Y'know, it's bittersweet. This will be the first story I've ever finished (and I mean it). I hope that you enjoyed every snapshot, dear reader. I know I did.
For the final time; feedback appreciated.
Number One. Hiss.
"Won't stop 'till it's over!" Red shouted over his shoulder. "Come on, you Slowpokes!"
Yellow giggled as she raced behind Red down the long grassy slope of the hill behind Oak's lab. The Pokédex holders had gathered for a reunion, families and all. They had just returned from the Hoenn region and the crisis with Guile Hideout, now revealed as Archie, and Oak had insisted they take a few days of rest from the ordeal. So impromptu tournaments had been arranged, food was prepared, and the 'Dex holders were relaxing.
Except for Green, of course.
His lanky body was sprawled out underneath, predictably, an oak tree. A few yards away Gold had copied his lead, but the younger boy was snoring loudly instead of watching the proceedings. Yellow and Red had organized a game of baseball against Blue, Sapphire, Crystal and Emerald, with Silver acting as the umpire and their families chatting with each other across the grassy plain at the food tables.
"Hey, Daisy," he murmured, noticing the slender form of his sister enter his field of view on the right. "Why aren't you over there with the others?"
Daisy shrugged as she sat demurely next to him. She tucked her legs under her body very ladylike as she picked at the grass. "I could ask you the same thing," she replied with a twinkle. "You're brooding again."
Green growled. "I'm not brooding."
"You are, brother," Daisy returned, "so what are you thinking about?"
Green sighed as he shifted to his side and propped himself on an elbow. Up above him, Daisy swung her long brown hair for no reason than it matched the low whisper of the wind in the grass.
"It's just…I'm sixteen years old, Daisy. It's been nearly five since I set out on my journey…and all sorts of things have happened to me. But I'm wondering if I'm getting too old for this."
"Too old?" Daisy smirked. "You? Are you sure you're my brother?"
Green laughed for a moment before returning to his original position on his back, arms propping his head. "No, D, it's not that." He paused for a long moment. "We're all in a state of transition, I guess. Here we are, resting until some other crisis pops up. We're like the fire brigade: always rushing about to put out fires. It feels like we're just at the beck and call of the people to take care of their messes. Team Rocket. Team Magma. Team Aqua. I wonder, what's the point? Have we reached the end of it? have we reached the end of our adventures? Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are kids. Just kids. I was that young once and I had fun, but I don't know if we're supposed to stick around or not. If our time is up and we're too old for this crap anymore."
Daisy paused for a long moment. Her brother brought up valid points. "I read a poem once. The author was talking about the hissing of the sands of time racing against him in an hourglass. He wanted something to do but the world had no use for him anymore, and so he could only do what the world wanted him to do, which was step out of the spotlight and let someone else take his place."
Green shrugged. "Something like that."
"You know, Green, if it's not your turn anymore, it's not your turn. You let the others have their credit. They follow in your footsteps, you know. They look up to you."
Green's face blanched, but Daisy shook her head softly. "I'm not finished, little brother," she added. "Your story is not over yet. You think it is, but it's not. There's so much more of the world out there that you haven't seen. There are whole regions just waiting for you to discover. And the younger kids will follow your lead—they respect your judgment as a friend, and most especially as a Gym Leader. You're still in the game, little brother. Don't ever forget it."
Green looked up at Daisy hanging above him, and smiled. She was right. There was more to his story, and Blue's story, and Red's story…and Yellow and everyone else, too. They'd go into the next chapter together…whatever the next chapter happened to be.
"Thanks, D," he murmured.
"You're welcome," she responded gaily. "Now, what do you say to whipping those Hoenn kids at baseball?"
Green grinned a feral smile. "Let's go for it."