Edit: Omg wtf. This chapter is HORRIBLE with its layout. I must fix this.

Legal Disclaimer: Yo mah home diggitydawg, I don't own none o' dis s***. XD Okay, I'll stop, some people might take it as a offensive, though it wasn't meant that way. Anyways, yeah. Please R&R!

"Throughout history, twins have been a major driving force..." Mr. Lancer began, his voice quickly being forgotten to Danny Fenton.

Danny was busy focusing on the sky outside; a task much more important to him than having Mr. Lancer blabber on and on about history. He was thinking about something that was always on his mind: a twin. Of course, right now it was perfectly fine to be thinking of such, seeing as the day's lesson WAS twins. Of course, school and personal opinions on the topic did matter.

"Mr. Fenton!" Lancer shouted, startling Danny enough to knock him out of his daydream.

"Uhm...yes, Mr. Lancer?" Danny asked, turning his head from the window to his teacher.

"Perhaps you would like to teach the class, seeing as how you seem to feel you don't need to learn with them?" The sarcasm in his statement nearly made Danny cringe, before he cautiously answered, "Uh...no, sir...".

He sighed. Why did Lancer always call him out on stuff? Dash was at LEAST twenty times worse, and only got a "pay attention!" once a MONTH, if Danny was particularly lucky. Mr. Lancer sighed as he looked for where he had left off in his spiel.

"Ah, yes. Your assignment for the rest of this week, and all of next week, is to study twins of past and present, and their relation to the grand scheme of history. I want you to relay your information to me in a ten-page essay. Typed!"

Danny groaned at the assignment. He hated essays; And he wasn't at all afraid to say that he especially hated essays that he had to do for Lancer. Lancer was one of those teachers that nitpicked EVERY detail, no matter how small. And with Jazz Fenton being his older sister, the pressure was especially strong. Still, though. At least he actually cared about the topic. Usually the essays were things like writing 5-page papers on Ancient Roman Aqueducts or the likes, and why they were so important. Something Danny didn't take as important, which, admittedly, who did? And besides, honestly; How much information can one get out of an ancient aqueduct? Not much is my guess.

Zoning back from his horrible recollection of research-paper-topics gone wrong, Danny began to think about the matter on hand.

All throughout his life, Danny had wondered what it would be like to have a twin. He always felt like he kind of had one, but he knew his parents would tell him such a thing. Well, he hoped they would. They would, wouldn't they? Still. It was a recurring thought to him.

Sighing, Danny got up as the bell to let them out of last period rang. He headed out of the classroom into the main hallway, before heading outside to see Samantha Manson and Tucker Folley (His two best friends), waiting for him.

"Hey, Danny," they greeted him in unison, a casual tone in both of their voices.

"Hey, guys," he greeted them back, also giving a slight wave to answer theirs.

"What was with Lancer today?" Sam asked, her eyes narrowing to a glare. "Twins aren't that important."

"I know..." Danny began, but quickly changed his mind and added, "I mean, I've always kind of wished for one. Like, a part of me was missing me or something. But, still. He didn't need to go all psycho-teacher about it like he usually does."

"Well, I'm glad I'm an only child," Tucker chimed into the conversation, "More technology for me."

With this, he hugged his newest PDA, aptly named the Perfect Digital Assister brand, "Her name is Sheila."

"Right..." Sam said, attempting to keep her lunch from coming back up as she rolled her eyes at the geeky fawning, "Anyways, Tucker is right. I wouldn't want a twin doppelganging my style. I am the Super-Ultra-Recyclo-Vege-Goth. No one can take that from me!" Sam's eyes quickly turned to shooting stars as her passion on the matter rose. After realizing the intense passion she displayed, she quickly calmed down as a red blush crept to her cheeks. Her eyes flared like burned-out cinders a moment longer before returning to their usual purple hue.

"Doppelganging? What does that even mean?" Danny interrupted his friend's passion-modes, "Anyways...I still think it'd be cool."

He quickly looked at his watch.

"Aw man!" He suddenly frowned, his depressed-tone cuing his friends into action, "What's up?"

"Mom and dad said if I don't get home right after school this week, I can't go to the concert on Saturday!"

