"And now, the yearly match of Risemball!" Maes Hughes announced to the crowd of people surrounding a pre-made ring. "This year, the competition is fierce! We have the Resembool Rangers led by the Elric twins!" Edward and Emilee stepped out in red and black T-shirts and shorts. "The Miniskirt Army led by Colonel Mustang!" Roy stepped out in a blue and white T-shirt and shorts. "And a new team this year led by our only state sorceress, Christina Asohna, Homunculi Madness!" Christina stepped out in a black and green T-shirt and shorts. "This will be a 3-way match! Good luck out there!"
"Who's Christina's team?" Edward whispered. As if an answer to his question, all 7 homunculi walked out behind her in variations of her uniform.
"First one to get her out gets 5 bucks," Emilee whispered, seeing their team and Roy's stiffen slightly at the homunculi.
"Deal," Edward agreed, shaking her hand. "I got your back if you got mine."
"One!" Hughes counted from the sidelines. "Two! Three! Go!"
"So, what's the point of his game?" Envy asked Christina, rolling a ball between his hands as they stood at the back of their team.
"Basically, hit someone in red or blue to get them out and don't get hit yourself," Christina explained. "Really, it's a pointless game." Suddenly, a ball came out of nowhere and nailed her in the head. Whipping her head around, she saw Emilee grinning as she tossed up a ball, quickly throwing it to get one of Roy's players out.
"Hey, Ed!" she called, reaching down to grab another ball. "You owe me 5 bucks!"
"10 for Envy, 15 for Roy!" Edward bargained, getting Lust out.
"Deal!" Giving her twin a high-five, she stuck her tongue out as Christina glared at her from the sidelines.
"Hey!" Envy yelled. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Winning!" the twins yelled back together.
"15!" Edward exclaimed, hitting Roy in the back. Emilee scowled slightly before hitting the last of Roy's players, successfully eliminating the Miniskirt Army.
"Sudden death!!" someone yelled.
"Who the hell came up with sudden death?" Edward asked his twin. She shrugged, leaning slightly on Edward's shoulder.
"You guys sure you aren't boyfriend girlfriend?" Envy asked, smirking slightly.
Edward and Emilee looked at each other before looked back at Envy. Emilee grabbed a ball and hurled it, nailing Envy in the face. "Incest!!" they yelled together.
"Last one in wins!" Hughes announced, the only people on the field being Edward, Emilee, Roy, and Christina. 2 balls were set on the line and the match began, the twins quickly grabbing both.
"One," Edward counted, aiming for Roy.
"Two," Emilee counted, aiming for Christina.
"Three!" they yelled together, throwing their balls. Both found their mark, the Resembool Rangers winning the game.
"And your winners and still undefeated champions, the Resembool Rangers!!" Hughes announced as Edward and Emilee raised their arms in the air.
"You can't beat us in dodgeball," the twins said, smirking at Roy, Christina, and Envy; he'd come over to see if Christina was okay. "We're from Resembool. You can't ever expect to beat us in a game like Risemball! We invented it!" Sticking their tongues out, both Elrics turned and started walking back to the hotel they were staying at.
"Cocky brats," Roy muttered.
"You said it," Christina growled.