Okay, so I got a review saying that the end was a bit confusing, but I promise I had this in mind when I wrote it that way. Here is the back story that Belle missed out on while she was still trying to catch up to her sister.

Kaylee's POV

I knew that Belle would be pissed at me for running off. My little sister was nothing if not overprotective. She wanted to shield me from the world, but I was going to college in a few months and I had to find myself. Finding myself started here.

This was my journey, my decision, and while it seemed crazy, it felt right. I was going to find Adam Milligan (or Winchester, depending on how you looked at it). Failure was not an option.

…Except for the fact that I didn't know where to go.

I took my savings of my last few paychecks and started packing my blue mustang (it had once been cherry red, but after reading about War I'd decided that a new paintjob was in order there) that my parents had given me for my seventeenth birthday. I left a general note for my family, a more specific note for Belle, packed up my teddy bear and necessities, and hit the road.

I didn't know where I was going, so I stopped for breakfast and sat in the parking lot for about ten minutes with my eyes closed. I was pretty sure that I looked ridiculous, but it was better than doing nothing. I had full faith that my Adam was out there somewhere, and if I didn't know where I'd feel my way towards him. It seemed like something crazy little Laura would do, so I was pretty damn sure it set me on the right track.

Of course, Bell would call me insane for it, but that was her. She was always the more down-to-earth one of the trio. Pushing all thoughts of her, Laura, Chris, my ex-boyfriend, the blaring radio, and all of the other crap that generally filled my mind out of their reserved parking places, I focused on what I knew of Adam. His anger, bitterness, naivety, and honest innocence filled up my mind, and it was like flicking on a tracking switch. I opened my eyes and flipped on the ignition with a grin, pulling onto the freeway.

I didn't stop often for sleep, worried that Chris wouldn't be able to talk Laura and Belle out of doing the stupid and following me (and being honest, that poor innocent kid was enslaved to their insane puppy eyes and crocodile tears, just like I was). I had left my phone at home; first rule of Supernatural: cell phones can be tracked. I avoiding using my credit card for as long as possible and even then tried to only use it at ATMs to get more cash. On July 3rd I pulled into Bisbee, Arizona, and I stopped for good at a hotel.

I was close, so close that I could practically feel Adam next to me. It kinda freaked me out, kinda turned me on, and made me feel all out triumphant as I realized that I had done this and I had beat Belle and Laura to something for once. Then came the mind numbing exhaustion. It shut off my mental tracking system and compelled me to spend most of my leftover cash on a room for the next two nights- I'd need at least two days to get home, after all, and I'd promised my parents I'd be back by the seventh.

I crashed out for a few hours, but it was only around six am when I fell asleep and I woke up at three in the afternoon. I rested for a bit as I began clearing my mind once more, turning on my mental tracker once more. I found food and headed after Adam, stopping outside the doors to a large library. The building was made of a pale stone, off-white and creamy looking. It was sculpted with swirls and curly designs around the doors and windows and edges, somehow managed to emanate a homey feel. It was peaceful and seemed like the perfect place for a lost boy to go. Without a second thought I headed inside.

Bisbee's library was, by far, the nicest library I'd ever seen. As a book nerd, I would like to say I'd seen quite a few, too. The main room was well lit and light colored with a tan carpet covering the floor. The information desk was at the center and tables fanned out around it. Bookshelves filled up the farther half of the library and lined the walls, books taking up almost every inch of the spaces. I looked up and saw that the second floor was visible from down here, curling around the edges of the room and leaving the center free so that an observer could look down and see the main library below. Computers were up there as well, lining the walls as bookshelves took up row after row of empty space up there as well. A large room was off to my left, many children running through the shelves and jumping on the bean bags there. To my right were the movies and CDs spread out in arrays of drawers stacked high. I instantly felt at home.

I wanted to spend forever- and then longer- going through the worn yet beautiful books on the shelves, but instead I was compelled to cross to the stairs and head up. In the back left corner, hidden from general view and far away from where most people seemed to venture, I found a young man. He was sitting at one of the computers, his fingers resting on the keys as he scanned what looked like a newspaper article. He had hair that was light brown in direct light, dark brown in the shadows and what looked like beautiful light blue eyes. He was dressed in simple jeans and a faded t-shirt with a jacket slung over the back of his chair. He matched every description of Adam, but even if he hadn't I would have wanted to say and talk to him. He had a lost and lonely expression and his eyes look hurt. He seemed on the verge of tears although he was trying not to be and the almost pre-med student in me couldn't leave a person that looked like they were in that much pain regardless of whom they were. "Hi."

