
"The horizon looks so beautiful today, and the sea never-ending, as usual!" Chuckling, I look at my hands. I let my thoughts wander, and inevitably, to my escape plans. Is it even possible for me to leave the spirit world, let alone Yubaba? If Chihiro could get away from Yubaba unharmed, then I should be able to too. Problem is, how? Even beyond that, will I be able to leave the spirit world without my river? I blast out a bolt of water into the sea in frustration. EVERYTHING is a mystery. It's hardly fair at all. But then, it's my fault for wanting to be Yubaba's apprentice in the first place. Growling in agitation, I cannot possibly take any more of this. Transforming, I soar across the endless sea to seek the wisdom of Zeniba.

Following the light of the lantern again, I reach Zeniba's place of sanctuary. As always, she knew of my arrival and opens the door in invitation. I transform back to my human form as I hurry in.

"So Kohaku. It has been only a day. What brings you back here?" Her gaze burns at me, and I caught a faint twinkle in her eyes.

"I don't think you need to ask. You know already."

She laughs, it's a light-toned laugh quite different from Yubaba's, or to be exact, the complete opposite. "Here, have this." She gives me a crystal orb. "It contains all of Yubaba's known skills. We train together since we were little, and we were taught more or less of the same skills. Study all of them. You don't need to cast them, but you just need to know HOW to. Also take note of their weaknesses, how to use them against her casts and then of course counterattack." I stare at her with surprise. Her gaze unfaltering, she says, "To be able to break the contract as her apprentice, you have to fight her once, and win. If you lose…" She sighed. "You'll have to "train" for another 1000 years under her to fight her again. This rule ensures that the apprentices across the spirit world don't battle their masters every hour or so." Her face grim, she continues, "But it also means that if you lose, you won't be able to see Chihiro again, unless she turns into a spirit as well. I'm sure that you are against this, because I am as well. She deserves a peaceful and quiet life as a human after all she has been through." She sips her tea. "So, what do you think?"

"I'll do it."

"Great. Come back if you have any questions. If you don't mind, I'll have to look in on No Face's work now…"

"Wait Zeniba! There is one more thing…" I hesitated, trying to control my feelings as whatever the answer may be, "Is it possible for me to live in the human world, with Chihiro?"

"Spirits will weaken if they live there without something they are bound to. For you, it is your river, and it is no longer there. However, spirits can always find a new thing to be bound to, but it has to be something that they love," she hints. My eyes widen. With a roar, I soar the skies, eager to start my training as soon as possible.