Hello people! If you read my other stories Waiting for You and Alien Prom Night, then you will enjoy this selection. This is my second Inuyasha fanfic. I don't know why I didn't upload my first one. I haven't given it much thought. But anyways, I hope you will enjoy this one.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha if he was he will be my husband. Enjoy!

"Tag you're it!" cried a little girl who was of age five. She giggled as she ran and hid behind a tree.

"I'm not it," yelled an angry six years old boy. "You are you doo doo head.

Hearing this, the little girl left her hiding place. "I'm not a doo doo head!" she yelled, stomping her feet. "You're the doo-doo head since you can't tell that I'm the on who tag you, Inuyasha,"

"Tag! Now you're it!" said Inuyasha as he shoved the little girl to the floor. "Who's the doo-doo head now, Kags?"

The little girl stayed on the ground, not saying a word. "Don't tell me you're gonna cry," taunt Inuyasha. "You're such a big cry baby, Katome,"

The girl sniffled; quickly dried her tears and got up. "My name is not Katome, it's Kagome. KA-GO-ME!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go dry your tears and be a baby somewhere else," said Inuyasha as he pushed her out of his way.

"Ugh, I hate you!" cried Kagome as she ran up to Inuyasha and pushed him to the ground. He pulled her down with him and they rolled on the floor. One was on top of the other, both fighting and tearing clothes. The battle ended with Inuyasha on top of Kagome. "Ha, you lose." he smirked.

"I don't think so," said Kagome as she kneed him in the balls.

"AHH!! My wee-wee!" cried Inuyasha in pure pain and agony.

"Humph. That's what you get for fighting a girl," said Kagome sitting up from the ground.

Inuyasha quickly scrambled up from the floor, still holding onto his crouch and tackled Kagome to the floor. Since he was fighting with one hand, Kagome grabbed his other hand and pinned him to the ground. "Sit boy!"

"Ow! Get off of me," he growled.

"Kagome!" said a voice behind them.

"Uh oh," gasped Kagome.

"Ha, ha. You're in for it now," whispered Inuyasha. "Ow, ow, ow, please get her off of me Auntie Higurashi,"

"Kagome you get off of Inuyasha this instant and go to your room!" yelled her mother.

"But mom! He started it!" pointed Kagome. "Inuyasha called me a doo-doo head!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"That's enough, both of you go to your room. And I don't want to hear any noise or you'll wake the baby!"

"Okay," they grumbled as they went to their shared rooms. Technically, it's Kagome's room. Inuyasha comes over when his mother is working and Kagome does the same when her parents work.

Inuyasha and Kagome's mothers are close friends, practically sisters. That's why Kagome and Inuyasha call each others moms "auntie". Kagome and Inuyasha were to sit in their room for five minutes and not say a word to each other unless it was something nice. After their five minutes of silence, they are forced to apologize and hug. Kagome's mom entered the room and had an expectant look on her face. Inuyasha and Kagome groaned as they said their sorrys and hugged.

This was a daily routine for them every time they got into a fight. Mrs. Higurashi smiled and said, "Okay you two, time for baths,"

"Yeah," smiled Kagome.

"No," moaned Inuyasha as he followed them to the bathroom.

"No, Inuyasha you have to wait for your turn," spoke her mother.

"What? Why?" asked Inuyasha.

"Well, Inuyasha you're a big boy now and Kagome's a big girl, so there's really no need for you to take baths together anymore,"


Kagome's mom nodded.

"Yay! That means more room for me!" cried Kagome.

Mrs. Higurashi giggled and said to Inuyasha, "Go watch some TV. and wait for me to call you, okay?"

"Yes," responded Inuyasha. "I hope you drown Kagome,"

"Inuyasha!" cried Mrs. Higurashi.

"I was just kidding," said Inuyasha. Kagome stick her tongue at him and Inuyasha responded by pulling his left lower eyelid. He ran downstairs, turned on the TV. and waited his turn. Soon Kagome was done and it was Inuyasha's turn. Kagome's mother bathed the dirty boy until he was squeaky clean. Both Inuyasha and Kagome were dressed in their pajamas and were now brushing their teeth.

"Move, Inuyasha you're taking up too many room," wailed Kagome.