Danny quickly stepped onto his scooter, shouting "See yas!" as he drove off towards his home (and parent's workplace) "Fenton Works".

He arrived at the house around ten minutes later, hopping off the scooter and running into the house.

"Mooom! Daaad!" he shouted out, proving he was home on time. When he didn't get any answers, he assumed they were either in the lab, or they had gone out.

"Lab," he silently laughed to himself.

He made his way upstairs to his bedroom where he threw his helmet and backpack onto the floor before he jumped on to the bed. He moaned at the relief the soft mattress provided to him.

"Ah..."he sighed, letting go of all the tension Lancer placed on him during History. The combination of Lancer during class, Dash during the rest of school, and Jazz at home was a force that constantly drove him near the brink of insanity. "Now, see, this is why I need a twin. He could help me through all this," he sighed once more.

"Hi, Danny," Jazz greeted him a minute or two later.

"Hey, Jazz, "he responded, sitting up on the mattress.

"How was school," she smiled as she began questioning him sitting down on the small expansion of mattress near the bottom of his bed.

Danny laughed silently; that was just like Jazz. School was always on her mind.

"It was okay," he thought for a moment, "Spanish, Lunch. Y'know. The usual jig."

"And your grades..?" she gave him an *almost* evil glare, but one that had care and concern packed into it, rather than hate and rage.

"They're fine!"

"Mr. Lancer's not going to be calling home about them?"

"No, Jazz. I swear." Danny thought for a moment, then sighed, "He gave us another paper."

"Oh? What's this one about?"

"I dunno. It's some weird assignment about twins. It's kind of odd...I've always felt like I should have a twin. You ever have that feeling?"

"Oh. N-no!" Jazz quickly responded, then hurriedly stood up, her eyes becoming a slightly darker color than they had been a moment ago.
Danny assumed it was the lighting, but he couldn't deny his family had always been kind of weird about twins. Like, whenever something about twins came on to the television, they would change the channel. Not always immediately, but he honestly couldn't say that he'd seen any show about twins completely. Of course, he still believed his parents would tell him about such a thing;...Wouldn't they?

"Uhm...I've got to go," Jazz hurried to change the subject, "I've got some students I have to tudor. You know me! Always trying to help everyone!" And with that, she bid him adieu.

"What was that about? I thought Jazz was supposed to be the normal family member. I mean, all I mentioned was twins..." He trailed off, thinking about his family's erratic behavior with twins, "...Does she know something I don't...?"

Danny was now, admittedly, interested and slightly fed up with his family's strange behavior (at least, concerning the matter of twins.) He decided to go after her.

"Jazz?" he called out, going from room to room in the house. He started upstairs with her room and the bathroom, and slowly made his way to his parent's room before heading downstairs. Just as he was about to head into the kitchen, he heard whispers coming up from the lab. He decided to go check if Jazz was there.

Arriving in the doorway, Danny could see Jazz huddled close to their parents whispering quickly. He leaned closer in hopes of catching the conversation.

"Listen, mom, dad, I'm telling you! If you're ever going to tell him, now would be the best time!"

"Jazz, honey..." their mother began, turning around and taking off her protective goggles, "We promised we wouldn't tell Danny about the acci---" she turned her gaze to the lab's doorway, noticing a figure that had been standing there, "Danny?"

"Tell me about what, mom...?" Danny asked, his voice shaking and an unknown something building up in his eyes.

"...About your twin," Jazz responded, taking a stand against her parents' decision.

AN: Well...that's that. XD I have no idea where I'ma go with this (Lie -- Has some idea) SHUT UP SELF! *Cough* Anywhozays, we'll see what the future holds for it. There's totally going to be Twincest, though. How much? Who knows. (Lie -- Should know) Anyways, please rate and review! I know, it's short, but it was just likea "Oh hey let's get the ball rolling" type thing. So yeah. Okay, I'll talk to you later. And if you would like a lemon or some uuuber fluff or some such, just tell me. I'll be happy to oblige. I notice there's a sad shortage of DannyXDanny/DannyXPhantom/PhantomXPhantom/PitchPearl/Whatever on here. Soooo yeah. I'll see yas later. ~Shin-Shui~