These are in response to The Domain's Challenge Three/One, under the rules and regulations as set forth by Rahna. I will be posting these once a day until they're finished.

Feedback is greatly appreciated!


Stupid waste of my time, but it should be obvious that I do not own Pokémon; be it the characters, the franchise, or any other related product or entity. I own only these suppository and theoretical looks into the canon characters of the manga Pokémon Special. All rights reserved, Satoshi Tajiri, the Pokémon company, Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Ltd, as well as whoever publishes and draws this thing.

Number Six. Battle.

Even though Ruby would never admit it in his life, to anyone, ever, he loved watching her battle. The way she dipped and ducked and dived across the field, following her Battlers and her opponents; it was an art form in itself.

She'd run along on the tips of her fingers and toes. Her run cycle was like a lope, Ruby noticed; one hand up and then coming down, her legs swinging forth and back, pumping faster than pistons. It was wonderful to watch her lope along like that. She was so human and fragile underneath the tough exterior, even when she hopped on her hands and feet like a drunk Spinda. She'd cry out to her fighters, giving commands and dodging attacks and generally acting like a big damn nuisance but she was a part of it; a part of the battle. Somehow she was all caught up in it. That was something that Ruby couldn't do.

Since the Salamence, Ruby hated battling and lived only to watch Sapphire do it for him.