For 494dwangel, as requested...I hope! Feel better! I hope it brings a small smile to your face!
Dean Down in the Dumps
The hotel walls seemed to close in around him. Dean wheezed and coughed. Tissues piled up in a mountain of white beside the bed.
"Just forget it, Sam," Dean had said less than an hour ago.
"No, we came here to hunt and just because you're a pussy don't mean I can't continue with it! I mean, it's no something new to us. Just a regular old salt'n'burn."
And with that he'd slammed the door shut with a resounding bang.
Which left Dean alone. By himself.
The worst thing was, no, not that his nose was so stuffed up he had to mouth breath, nor that he kept projectile vomiting every 15 minutes or so, not even that his whole body ached all over. No, the worst thing for Dean was that they had managed to find the only motel in the entire world that didn't have a television!
"How could Sam do this to me?" Dean thought to himself as he tossed one more tissue into the pile.
"Hmmm…looks like a leaning tissue tower of Pisa!" he mumbled.
After snoozing for a while Dean finally got up enough strength to reach out to the nightstand where Sam's laptop lay. He pushed the power button and watched the Mac quickly start. Dean clicked on the internet browser button and was pleased to see a website pop up.
"At least we have internet access in this Godforsaken place, even if there is no TV."
Dean puzzled for a moment over how that could be, unaware of the Sam's wireless internet card but still happy that he didn't have to spend hours playing solitaire. If he had to do that he'd blow his brains out for sure.
A few minutes into the search Dean found something that greatly fascinated him. It was a site called fanfiction (dot) net and people from all over the world wrote stories about their favorite TV shows, books, movies, and more. He couldn't believe such a thing existed. He quickly figured out the site and the rating system and weeded out the 'uncool' ones to find the more…adult…stories.
"Written porn! Man, these people rock!"
Dean continued to read for the rest of the day, surprisingly interested in slash fics and the Twilight stories. Although he shook his head when he read that vampires sparkled.
"No self-respecting vamp would get out of bed in the morning if they SPARKLED! Definitely would cut their own heads off with a meat cleaver."
Still Dean read on, interjecting things like, "Oh no!" or "Yeah baby, smack that ass!"
Suddenly the door creaked open just as Dean was saying, "More baby!"
"Um…Dean? Are you ok?" questioned Sam. He let the door slam as his perplexed look grew.
"Man, I never knew the wonders of the computer! I mean, I knew you could watch some porn online, but who knew you could read it! And they have some complex storylines in here too. That chick Buffy was totally doing the vampire Spike in all kinds of nasty ways!"
Sam grew wide-eyed, shook his head and reached for the doorknob. The only sound in the room was the slam of the door as Sam left Dean to his alone time with the computer.