Please Review and Enjoy! I hope it is good enough.... Tell me what you think, please! I do not own Vampire Knight!!
Chapter 1
A girl silently watched the scene playing in front of her. Her fists clenched together in annoyance. How dare a vampire sunk so low as to seduce girls like this? And I am about to join this school…? I caught sight of them all. One by one, I knew them. The one in which is doing a despicable act would be Aido Hanabusa. Next to him would be Kain Akatsuki. Followed easily by Toya Rima and Shiki Senri. Behind them would be ethereally beautiful Souen Ruka and the always smiling Ichijo Takuma. Lastly, the pureblood, Kuran Kaname. The girl thought to herself.
She hurried away before her presence is known. Kaname looked up at the direction the girl had been at but thought to himself that he must be hallucinating. In the late afternoon however, the Night Class was in for a special surprise. As they were gathered at the… living room, perhaps, a girl suddenly phased through from the roof and landed right in front of them. She glared at them before smiling.
" I do apologise, I am in a bit of a bad mood. Kuran Kaname-sama, it is a pleasure to have finally gets to meet you. My name is Sakamoto Mizuki. I will be joining the Night Class from now on." The young lady did a small bow. " However, it may be a pleasure to meet you, I can't say the same for the behaviour of one Aido Hanabusa." The lady looks pointedly at the blonde haired vampire. " To see such an act from a vampire. Seducing the innocent girls! How could you, Aido-san?"
With every insult she said, Hanabusa became madder at her.
" And who are you to insult me? You plain devil woman!!" Hanabusa insulted her without thinking when it is most certain and the said lady is not plain at all. Her face is heart shaped with almond eyes. Her hair a long flowing light blue colour that reaches her back. Sure she has a bit of freckles but that will be gone easily. Her stature is like any normal student. But you could see her poise, calm and graceful nature by the way she looks.
"I've already answered who I am, you stupid rapist!!"
" Mad woman!"
" Insensitive pig!"
" A stupid sexist!"
" An idiotic mad man!"
" Hah! I said mad already and you can't use it!"
" Oh yeah, well then, you're a pain in everyone's ass!!"
" It takes one to know one, mad woman!"
" You used that already, insensitive pig!" She shouted back at him as the other vampires kept looking at the argument in an amused expression.
" Aren't you supposed to be lady-like?!"
" Aren't you supposed to be a gentleman?! Do you know who I am?! I can take you on any day, rapist!"
" Oh, I know who you are! You're an idiotic girl who thinks she owns the world!"
" Oh, you're gonna get it!! Beware, Aido!"
" Am I supposed to be scared?"
" You have no idea." The young lady replied with an eerie look before disappearing.
DING! DING! DING!! Round one of first day,
" SAKAMOTO!!!!!!!! WHERE IS ALL MY TREASURE?!?!?!?!?!" A certain blonde haired vampire shouted as everyone covered their ears. The person in the speech, Mizuki smiled as she read her magazine. Then suddenly an angry Aido stood in front of her. " Where are they?!"
" Where are what?" The young lady asked, innocently.
" You know what I'm talking about!" Once more, the other vampires watched them battle it out through words.
" No, I don't." She replied with a sly smile.
" Sakamoto!"
The young lady sighed. " Oh, you mean your junk in that room?"
" JUNK?!?!?!? It is not junk! It is treasure and pieces of memory!"
" Yes, junk. Kaname-sama might kill you for having junk. And… he's right behind you." As Aido looked behind to see Kaname and apologise, Mizuki ran off quickly. Aido turned behind to see the other vampires stifling their laughter as the blonde haired vampire was just tricked. If it were anime, you would probably see smoke coming out from the blonde haired vampire's ears as he stomped off in anger.
DING! DING! DING!!! Round two, here we come!
Mizuki was having a great time until she looked in the mirror after her bath. She screamed an ear splitting scream that could make anyone deaf in a blink of an eye. Two female vampires barged in from the door and their eyes widened in shock. A certain blonde vampire was laughing his head off.
" What…. Happened, Mizuki-san?" Ruka asked… looking shock. Mizuki glared at the mirror.
" Aido happened! I'll be right back!" She stalked off in just her towel wrapped around her. Every male vampire stopped to stare at her and knew something was going to happen and all of them followed. Her body may look great but her hair is now no longer blue, it is in fact her most hated colour of all time, pink. She glared and every fibre in her body released out murderous intent. " AIDO!!!!! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!?!" She screamed at him when she found the blonde haired vampire.
" I don't know what you're talking about, Sakamoto."
" The hell you don't! You're dead!!" Her eyes turned red.
" Oh, you mean your hair? What's so bad, you can just dye your hair again! Unlike you, my treasure can't be saved now!"
" No!" Then her facial expression softened and her eyes saddened that Aido looked surprised. " I can't…. it cannot be…" She bit her lip. " You don't understand. You will never understand…" She looked at him. Then she became angry again.
" Understand? What?" Aido looked concern now but refused to show it.
She glared at him…..
" You don't understand, that's why…. That's why we'll never be the same…. Nobody will understand me…. Nobody will." Her eyes watered as she glared.
" What is happening out here?" Kaname asked as everyone moved out of his own way. " Sakamoto, Aido. What is going on?"
Mizuki looked at Kaname and looked back at Aido. " You…" Her eyes still red. Without thinking, she leaned forward and kissed Aido on the lips before disappearing.