Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight... Oh the humanity!!!
Chapter One - Rosalie's 10th Birthday
Rosalie's POV
"It's my 10th birthday, and if I want a tiger there, I'm gonna get one!" I pleaded with my mother
"Rosie, it's not like I can magically create a circus for you dear. You have to understand."
"I just want a tiger, not a whole circus. See I understand, I'm willing to negotiate."
She laughed. I started to cry. This was not turning out like I had hoped it would. Then dad came out from the living room to see what was happening.
"Whats wrong?" he questioned
"She wants a tiger at her party." my mom just shrugged her shoulders and tried to explain
"Please daddy. It's all I'm asking for." I put on my best pouty face
"Rosie. A tiger? Where in the world do you come up with these ideas?" he smiled
"And what did he say about tigers?"
"He said he had a bear at his 6th birthday party. I don't like bears, I want a tiger."
"Honey, I don't think Emmett ever had any wildlife at any of his parties. He was just teasing you."
I thought about this for a minute. For one I was so mad at Emmett for tricking me that I wanted to run off, find him and scream at him. But then I was thinking about my party. I had told my friends I was going to have a tiger, and they were all so existed.
"Now what am I going to do? It's gonna be stupid." I sniffled
"Your party will be great. Alice is spending the night, and your friends from school are coming."
"Ok. I guess so. I'm just gonna go next door and get Alice, we'll be back for dinner."
I ran outside and across the yard to Alice's. Her front door was always open, the boys running in and out all day. I walked in and found everyone in the living room watching a movie.
"What are you watching.?" I asked
"Shhhusshh." I was rudely silenced by Edward
"I know what you did last summer." Alice said
"What did I do last summer?" I was confused
"No silly, it's the movie, and It's rated R." she cringed
"You are gonna get in trouble." I warned them all
"We're 12." Jasper pointed at himself and Emmett
"Yeah, which makes us almost old enough to see a PG-13 movie, and that means we're allowed to watch this more than you are, so go away." Emmett added
"And what about Eddie? He's only 9."
"Hey! So are you until tomorrow." Edward protested
"He's a boy like us, we don't get scared." Emmett explained
"Come here Rosie." Alice patted the seat next to her on the couch
"Why are they so mean to us?" I whispered to her once I had sat down
"Like they said, they're boys. They are all mean, except Jazzy. He's nice to me." she smiled
"Well, your brother lied to me." I said loud enough that he could hear me, but he only turned his head around and laughed
Alice rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Ignore him, he's just a butt-munch." she raised her voice at the end
We didn't admit it, but the movie was too much for me and Alice. We made up some excuse and went back over to my house. Dinner was almost done and I helped set the table. Mom asked me to go and get Jasper but Alice said she would go. They came back only a few minutes later laughing and giggling. They always got along so well, but in the last year they were together all the time. Emmet said something about them having a crush. Whatever that is. I just hope it's not contagious, I was sick just a few months ago. I don't wanna catch anything from them.
All three of us stayed up late that night, too existed to fall asleep. My mom and dad said we could because it was my birthday. We played games and ate candy. Jasper finally got tired and left for his room. After that Alice and I played dress-up, and then we planned what we would wear tomorrow for the party. We both decided to go to sleep after not being about to keep our eyes open and yawning uncontrollably when we would talk. We laid in the bed under my window facing opposite directions. Somehow we started talking about the movie from earlier and both were getting freaked out. Alice shushed me, and asked if I heard something. I thought she was trying to scare me until we heard a definite tap on my window. Both of us jumped up and screamed only to find out that it was Emmett.
"What are you doing!" Alice opened the window and yelled at him
"Nothing. Hey Rosie?" He called for me and I went over to the window, Alice went and laid back down
"I'm mad at you." I crossed my arms and huffed
"What did I do now?"
"You never had a bear at you birthday party. You lied to me. I really thought I could have a tiger at my party."
