This is officially the last chapter. Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement!

I don't own the Darkness' most awesome song, "I Believe in a Thing Called Love", My Little Pony, or "The Matrix".

....I still pity that poor rat.

176. Wasp nests are a don't under any circumstances.

177. No Michelangelo, you are not supposed to drink Molotov cocktails and then swallow the match.

178. Pumpkin chucking machines are certainly not in the same category as peanut launchers, marshmallow guns, and popcorn shooters. Remove them from the Lair immediately.

179. No one is allowed to rig the throwing star targets with contact explosives.

180. Fireworks plus Never. On pain of death. No.

181. No one is allowed to fake amnesia.

182. And if someone actually does have amnesia, no one is allowed to convince the poor person they're really a little 5-year old girl named Maggie and they were the victim of a terrible accident.

183. Please, stop building lawn-mower engine powered 'Roman chariots' to race in the city museum.

184. Dating is allowed, with discretion. Dating five girls at once just to see if you can is not discreet, and also is in horrible taste.

185. Rapheal, you are not allowed to throw a victory party for loosing your virginity, no matter how awesome the story is.

186. Sawdust is not a proper substitute for anything, especially not cooking flour.

187. For strictly health reasons, its not advisable to randomly walk up to attractive women and kiss their socks off. Even if they thank you for it afterwards.

188. No one is allowed to supercharge the ceiling fan and attach themselves to it with bungee cords, rope, or rubber bands to 'have a free tilt-o-whirl' in the Lair.

189. Donatello, if you must sing 'I Believe in a Thing Called Love', please do it in the shower like everyone else. We've already lost eighteen glasses to those high notes.

190. Turtle wax is not what you think it is.

191. No, getting braces will not improve your cell phone's reception, so please stop trying to kidnap a dentist.

192. Michelangelo, you cannot put glitter, My Little Pony stickers, or ribbons on Raphael's shell, 'to make him look pretty'. Why do you think he needs to look pretty? No, wait, don't answer that.

193. No one is allowed to give Michelangelo energy drinks. Ever.

194. Racing junk cars in the junkyard is fine. Racing junk cars over ramps and into the Hudson River to see who gets better air-time is not.

195. No one is allowed to marry themselves.

196. There is no such thing as gay-dar, and none of you have it!

197. Claiming that the Shredder has ever venereal disease known to mankind is...funny. Him finding out? Not so much. Discretion is advised.

198. No one is allowed to hypnotize anyone. No one is allowed to command said hypnotized person in any way, shape, or form. Casey may very well never forgive you, Raphael, for the naked Disco Duck impersonation.

199. Growth hormones are a don't. And no, they will not make your 'Mini-me' grow; on the contrary, one of the worst side effects of such a product is notorious shrinkage.

200. From the boys to their beloved sensei: we promise to never break any of these rules ever again as long as you never do that thing with the spoon ever again. Love, your sons.

April stared at the last entry, her head cocked to the side in confusion. She glanced over at the aged rat standing beside her in the depths of the Lair. "Do...Do I want to know what the trick with the spoon is?"

Splinter merely smiled. "No. No, you don't."

April eyed the ninjutsu master warily, nodding her head. "Okay then." She made to turn back to the couch when a thought stopped her. She looked back at Splinter. "Does it have anything to do with that movie, 'The Matrix'?"

Splinter's smile grew. "Not at all. This was much worse."

April shuddered outright and resolved to never ask about that trick with the spoon ever again.