Harry sat on his bed with his phone in his hand contemplating on whether he should call Draco again tonight or simply forget it. He longed to hear his sensual voice again but he would certainly not admit that he had a crush on Draco fucking Malfoy. It was simply a temporary infatuation. He did say that their lunch outing wasn't horrible. Harry was going to think of it as a date even if Malfoy didn't. Ha! I went out on a date with Malfoy, Harry thought. Then again nothing would come of this. Why was he even calling? To get his marbles off? Harry snorted to himself.
Fuck it. Harry decided; he cast a voice altering charm and dialed the phone chat line.
He quickly pressed through the prompts which he already memorized and impatiently waited for Draco to pick up.
"Hello my name is Draco and I'll be your date for tonight, what's your name?"
"Hi", Harry's voice squawked not used to lower timber of his temporary new voice. He cleared his throat a few times and tried again. "Hello, my name is H-Henry." Harry mentally face-palmed; maybe I should just give him my real name. He wouldn't really know who I am with my voice changed. But then I would be that creepy guy that kept calling in…ugh I am that creepy guy that keeps calling in.
"Henry…well that's a sexy name. So Henry, what do you do for a living?"
Harry groaned realizing that Draco obviously had a set of question prompts to get the conversation started. They had already talked about this; Harry wanted to know more about Draco.
"I don't want to talk about that. What do you do, other than talk on this phone line?" Harry asked.
Draco was silent for a few seconds then responded. "Why do you ask? Most people just want to get right down to business."
"I don't know I'm just curious."
On the other end Harry could feel Draco's awkwardness and reluctance to open up. "Well…" Draco started. "I like magic."
Harry startled at the mention of magic. What was he doing? What if I was a muggle?
"I mean like magicians. In my spare time I like to practice illusions and…stuff." This is weird Harry thought.
"Are you gay?" Harry blurted out. God he was so awkward. Why couldn't he just get off like you are supposed to while using this service?
Draco scoffed on the other end of the line, "of course I'm gay, I am paid to get other men off by talking dirty. I know my way around a man's body…women don't do it for me. I'm sure if I tried talking to a woman like I talk to men it wouldn't work."
"What are you wearing Henry?" Draco tried to seductively change the topic. "Tell me what you look like."
"I'm pretty tall, green eyes, dark hair." Harry smiled. "My friends always say my hair is uncontrollable like a tangled mess."
The blonde's breath hitched, "That's really what you look like?"
"Yes" Harry whispered.
"Gods you sound so sexy"
"You're just saying that, I'm sure you say that to all of your clients."
"Yes, you're right but I do have a thing for green eyes. I guess you could say I had a school-boy crush on someone who had brilliant green eyes. Nothing ever happened of course. But enough about that, I want to talk about you."
Harry decided to throw caution to the wind. He was ridiculously turned on by Malfoy…and green eyes. Was he talking about his green eyes? That would be impossible. He was such a dick for all seven years. No, surely Malfoy was talking about someone else but that made Harry jealous. He didn't want anyone else to get a piece of the blond.
"How many clients do you talk to a night?"
"What? Way to be a mood killer" Draco grumbled. "I don't know, you are my first, I will usually see about four people. Most pay for an hour of time."
"I'll pay for all of your time for tonight" Harry burst out.
Malfoy scoffed, "You couldn't afford me."
"Trust me" Harry grinned into the receiver. "I have more money than I know what to do with."
A/N: I haven't updated this in years...I honestly don't know if I will continue. I want to! But I got crazy busy with school when I stopped. Now that I'm done with school I am crazy busy with work! Feedback is appreciated. I would love if you could give me some plot ideas I'll try to include them in the next few chapters.