"No, you move. Your big head is taking up the space," complained Inuyasha.

"Arggh," Kagome and Inuyasha growled at each other, foam coming out of their moths.

"Are you two done?" asked Mrs. Higurashi from the other room.

Kagome and Inuyasha quickly rinsed their mouths and ran into their room. They climbed the bed and said, "We're ready,"

Kagome's mother entered the room with a book in her hands. "Okay it's story time,"

"Wait, where's Omi?" asked Inuyasha.

"And Kimiko," said Kagome.

"Did you guys checked under your pillows?"

Kagome and Inuyasha shook their heads and checked under their pillows. There they found Omi and Kimiko. Omi is Inuyasha's stuff teddy bear and Kimiko is Kagome's stuff rabbit.

"Okay, now we're ready," said Kagome as she held Kimiko in her arms.

Mrs. Higurashi read them a bedtime story and slowly the two children fell quietly asleep. She got up, turned on Kagome's light night, turned off the room light and closed the door.

Later that night, Kagome felt something wet while sleeping and woke up abruptly. "Ugh, Yash you wet the bed again!" cried Kagome.

"Huh?" said Inuyasha waking up drowsily.

"Inuyasha, get up, you wet the bed. I thought you stopped,"

"I did. I guess I had too much to drink," said Inuyasha.

"Come on. We gotta tell mom," ordered Kagome as they got off the bed, with Kimiko and Omi in their arms. They went to Kagome's parents' bedroom and didn't see anyone inside. They assumed she was downstairs. They slowly and quietly crept down the stairs and into the living room. Still no ne was there. Kagome and Inuyasha saw red and blue lights blaring outside. Cop cars were leaving the house.

"What's going on?" whispered Kagome.

Inuyasha shrugged and whispered, "I don't know,"

They then heard voices in the kitchen and crept there.

Kagome's dad was home from work. He was talkin to her mom in serious tone.

"We have to tell him," he said sternly.

"How are we going to do that?!" cried Kagome's mother.

"I don't know but the boy has to know about his mother,"

"What? We just go up to Inuyasha and blurt out that his mother died?" said her mother.

Inuyasha gasped. Mr. and Mrs. Higurashi turned around to the sound of the gasp and froze. They saw a wet Inuyasha holding tightly to Omi.

"What happened to my mommy?"asked Inuyasha.

"Oh, Inuyasha," said Mrs. Higurashi, tears brimming from her eyes.

"Your mommy," start Kagome's dad. "She's... she's... dead son."

Inuyasha's eyes grew wide. "No, she can't be dead.

"Oh, Inuyasha, I'm so sorry," said Mrs. Higurashi.

"No, my mommy did not die!!" he cried. Inuyasha dropped Omi and began to bawl. Tears streaming down his cheeks.

Mrs. Higurashi ran to Inuyasha and hugged him tightly. Mr. Higurashi picked Kagome up and walked to her room. He changed her sheets and clothes and tucked her in bed.

"Daddy, did Inuyasha mommy really die?" Kagome asked innocently.

Mr. Higurashi closed his eyes and nodded. "Oh Daddy," cried Kagome, tears running down as she jumped onto her father's arms. "I feel bad for Inuyasha,"

"I know, me too dear," said her father. "Just go and sleep Kags. Inuyasha will be fine.

Kagome nodded as her father closed the door. It was hard for Kagome o fall asleep. Just when her eyelids grew heavy, Kagome heard someone open the door. She quickly turned around and faked sleep.

"Everything will be alright," she heard her mother say.

Inuyasha sniffled. "Okay and he climbed on the bed. Mrs. Higurashi changed his clothes and closed the door. There was silence in the room until Kagome spoke up.

"Inuyasha?" she said sitting up.


"I'm sorry," Kagome said sincerely. Inuyasha sat up and saw the saw that Kagome's eyes were filled with sincere. They smiled and hugged. For the first time, the two hugged with absolute care. After that little incident, Inuyasha and Kagome drifted off to sleep.

Next time on Miraculous Love:

"No, but at least I'll be far away from you,"….

"Please take care of Inuyasha,"….


Yeah that's about it for this chapter. I will try to update the Next chapter briefly. REVIEW!!