"It was a joke Rosie, I'm sorry."
"You're not forgiven. What did you come over here for anyway?"
"It's past midnight, which means it's your birthday now. I wanted to be the first one to tell you, Happy Birthday." he smiled
"Oh my gosh Emmy, thank you."
"Am I forgiven now?" he grinned
"I guess." I shrugged my shoulders and smiled
"Good. Now go to sleep, it's past your bedtime little girl." he teased me
I just couldn't figure him out. One second he was sweet to me, and the next he was as Alice put it, a butt-munch. Boys are so confusing, especially Emmett.
Emmett's POV
I had been back and forth all day to Rosie's party. She looked like she was having a great time, but something changed in the last few minutes. She was sitting alone and looked sad. How could she be sad when today was her special day. I told Edward I'd be right back, we were playing catch in our front yard. Some boy around her age came up to her just before I got there and started to talk to her. I couldn't hear what he was saying but Rosalie looked like she was getting mad. Finally I got close enough.
"Your party sucks." he teased her
"It does not, you're just a jealous moron." she spat back
That's my girl, you tell him. Wait... My girl?
"And you're a liar. You never will have a tiger at you party."
That's it. I grabbed the kid by his shoulders and spun him around. I was a good six inches taller than him.
"Don't talk to her like that."
"What are you gonna do about it.?" he laughed
"Whatever I have to." I warned and tightened my grip on his shoulders, making him wince in pain
"I was just kidding." he pleaded
"You have something to say to her, you come to me first. Got It?"
"Ok, ok." I let him go and he ran off
I turned around to Rosie who seemed like she was in shock.
"No one talks to you like that ok?" I told her
"You ever have a problem with anyone, you tell me."
"Now, go have fun." I smiled and got down to eye level with her. "and Happy Birthday."
Ever since her family moved here a few years back, we've all been friends. Rosalie is like another sister to me. It makes me so mad when I see someone treat her mean, but I'll always stand up for her. That's not the first time I've hand to put a kid in their place for talking to her like that. I feel bad because I'm a jerk to her sometimes, but I always tell her sorry.
Rosalie's POV
I ran over to where Alice was, still in awe of what Emmett did for me. She was of course with my brother eating snacks on the bench. I squished myself right into the middle of them both and asked Jasper to go away for a minute. They both rolled their eyes before he left. I didn't know what she'd say about what I wanted to tell her, but I was willing to find out. She's my best friend in the whole world, I'm sure she'd understand.
"Alice." I took a deep breath, "I'm gonna marry your brother."
"And I am going to marry yours." I was expecting her to freak out, not this
"Wait, what?"
"Jazzy. I'm going to marry him when I'm older. But, why would you ever want to marry Edward? He's younger than you." she questioned
"Not Eddie silly. Emmett." I couldn't help but smile
"Ughh. Why Emmett. Hes so annoying." she rolled her eyes
"I know, I know, but he's nice to me."
Then she grinned and started to bounce a little clapping her hands.
"We can have our weddings together Rosie, and have huge dresses. THEN WE'D BE SISTERS!" she squealed loud enough that everyone turned around to look
"Shhhusshh. It has to be a secret Ally."
"But if we're gonna marry them, don't they have to know?" she looked confused
"No, we don't have to tell them. Well, I don't know. Not right now at least." I didn't really know how it all works
"I'm just so excited Rosie. We can have a big house and all live together." she grabbed my hand to hold
"I can't wait Ally."
We sat there for a few moments laughing and talking about our futures when it hit me.
"Oh Ally. I caught it, it was contagious. Ughh, now I'm gonna be sick."
"What are you talking about?"
"The crush. You gave me the crush that you and Jasper have."
she huffed. "Well sorry. I knew we shouldn't have shared that juice box."
A/N: I needed a break from my other story which is all dramatic. lol. I'm in love with this one already. PLZ REVIEW!!! xoxo