Disclaimer: I DO not own Detective Conan.

This is my first story, I hope you like it. Please enjoy!

Chapter 1: Detective Boys are on Holidays!

Elementary School Teitan, 08.00 a.m. April 30th.

Early in the morning, Conan and his friends were in school. They are in class 2B, listening to Kobayashi-sensei long explain about Biology. Conan and Haibara were bored, they prop up their chin. Mitsuhiko, Ayumi and Genta were confused, their forehead was furrowed. When Kobayashi-sensei was on the middle of the lesson, the principal knocking the door. Haibara and Conan was out from their fantasy, and hurried fold their hands and gazed at the principal. The principal stood up in front of Kobayashi's table and start talking.

"Greetings! May I have your attention please? I'm going to announce to all of you. Tomorrow is the first day of the month, since we finished the exam, we're going to have a long holiday for 1 week." said the principal to the students and the students are happy and shout out "Yaaaay!"

After the school ends, Conan and Haibara walking to Prof. Agasa's house with Mitsuhiko, Genta and Ayumi tailing them. Conan sighed, because he knew that someone tailing him. Haibara ignored Conan and keep walking with her hands in her pocket of the pants. When Conan and Haibara going to turn to the left, Conan spun around and Ayumi, Genta & Mitsuhiko were hiding behind pole. Haibara spun around too and waited.

"Stop playing hide and seek guys! We absolutely know you guys were there behind the pole!" said Conan, he pointing to the pole.

"Yep, I can see their shadows behind the pole." said Haibara, she flickered her eyes.

And then Ayumi, Genta, Mitsuhiko show their funny and cute faces.

They explained that they have a plan what to do on their holidays. Their plan was to beg to Prof. Agasa, to accompany them to the new mall around Tokyo. Then the Detective Boys agreed. As they arrived at Prof. Agasa's house, Conan open the door and entered to the room, from behind Haibara also entered and stood beside Conan. Conan and Haibara's friends also entering and rushing to Prof Agasa that sitting on the chair.

"Prof. Agasa, can we go to mall tomorrow? Please!" beg Ayumi, she set a cute face.

"Well, aren't you guys going to school tomorrow?" asked Prof. Agasa, and stand up from the chair.

"The principal said we're gonna have holiday for 1 week. So please accompany us!" said Mitsuhiko.

"Well, tomorrow huh? I'll think of it. You guys already told your parents about this?" asked Prof. Agasa, he smirked evil.

"Sorry, it's not working Prof. Agasa!" said Genta, he shake his head.

"Huh?" said Prof. Agasa, he confused.

"Genta meant, we already told our parents. And even more, we told them that we're gonna sleep in the hotel of the mall for 1 week." Explain Mitsuhiko, he moved his hands.

"(Hey! I never told you guys to sleep there!)" murmuring Prof. Agasa, he chortled.

"So? P-L-E-A-S-E!" ask Ayumi, she tried begging.

"Okay! You guys win! Now you guys sleep in your own house, tomorrow we'll go!" said Prof. Agasa, he little relieved to say that.

"Sir, yes sir!" said Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko.

Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko walked toward the door and get back to their own house. After that Prof. Agasa get back to sitting on the chair and sighed. Conan and Haibara walked closer to Prof. Agasa. Then Haibara decided to make a cup of tea for Prof. Agasa.

"Here's the tea." said Haibara, Prof. Agasa acceptance the tea.

"Prof. Agasa... I think I know why you don't want to go." said Conan.

"You know?" said Prof. Agasa, he drink his tea.

"You want to online with your computer right?" said Conan.

"Well, excellent deduction my boy!" said Prof. Agasa.

"Anyway Professor, can I sleep here?" asked Conan.

"Why?" asked Haibara, she spun around to Conan.

"Don't tell me... You don't like Ran Mouri anymore..." said Prof. Agasa,with his deduction.

"Wrong! Because I already tell Ran-neechan about this." said Conan.

"Well, fine go ahead!" said Prof. Agasa, he get back to his online games.

When the morning comes, Prof. Agasa wake up first and packing his things. Haibara wake up second, she yawning and sitting on the sofa. When Conan wake up, he opened the door and he suprised by Saguru Hakuba. Conan face was frantic and back to normal. Prof. Agasa explained that Hakuba wanted to come with us too. And when Conan getting his tooth brush and toothpaste, he was suprised again by Heiji Hattori. Haibara said that Heiji want to come with us too. When Conan is getting ready, he was suprised by Makoto Kyogoku.

"Don't tell me, he want to go with us too?" ask Conan.

"Right!" said Haibara.

"It's more fun, if more people right?" said Prof. Agasa.

"(Yeah! But we'll get much trouble if they come.)" Conan murmuring, and sighed.

"Don't worry! They won't make trouble." said Prof. Agasa.

"(You read my mind...)" Conan murmuring.

Soon as they waited, Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko arrived and Prof. Agasa explain there is more people that will come with us. Then Ayumi, Genta and Mitshiko agreed. After that all of them put their things in the car.

"I can't believe, you guys have many things like these..." said Conan.

"Hmph! Prof. Agasa invited us to come you know!" said Heiji.

"Hey, we better get inside!" said Hakuba

After that they all getting in the car, Prof. Agasa the one who drive the car. Beside it Haibara sitting on the front, Conan and the gang sit on the middle. And the teenager sitting behind the car.

"I think we're like a homely people... isn't? We're going to sleep in the hotel just for one week, so that's mean we are homely people huh?" said Makoto.

"Right!" said Detective Boys.

And all of them are on their way to the mall!

To be continued....

Talk Show!

Conan: I think there will be much trouble waiting for us!

Haibara: I'm enjoying myself.

Ayumi: Yaay! This going to be fun!

Mitsuhiko: By the way Genta-kun, looks like you brought many things.

Genta: Yeah! All of them are Food.

Heiji: What mall we're going anyway?

Makoto: Orchid Garden.

Hakuba: Wow! Looks like pretty expensive! What is the name of the hotel there?

Agasa: It called Gold Hotel!

This is my first story so please reviews!