The pack... By ishotsherlock.

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with CSI, I'm just playing with them for a while, lol I promise that I will put them back safe and sound when I have finished.

Chapter ONE.

Twelve years ago, San Francisco.

The young woman slowly jogged at a leisurely pace through the park, her dark hair was up in a ponytail and she wore trainers, a pair of light blue running shorts and a light blue comfy t-shirt. Even though it was almost midnight she couldn't stay in her small apartment any longer so she jogged and thought about the wonderful day she had just had. Her day had started out well as she entered the lecture hall early and sat in her normal seat in the front row. She enjoyed the lecture and at the end bombarded the professor with a lot of questions, which led to them both going out for a meal and a drink then back to her apartment for a night cap. But he left after she had kissed him, using the excuse that he was to old for her and that he was her professor and would be gone in a few days.

She had just started her fourth lap of the park when she heard something moving in the tree's to her left, thinking that it was just the local wildlife she continued on. Halfway round she thought she was being watched, but whenever she looked over her shoulder nothing was there, and the feeling stayed with her until she could take it no more and headed out onto the dimly lit street. But all the way home she still had the feeling she was being followed, at last her building came into view and she picked up the pace. She ran up the three flights of stairs and thought she could hear a tapping noise behind her, fumbling she tried to get her key in the lock but missed as she kept looking down the short hall way, on the fifth try she finally managed to get the key in and opened her door.

She was just about to slam the door shut when the largest dog she had ever seen barged through the closing door and lunged at her, knocking her halfway across the small room and to the floor, snarling and clawing at her its jaws clamped around the arm she had thrown up to protect her face. All the woman could see as the pain gripped her was the dogs teeth, with bloody saliva dripping from them and a large blue eye looking deep into her soul . Too shocked to scream she watched as the dog let go of her blood soaked arm and lunge for her throat, the last thought before she passed into unconsciousness was that this was going to be the last thing she saw before she died.

The big dark grey and brown dog clamped its jaws onto the woman's throat and bit down hard until it felt the woman go limp, releasing her the dog sat and looked at her for a few moments while it cleaned the blood from its muzzle then it leaned forward and began licking the dripping blood from the woman's throat and arm. He hoped this would be the one who would eventually become his mate and the alpha female of his small pack, if the blending went well. He could feel the pulling of the dawn , and looked out the window, he had been here looking at her for too long and now had to get back to the park before the sun rose above the tall buildings. Taking one last look at the female laying on the floor with her throat ripped open he knew it was too late for her, if only he had found her earlier or had taken her in the park then the blending might have had time to take hold before the sun rose, but he was too late this time, hopefully the next would be the one.

The dog calmly walked out of the apartment and down the stairs, then taking a sly look out of the open door and seeing no-one about he made a run for the park and the safety of the trees, the only people who saw him were a few homeless people and they only got a glance before he disappeared into the heavily wooded park.