He jumped and spun around, apparently having been unaware of me hovering behind him. He seemed to relax when he saw that it was just me, a random but harmless looking girl. "Oh, um, hi?"

I took the seat beside him and smiled politely. "You looked like you could use a friend and you're holed up all alone back here… am I being annoying?"

He half frowned but shook his head. "No… no, you're right, I could kinda use a friend right now. Is it that obvious?"

"A bit." I shrugged. "Don't worry, everyone has bad days." He seemed to appreciate the effort, at least, so I continued, "I'm Kaylee Fairbanks."

He gave me a slightly sad, though genuine smile, and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Kaylee. I'm Adam." I waited for a moment to see if he'd tell me his last name.

"Adam…" I prompted.

"Oh, um…" he glanced at the article on the screen, "Adam Milligan."

I used all of my majorly awesome acting skills when I replied, "You don't sound so sure about that." Really, I didn't care if he was sure; I had found him! I was right!

"Oh…" He messed up his hair with one hand. "I don't really remember anything. At the police station they took my prints and ID'd me as Adam Milligan, but…" He shrugged. "I'm a bit confused. I woke up in a hospital not knowing who I was or anything and…" His eyes met mine and he stopped, blushing a bit. "Sorry, I'm venting, aren't I?"

I had to grin at his adorableness. "A bit, but I don't mind. I did say that I wanted to try to be a good friend, after all."

He tilted his head, a bit of mischief coming into his eyes. "Really? I'm not sure I remember you mentioning that…" My heartbeat stuttered as I identified what definitely passed for a flirty tone in his speech. "Exactly how good of a friend do you want to be?"

"Um…" My brain was kind of frozen looping back over his words. He chuckled and his voice was all deep and beautiful. I wanted to swoon. I almost entirely thought I was going to but then….

"Excuse me," a voice broke in from behind us. We both started and turned to see a kind looking elderly librarian standing there. "Sorry, dears, but the library is closing. Sunday, you know."

I nodded, quickly regaining my composure under her all too knowing stare. "Of course. We'll just head out in a moment, ma'm."

She nodded. "Thank you," she said kindly as she walked away.

I glanced over at the article, not really intending to move incredibly fast. A moment wasn't a specific measure of time, after all. "So is that about you?"

He scooted over his chair, inviting me closer so that I could read off the screen. I moved over, intensely aware of the fact that we were now just inches from each other. My entire left side was tingling with feeling and I was surprised at how aroused I could get without even touching him. "Yeah," he said after a moment, and I looked over to see him watching me instead of the screen. He dropped his gaze back to the computer as he continued, "it's an article on Adam Milligan, but… well…" I scanned the article and saw for myself the problem. Realization hit like a ton of bricks and I wanted to wince.

"But Adam Milligan is dead," I said quietly, staring at the bloody looking Adam in the picture at the top of the article. It went on to explain how there had been unusual noise in an old crypt and how searches had found the young college student dead, his corpse resting in a broken coffin. "But it's you…" I shrugged, looking at him, "Unless you have an identical twin his existence is secret… that's you in the picture."

He nodded. "But then how am I here?"

I bit my lip hard as I tried to awaken myself from the trance his blue eyes were putting me into. "I… um…" My will caved and I confessed, "I sort of didn't end up here by accident."

He looked confused. "O-kay…?"

"I mean, I was looking for you, Adam," I clarified, hating that my voice sounded a bit uncertain. If this was fangirlism, why did I care so much what he thought of me? Laura certainly didn't care if Sam thought she was psycho and Belle didn't expect to honestly have a chance in hell with Dean. What was this feeling?

"So… you know me?" he asked slowly, seeming to try to fit me in with the very little information about himself that he knew. "How did you know I was alive, then?"

"I didn't, not for sure, but…" I frowned in concentration, trying to figure out where to start. "The library's closing and it's a really, really long story, but what do you say we go to dinner and I'll tell you everything?" I only realized that I was basically asking him out right after I had done it. Oops. Major, major oops. I waited with baited breath for his answer now that I realized the weight it carried.

"Sure," he agreed after a moment's hesitation. He hesitated for a moment longer after agreeing, though, and I was a bit worried he'd change his mind. "You promise that you're not just messing with me?" He sounded vulnerable and scared, which of course he would be; who was easier to use than someone who didn't know anything about themselves or their past?

"I promise, Adam, I've only got good intentions," I rushed to assure him.

