Apparently Ray had been thinking about the possibility longer then she admitted.
"But where will you go?" Cirrus exclaimed.
"I've communicated with people. They can help Storm with...her problem." She trailed off, referring to the voice Storm had yelled about.
"Is it that common?"
"In Shin-Ra experiments Hojo had to do with, apparently. Can you help us escape or not?"
Cirrus stared at her, then his sister who'd passed out.
"The stairs. No one guards them. Ever. Go. I'll cover you..."
"What about you?" It was clear Ray feared for his safety. Cirrus laughed and shook his head.
"No offense, but they put the place on lock down. I'm safer in here. Besides, if they come looking...I can claim you knocked me out. And I have no idea what happened."
Ray quietly picked up Storm and made her way for the door. She paused, as if to say something, but descended with out the words escaping.