Top of Form

Hellooo Jello! Writing a personal story, feedback?


Hayner sighed as the queen bitch, Kairi Ratliff, wrote their assignment on the board. He opened his Algebra 2 text book and took out a pen, sighing inwardly. How did a junior like Hayner Rayo get in a Sophomore class? Just ask Seifer Almasy, who was in the same predicament.

The math teacher, Kairi, was a fat ass lard who loved Facebook to an obsessive level. The peer tutors in the class room were allowed to wreak havoc, but the poor innocent children had no passing chance. Literally.

The day Hayner got his Report card back, he almost shit his pants. He had a 72 in her class! He was almost failing! Damn you, Twilight High!

"Hey, Seifer?"

"What, Chicken-wuss?"

"What was your grade for bitch?"

"Uhm, excuse me boys! Keep down your language."

"Alright, Mrs. Justice!" They shouted at their homeroom teacher. How they got in the same homeroom, I'll never know.

"I got a fifty-two."

"Seifer . . . I'm so sorry."

Seifer shot Hayner a quick glare. "I don't need your fucking pity, lamer. Turn the fuck around."

Hayner sighed and listened to his rival. God, Seifer made his blood boil with such anger. ..Or was it something else... A little thing called love?

Hayner dared not think of that. "Hey, Rainbow-boy!" Roxas shouted at Demyx, who had his fingers locked with Zexion's.

"Hmm?" Demyx murmured. He was used to being called that.

That was when Roxas walked over and whispered into Demyx' ear. "Think they . . . Won't admit it . . . Get them together," Roxas whispered, Hayner catching some of the words.

Hayner shook his head again, what was wrong with him today.

"Alright class, pass your computer forms up!"

Hayner of course, hadn't heard. A very pissed-off Seifer tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Chicken-wuss."

Hayner looked back at his rival. "Huh?"

"Take these stupid forms, please," He hissed.

Hayner had already turned his in. Hayner reach the forms to the teacher, who was grinning at him.

"You know it's okay if you like Seifer, Hayner," She whispered in his ear, so no one would hear.

"I'm not . . . gay, what . . ."

Seifer growled at the teacher, feeling extremely territorial. Towards what? He didn't know.

When Hayner turned to talk to Seifer, the final bell rang for the end of the day, and Hayner followed Roxas to his car. "When are you getting your license, dude?"

"The matter is, I don't have a car," Hayner sighed.

"True that." Roxas tried to pull out, but was stopped by the principal. "Ah shit!" He groaned, they would be stuck in traffic for five minutes, until the busses pulled out.

Hayner spotted Seifer and Raijin getting into Seifer's mustang. They pulled out and waited in line behind Roxas' car.

"So, Hayner . . . Were having Struggle warm-ups with Seifer and his gang, you in? It'll be you against Sei-" Roxas stopped talking when Hayner spoke.

"I'm in."

Roxas smiled. "Hayner . . . You know if you like him, you can tell me."

"I'm not gay!" Hayner screamed for the second time today.

"I am. But I have no problem admitting that. Finally!" He screamed as he was allowed to pull out.

"I'm not in the closet or any stupid cliché like that, Roxas. I'm strictly straight."

"So if I kissed you, you wouldn't like it?"

"Of course not. You're my best friend, and I'm not gay."

Roxas' sigh was more audible this time. "You'd let Seifer kiss you." No response. "Hayner?" No response. "Gay boy!"

"I'm. Not. Gay!" Hayner thumped Roxas on the head.

"At least I got your attention."

Hayner rolled his eyes, looking around. "Hey! Let's go to the Sandlot! I feel like picking a fight." Hayner's grin was so wide, you could fit two eighteen-wheelers in there.

Roxas pulled over beside of the entrance to the Sandlot. "Have fun," Roxas chuckled.

"You aren't coming?"

"Naw, I've got a plate of mommy spaghetti waiting for me."

"But what if I need you?"

"You're a big boy, you don't need help."

Hayner was pouting when he got out. "Fine," He whispered.

Roxas was susceptible to that pout. He got out, jamming his keys into his pocket.

"Hey, lamers!" Seifer called.

Oh, this was going to be FUN.