He smiled. "Okay." The trusting look was back and my heart melted. Okay, maybe I was falling in love with him… that didn't seem like the wisest of options, but I was powerless against his charm. The sad thing was, I didn't even think he was trying to win me over. This was just natural.

We found a small Italian restaurant down the street and ate as I carefully told him everything from the books, promising him that everything was important even if none of the Sam and Dean info seemed to be at first. When I got to the end he was staring at the table with his brow drawn in concentration. It would have been adorable if I hadn't just explained my all out obsession with him and told him that the world wasn't exactly what most people thought it was, not to mention how close it had come to ending as humanity knew it.

"And… you're…" He had looked back up at me now, his visage confused.

"I'm just an innocent bystander. And fan. Thought it's a bit hard to be a fan when you finally realize it's all real…" I mused out loud.

"Why were you so into me?" he asked curiously. "I don't sound very…"

I grinned. "I'm over the fangirl obsession, I promise," I told him, leaving out the fact that it was now just a new, much more normal and scary kind of fixation. "But your brothers had already been… claimed, I suppose, though I understand Belle's feelings on this all now, by my sister and her friend. I think I would have liked you best anyways. You were the most innocent one."

"I almost destroyed half the planet."

I shrugged. "Not your fault. You didn't mean to."

"You can pretty much argue that with the whole story."

"True…" I agreed after thinking it over. "I guess I was just drawn to you most. I mean, really, what girl isn't drawn to the hot, angsty teenager in a story?"

"So you think I'm hot?"

I blushed. "I didn't… I mean… I… damn you."

That won me a laugh. "I think you're very appealing as well, sweetheart," he cheekily responded, showing his Dean-like flirting streak once more.

"Yeah yeah…" I mumbled, now surely bright red.

We managed to get off of apocalypse and supernatural topics and just chat for the rest of our dinner. I was pretty happy and a bit distracted when we left that night. I bumped into someone outside and he glared at me. "Watch it, bitch."

I could feel Adam step closer to me, ready to defend my honor and such, but I was kickass all by myself and I could keep my own butt safe when I needed to. "Dame ni man kato ni man dio anata kuso tare baka yoru puto massu!" I yelled at him, yes, in a different language. Thank you, quirks.

The guy, shockingly, seemed to understand. "What did you say?" he asked threateningly, his eyes flashing pure black. Even in the dark it was obvious and I flinched, shit, I'd just cussed out a demon… I pulled the holy water flask from around my neck and held it up.

"Christo!" I hissed and he flinched. "I know what you are. I won't exorcise you if you just go on your way," I advised.

He laughed. "I'm not afraid of a tiny little girl. I could snap every bone in your body with a thought."

Adam had gone into what appeared to be shock beside me, but I was glad for that. Now he couldn't get in my way and get himself hurt. "I can send you back to hell, bastard," I retorted, splashing the holy water on him. Smoke rose and he screamed, reached out to slap me. Adam awoke from his daze and tried to get between us, but I held him aside. "You should not have done that," I told him. My jaw stung, but he hadn't broken any bones, so it was all good as far as I cared right now. "Exorcisamus te, ominis immundus spiritus, omnis satanic potestas, ominis legio, omnis congregato de secta et diabolica in nomine et…" I didn't have to finish my exorcism, he seemed to give up as black smoke erupted from the poor meatsuit's mouth. It flew off and I sighed, relieved. The man had slumped to the ground and looked to be dead. He had no pulse, so I began to yell, "Help! Help! Someone, this guy's not breathing!"

No one was on the streets near us, but a shopkeeper rushed out of his shop and knelt next to me and the dead guy. "What happened?" he asked frantically.

I turned on the tears and hoped Adam could keep up with me or at least stay in shock. Or at least pretend to stay in shock. "I don't know, mister," I said, sounding lame but thankfully convincing. "He just attacked me, hitting me, and I shoved him off. He started yelled at me before he just collapsed down there and… oh my god… is he dead?" I asked fearfully. "Did I kill him? I didn't… I didn't even shove him into the wall! I promise! He hit me and I only knocked his hand away!" I hoped that my stinging cheek was red to augment the partial truth of my words.

It seemed that luck was with me and the shopkeeper smiled sympathetically. "No, I don't think you killed him," he promised. "That what you saw?" he clarified with Adam.

My lovely blue eyed boy nodded. "Yeah. I tried to help her but…" he shrugged. "The guy just fell."

The man bit his lip and nodded. "I'll call the authorities, but I see no reason for y'all to be on the scene, so why don't you two just head on off? I'll say I found him just like this, huh?"

