We all know the story of Treasure Planet, but what happens to our heroes AFTER the adventure, hmm? A glimpse of the future (well, future's future, considering the setting of the movie).

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the original TP characters. (If I did, that would be awesome). Only the OC. So… let's get this story rolling!

The sun rose over the city and through the window into the hospital room, occupied by Natalie Hawkins. The young woman stretched and ran her hand through her blonde hair, then opened her emerald-green eyes, peering out the window. Sunrise already? she thought, then grabbed a remote by her bed, clicking a button that automatically closed the shades over the windows, replacing the sunrise with a moonlit-night scene. That's better. She laid back down in bed, ready to go back to sleep, until something across the room caught her eye.

Her husband sat in a chair, resting his head on his hand, asleep. A strand of his brown hair had fallen in his face, covering his left eye. He let out a small snore, causing Natalie to chuckle.

"Rise and shine, Jim." She said, getting up from her bed and lightly tapping his shoulder. "Time to get up."

"Zzz… Huh? What?" Jim answered, opening his deep blue eyes then, shaking himself awake, stared at his wife in shock. "Natalie! You shouldn't be up! You just-"

"I know." Natalie said with a light chuckle. " 'Went through over 4 hours of labor.' James, I'm fine. I've been through worst on voyages."

"Honey, I doubt that any voyage I've ever taken you on has ever caused you that much pain."

"You underestimate me, darling." Natalie said, faking shock.

"You were screaming loud enough for everyone in Kinapis to hear!"

Natalie tussled her husband's hair. "Well, it's not as easy as outwitting a band of pirates, is it?"

Jim smirked. "It wasn't as easy as it sounds." He leaned in and kissed his wife on the lips.

"C'mon, let's go see how your daughter is doing." Natalie said, wrapping her arm around Jim's waist as they left the room.

Jim Hawkins and Natalie Crow had met on a voyage over a year ago. Natalie was a financier who hired Jim and his crew to deliver a cargo of celestial bronze to Planet Kilgany. Some call it love at first sight, who spotted Jim and Natalie walking arm-in-arm onto the port after the voyage, while the crew called it unusual, bringing up how the couple had complained about what course to take, and how Natalie kept wandering off at certain stops, delaying the trip.

They never did go into the details of the entire voyage, since the experience was exhausting enough, and also because Jim began to feel tired of having to spill out every detail of his voyages, with his trip to Treasure Planet being the most popular.

Instead, they decided to speak of the voyage only around close friends and family members, and they were saving their story for someone extra special…

"Isn't she beautiful?" Natalie said to Jim as they looked through the glass at their newborn daughter, lying in the hospital nursery.

"Yes, just like you." Jim replied, smiling and pulling his wife close.

A metallic clinking noise came down the hall, and Jim and Natalie turned, only to see BEN rushing up to them, followed by Morph, Sarah Hawkins, and the Doppler family.

"Oh, you guys! I'm so happy for you!" BEN exclaimed, hugging the couple. He grabbed Jim's hand and began to shake it. "Congratulations, Jimmy! Oh, I can't wait to see your-" the robot looked through the window, and his jaw dropped at seeing all the infants. "Wow, Jimmy. You've been… busy. Now I know why Natalie was screaming all night! Whoof!"

"They're not all ours, BEN." Jim said with a chuckle. "Only that one." He pointed to a small, blonde-haired baby wrapped in pink blankets.

"Oh, Jim, she's beautiful." Sarah said, gazing at her granddaughter while hugging her son.

"Beautiful." Morph repeated, flying up to Jim's shoulder.

"Well, she gets it from me." Natalie said, smiling.

"So, Jim, how does it feel to finally be a father?" Delbert asked, patting Jim on the back.

Jim smiled and looked over at his daughter. He was worried, at first, about having a child of his own and being a spacer. Then again, he knew he would handle it, and take good care of his daughter like a father should. This was the direction in life he decided to go, and he was going to stick with it, no matter what.

He learned that from a good friend.

"It feels great." Jim replied, answering Delbert. "Like rediscovering a hidden treasure, only more remarkable."

"Only this time, it's a life-long voyage in which you must take full responsibility." Amelia said, then smiled and pulled her own children close. "I should know."

"Your daughter is very pretty, James." Elizabeth Doppler, the redhead of the triplet felinid daughters, said as she looked at the infant.

"I like her hair." April Doppler, the blonde felinid daughter, said as she stepped up next to her sister and peered into the nursery.

"Only because it's the same colors as yours." Valerie Doppler, the black-haired felinid daughter, sneered at her sister as she looked at Jim's daughter.

"She's quite more radiant than the rest of the infants." Eric Doppler, the canidid son said as he looked at the baby.

"Thank you, kids." Natalie said.

"So, what are you going to name her?" April asked Jim.

Natalie and Jim looked at each other, realizing they hadn't gone over any names for their child just yet.

"Why don't you pick?" Natalie said with a smile, nudging Jim.

Jim looked at his daughter again. Like rediscovering a hidden treasure, only more remarkable. his words echoed in his head, and he grinned as the perfect name came to mind.

"Tesoro." Jim said. "Tess for short."

"Tesoro?" Valerie repeated.

"Tesoro!" Morph exclaimed, zooming up to the window and darting left and right, eager to meet the newborn.

"I think it's a beautiful name." Elizabeth said with a twirl.

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful girl." Natalie said, resting her head on Jim's shoulder.

"And a beautiful beginning." Jim added silently, smiling at his daughter.

A/N: And the first chapter is complete! I'd like to inform you that this is my first TP fanfic, so give me a break if you don't like it.

By the way, "Tesoro" is Italian for "treasure", since that's what Jim thinks of his daughter as.