I got this prompt from the Star Trek XI kink meme (awesome place by the way): "So, I am a total 'tard. I am owning up to this fact by not even going anon. Okay, like while half asleep this morning I was making myself a PB&J for breakfast right? Bruh, breakfast of champions. In my profound, barely conscious state of mind I realized a very, very lolsy fact. Pike/Bones/Jim = PB&J. I would LOVE for them to have a threesome and during/after Jim, a pun-tard like me, is all 'hey, guys, we go together like P, B and J.' It doesn't necessarily have to have the threesome sex, though bb that'd be hot, just Pike's and Bones' inevitable reactions." There is no sex, because I'm a wimp. R&R

"I've just had a profound idea." Jim declared from Bones' chest, the circles Christopher was tracing on Jim's hip bone faltered slightly as he lifted his head from Bones' hair.

"This is going to be one of those ideas you have that neither of us find funny, isn't it?"

Bones snorted into the pillow he had his face pressed against, and Jim glared shortly at both of them, even though he knew Bones would not be able to see it.


Bones and Christopher waited for Jim to say something, but the silence stretched on. Bones pulled his head from the pillow and looked down into Jim's pout. "Stop pouting and tell us already." Bones told him, taking the edge off his words by laying a soft kiss to Jim's forehead. The circles Christopher was tracing on Jim's hip bone morphed into figure eights.

Jim smiled a real smile, not the one he reserved for girls and people he needed to suck up to, it was the one he saved just for them.

Then Jim's smile shifted to the grin that he wore when he was about to say something that he knew would warrant a sarcastic comment from Christopher and a comment using the word 'damn' from Bones.

"My profound idea is," Jim started slowly, wanting to get the best reaction possible from his two lovers, "that we go together like P, B, and J."

Jim's grin was blindingly bright as he took in the looks he was receiving, the comment registering in their minds, and then the slight humor, but mostly exasperation that shown clearly on each of their faces.

"I'm not even going to touch on that comment." Christopher said burying his head back into Bones' hair.

Bones pulled Jim's head back to his chest, exhaled, ruffling Jim's hair and murmured, "God damnit, Jim."