Alex's P.O.V.

Some people say I have a big ego. Few like to say I have a big heart. There are the really crap-tastic ones who like to say I have the WORST FASHION SENSE (Gigi, which is out of pure jealously). Then, there are the ones that say I have a big mouth. I don't believe them, so I wouldn't really believe myself when I made a Twitter. Psh, I wouldn't dare touch a keyboard if it wasn't QWERTY, or grouped up with the numbers on my cell. Don't call me shallow, call me Alex. Don't pass me a ruler; I'll very much enjoy using it to file my nails. Not an advanced calculator, I'll start playing that monkey game and you'll wonder why I don't give a care about your overreaching, pointless math lesson. Don't even say the word "textbook", kay? You'll regret it, or I'll just use it as a paper weight till I give it back. (Psh, ch-yeah, which is never.)

Okay, enough with the education mess, I'm getting a headache. Anyway, like I said, people like to say I have a big mouth. I'm loud, i'm out there…. Please, I'm out there for a reason…not to see any of your faces since you're in there. Being who I am is good enough for everybody else, not to sound cheesy. Pouring my thoughts into thousands upon thousands of words made this kinda…kinda wierd. But it's not about that, It's about what I had to say.

What I had to hide.