Title: Why?

Author: inulover411

Story summary: Something terrible happens to Tohru, and it changes everything

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket, its characters, the story, etc.

Author's Note: SO yeah…enjoy? Hopefully?

Two years…

It's been two whole years since I've come to live with Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo Sohma. In that time I've come to meet most of the Sohmas, and I've learned, gradually, about their curse…and about Akito, the head of the Sohma household and, for all intensive purposes, their 'God.'

I've made so many new memories during these last two years, and so many new good friends. The Sohmas are all so nice, despite their underlying problems and difficulties…and yet they all have their secrets; their deep, dark skeletons that they all try and keep locked away inside.

But, despite all that, I know that I will never regret meeting any of them.

Especially Kyo…My heart flutters like a butterfly just at the thought of his name. I stare out the window, past my reflected, blushing face, to the street. The lamps are coming on. They always seem to sparkle brightest when they are first lit, and the light reminds me of his eyes…of Kyo's eyes. I chuckle, thinking back to his excitement over subjects like martial arts. He would always get so worked up, and he'd talk endlessly like a child, his voice livid with an intense exhilaration. That's the Kyo I liked the most…the one that didn't hide...the true Kyo.

"Honda! Get to work!"

"Eek! I'm sorry sir!" I startle at the sound of my boss's voice and hurriedly return to mopping the floors. This job sure may be tedious sometimes, but I don't mind at all.

'I wonder what the boys had for dinner tonight…' I think to myself as I mop. 'I probably should've made them something like miso…Kyo likes that a lot.' It has been so long since I've moved in that I already remember everyone's favorite foods by hearts! Yuki and Shigure aren't very picky eaters, but Kyo…he always did hate leeks…

I shake my head persistently as my face turns bright red. Blood rushes to my cheeks as I think of Kyo's face…of those intense orange eyes…of that messy head of orange hair that looks like fire...and of the crooked smile of his that—

No! I have to get back to work! I return to mopping at a heated pace, frantically tying to keep my mind off a certain someone…

Why won't he ever go away? Kyo is always there, his voice echoing in my head over and over again…I close my eyes at night and I dream of him. When we are in the same room together, I find myself laughing and smiling even more than I usually do. Whenever we're together I'm always happy…

Is this what love is? I pause, pressing a hand to my chest. I feel my heart racing as I think of him. Kyo…could he ever feel the same way I do? Can he see what he does to me? Can he tell that his very presence takes my breath away? Can he hear my heart jumping erratically in my chest every time he accidentally brushes my hand? Does he ever…

I frown, pulling my hand away. A wave of terrible sadness washes over me.

No. No he couldn't. He could never possibly feel the same way about me as I do about him…I'm just being…disillusioned. Unrealistic. Stupid.

I put the mop away and head for the changing rooms. All the other girls have headed home,-it's around 11:30-and I had stayed for the late shift. I had told the boys not to wait for me, and that I would make it home alright. After all, it's not like I'd get in trouble or anything, right?

I hear the soft rumble of thunder through the hotel's walls as I brush out my hair.

Grabbing my school bag and umbrella, I make my way out to the front door, when my boss calls me back.

"Hey Honda, can you run this out real quick?" he asks, motioning behind him to a few bags of trash.

I nod and begin to walk towards them.

"Hey, are you alright?" my boss asks, a worried look coming over his face. I blink in confusion. "You look like you've been crying, Tohru."

"What? Really?" I ask, totally shocked…I hadn't even noticed that tears had been falling down my face. Embarrassed, I brush past him and grab the trash, putting on what I hoped was a smile. "Don't worry, sir, everything's alright!"

"Well…alright then, see you Monday, Honda," he calls, waving me away and heading back to the front desk. Shouldering the heavy bags, I made my way out the back door and into the alley. Chucking them haphazardly into the dumpster I lean against the brick wall in dismay.

Here I was, crying over him! Crying over Kyo…the boy that I…loved…over a love that could never be returned.

