A/N- Edited the whole thing!

To previous readers: Sorry I had to remove the trick tower section because I've got a serious writer's block. I just COULD NOT continue from where I left off. I want to finish it, so sorry for any inconvenience ^^ (screams as tomatoes are thrown at me) Suggestions for future exams are welcome!

To new readers: Well, hope you have enjoyed the story so far! Umm about the trick tower, you guys only missed out on this rotation thingy, where there was this room with four stations (a little room, a karaoke box, stepmania, and this shoot-the-target thing), and the characters are basically being tested on different qualities. What else...Pietoro meets his deceased mum, Yuujiro doesn't like the fact that Killua was an assassin, and Karuhi gets a glimpse of Kurapica's past. I couldn't think about anything for Gen. -sigh-

Yeah, and if you have read my profile, I won't be continuing this until I finished my other story! I won't tell you which, but its also in the HXH fandom (still being updated right under your nose). Disclaimers apply: I don't own Hunter X Hunter.