Some days, Aang wished he could be anything but a monk. Sokka was right, saving a person who was always trying to kill them was crazy, and as soon as Zuko woke up he'd probably try to grab Aang and run off again.
But Aang just didn't have it in him to let anyone freeze to death in the snow, even the enemy. All he could hope was that Zuko stayed unconcious on the way back. Sokka and Katara had taken the reins, insisting Aang rest after his journey into the Spirit World, so he was left at the back to watch Zuko.
Aang sighed, studying the prince's sleeping face. Despite knowing Zuko was only a teenager, he sometimes forgot that; with his sour face and attitude Zuko seemed older than his years. Right now, though...
He seems so innocent when he sleeps. Probably because he's not doing anything to hurt us, Aang thought. Tentatively, he traced a fingertip over the scar covering Zuko's face, wondering what could have happened to leave such a mark. Just what are you about, Zuko? You're always talking about restoring your honor, but how is hurting people supposed to do that? If you're a prince, why do you bother running around the world trying to chase us?
He shook his head. Whatever reasons Zuko might have, he was still a terrible person and once again, Aang wished he could be selfish enough to leave him behind.
Suddenly, Zuko began shivering violently and coughed a bit in his sleep. Almost as if by instinct, Aang pulled the prince's head into his lap and wrapped both arms around him. He felt a tug on his pants and almost smiled.
I don't care what you think, Zuko, he thought, If we'd met in another point in time I think we'd be closer than anything.