BOOM! I yelp at the loud clap of thunder overhead and I drop my bag and umbrella in shock. It begins to sprinkle.

A small smile played on my lips as I stared up into the sky. I close my eyes, letting raindrops hit my face. Kyo always did hate the rain…

No! Again! The heat rushes to my face once again and I quickly turn to the brick wall. The rain cascades around me softly and tears begin to fall from my eyes. Oh Kyo…my breath catches as I think again of his face…that same wave of pain washes over me and more tears trickle down my face. Kyo…how can you be so blind? Why can't you see? Why can't you see that…that I…that I love you?

I sob softly, resting my head against the wall. This is silly…just ridiculous! I can't feel this way! I shouldn't!

"You suck," his voice echoes again and I remember back to that starry night up on the roof during Kagura's visit. I see his crooked smile and I cry out.

I love you, Kyo…I love you so much that it hurts…

And I want you to love me, too…

"Hey there, sweetie," I jump, startled. Wasn't I just alone in this alley? I look to my right, further down the alley. There, shadowed in the dark, stood a tall figure.

Trying to regain my composure, I turned to him, hoping that he couldn't see my tears. "Oh, um, excuse me sir. Can I help you?" I asked politely. Perhaps he was a customer who had tried to get into the hotel the wrong way? He stood there, motionless and silent, as I waited for his reply. "The door is on the other side, sir. There's no way to get in from back here." Still no answer.

My spine began to tingle. Something felt wrong…

"Um, excuse me-"

"Actually, I think you can help me," he interrupted. The low, slow sound of his voice had me quivering in fear. But why?

"Okay sir, what do you need?" I asked, quickly reaching up and wiping my face free of stray tears. It bothered me somewhat that I still couldn't see his face.

'…there are a lot of weirdo's around here,' I remembered Shigure saying long, long ago. No, no, that's just me being paranoid. I smile and walk after the man as he heads further down into the alley, beckoning me to follow. This man just needed some help is all. Yes, that was it.

"I'm actually having car trouble," he said, chuckling a little bit.

"Okay, I'll help you out however I can," I answer. We turned into the back side of the building, and were completely shrouded in darkness, with only a far-off street lamp as a dim source of light. I could hardly see where I was walking when suddenly the man stopped.

"Sir?" I asked, unsure.

"You know what sweetie?" That name really worried me…Something inside me was screaming…something was telling me to run.


"You're cute," I opened my mouth to answer when the man quickly rushed me. In the darkness, I lost him as he attacked me. Before I could even begin to react, the man had me pinned to the brick wall, his arms like chains holding both my hands high above my head.

"Wh-what are you d-doing?" I asked, hearing the fear in my own voice. I could feel the blood coursing through my veins at a frenzied speed; and I could hear my heart racing, its beat echoing through my head.

"You're cute," the man repeated, his voice sending shivers up my spine. "And so innocent, too…" he held both my hands in one of his and trailed his other hand down to my face.

Even with the far off lamp I still couldn't see his face.

He chuckled. His fingertips brushed my cheek and I tried to squirm away.

"Don't. Do. That." the man snarled, his tone menacing and sharp. He gripped me harder, making me wince. My body was screaming, burning with adrenaline, and with the need to run and escape from this man. "Now then, let's continue," he whispered. His large, heavy fingers traced my jaw and touched briefly upon my shaking lips.

"S-s-stop! Stop this, please!" I shouted, terrified. "Please, I-!"

SLAP! I fell silent at once, my face still stinging from his palm.

"Shut up! You stupid freaking bitch you better shut the hell up…"he threatened.

"Please…please…just take what you want and go…"I mumbled. He chuckled in response, ignoring me. He was leaning in, inhaling my scent. My whole body was shaking as his nose trailed up my neck. His ragged breathing caused tears to prick and fall from my eyes.

He laughed in a sinister way.

"You're mine now, cutie."