"Thank you, thank you!" I gushed, not even needed to act. I so did not need to be suspect for a murder right now. Or ever.

He nodded and watched as Adam helped me back to my feet and put his arm around me as we headed off. Even when we were out of his sight the guy didn't move his arm away. "How did you do that?"

"Reading comes with perks?" I suggested. "Belle and Laura are pretty obsessed, and it's all really fresh in my mind. I couldn't just head off on a random journey unprepared, could I? Especially not when I was looking for the third Winchester brother. You realize that you're going to be hunted, right?"

He'd kinda paled and looked a bit sick. "I am?"

"Very much so. That picture you saw of your corpse? That was actually pretty light compared to what some of the things that will come after you and what they'll do. That demon was probably actually pretty weak considering that he ran. Good thing- I don't know the end of the exorcism," I admitted. Adam was silent. "What are you thinking?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Well, first that you aren't crazy," he said, and I glared at him. "Not that I really thought you were!" he defended. "But you have to admit it was a possibility!"

"Okay," I conceded.

"And just that it's all real and a bit scary. I don't know how to face this."

"Well…" I said slowly, my hyperness starting to kick in as adrenaline faded. "Think of the good things, then. You're not alone; I'll help you. I must say, I will make one badass guardian, don't you think? And I can get you the books as soon as possible, so that'll teach you a lot. That demon didn't kill us. You may have been dead, but you're alive now and everyone'll just have to sort of accept it. You really don't remember, so they can't blame you for that, either. Everything else…" I shrugged. "It'll all be dealt with. That's life." We stopped outside my hotel and I didn't really want to go to sleep. "Want to go out for a bit?" I suggested.

"Sure," he agreed. As we walked off I noticed the impala in the parking lot and cursed internally. Damn my little sis. I'd pray that it wasn't hers and ignore this for now.

"Where are you staying?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't have money and I'm out of the hospital as of today, so… nowhere?"

"We can't have that," I decided, "you can stay with me." I saw the look he gave me and I blushed. "My room has two beds," I told him.

"Thanks," he said after a moment, accepting.

I found a club that wasn't alcoholic and therefore would let us in and I paid the admission, ignoring Adam's protest that I was already paying for too much of his stuff. I forced him to dance with me for a while, but after an hour or so I let him stop despite how amused I was by his dorky clumsiness and how cute it made him. He was getting appraising glances from single- and not so single- girls all around and I was just a bit jealous, especially because Adam and I had nothing defined. If he pulled a Dean and headed off with some chick for the night…

We stood in the back against the wall and watched the other people, talking a bit. The music was quieter here, so we had to talk loudly but not quite shout and we didn't have to fear being overheard. Somehow his arm ended up around me again and, as I got sleepier and he appeared to as well, we ended up flirting once more. Before I exactly knew what had happened his lips were only a few inches from mine and I closed the distance, wanting the taste of him on my lips. His kiss was amazing: hot, sweet, and gentle, everything that a first kiss should be. I knew that maybe I should leave it there but I couldn't convince myself to pull away, instead letting my arms circle his neck and dive into his hair as I deepened the kiss slowly, much more slowly than I wanted to. His arms were coming up around me and holding me to his amazingly toned chest and his hair was soft under my fingers. His tongue met mine and for a moment I felt as if I'd been knocked breathless. We explored each other's mouths and ignored the need for air for quite a long time. The world had disappeared, but eventually I felt a familiar tingling on my spine- a different tingling from the rest of the very fun tingling that the rest of me felt, sadly- and I knew that only one person's stare could make me feel like that. I pulled my lips away from his and rested my head on his chest, almost just as happy to listen to his rapidly beating heart. I then scanned the club and found Belle standing near the entrance watching us. I couldn't stop smiling, but she smiled back at me and I knew everything was okay. I was forgiven.

Whatever was ahead of us couldn't be easy, but I was determined to make it work. Now that I had my Adam I was never going to let him go. Lucky for me, if his warm and unbroken embrace was anything to go by, he didn't seem to want to let me go either. I brought my lips to his again, kissing him quickly but as thoroughly as I could. "Is it too strange for me to say I love you?" I asked carefully, my lips brushing his as I spoke.

His eyes were clouded over with what I read to be lust, but it looked like there was something else there too. "Not too soon," he whispered, kissing me back just as well and leaving me unable to breathe well, let alone speak. "I love you too."

How did I do? The Japanese is directly quoted from my beta, so if it is wrong I am sorry. It's her catchphrase/insult of choice.

Reviews are love!