned to him curiously, and Nami felt a smile creep onto her lips at their expressions. Vivi's was amused, with a touch of hopefulness. Kaya's was curious, and slightly tired. Sanji merely looked curious, and still slightly irritated at being awoken in such a fasion.
Luffy took in another deep breath, and smiled widely at Nami before speaking again, "Me and Nami are going out!" He said, clapping his hands on his lips. Nami felt her face grow slightly red at his words, as she hadn't exactly said the statement out loud. Kaya and Sanji's mouths dropped open for a second before grinning happily. Vivi simply looked dumbstruck, but concealed it behind a large smile.
"That's go great!"s "Congratulations, Nami,"s "When the hell did that happen?"s filled the air, and Nami had to whistle loudly with her fingers to get all the questions to stop. All eyes turned to her as she sighed, and shook her head.
"Last night, after school was when it happened, so it's not like we've been keeping it a secret or anything," she said casually, shrugging. Luffy grinned, and turned to Zoro to say something. Kaya smiled kindly, and nodded, while Sanji lit another cigarette. Vivi turned away from the group, trying to pull on a smile.
The group began to occupy the playground as usual, except for Nami and Vivi, who sat at different swings to observe. When she was positive the blue-haired girl was looking the other way, Nami glanced at her and instantly wished she hadn't; Vivi's whole expression screamed that she felt betrayed, replaced, depressed, and angry. Wanting to say something to help her but not knowing what to say, Nami continued to swing in silence, not even muttering a hello to Kaya as she sat down in the swing between them.
Her plan had seemed so simple on the walk to Sanji's, but it appeared as if Vivi would be hurt for a long time. Swearing her horrible timing, the redhead pumped her legs harder on the swing to go higher, trying to clear her head of uneasy thoughts.

A/N: D8 I'm sorry this came up so late! I had an overload of things going on – friend issues, parent issues, and then I got semi-grounded from the computer. Bleh. I'll try to update as often as possible from now on!
Reviews are loved~