Disclaimer: I own Hetalia less than Prussia has citizens.

Of cities

"What's wrong Finland? You don't seem pleased about something," England asked after spotting a certain blond walking slowly down the corridor after a meeting.

"Nothing much, I just don't like this definition EU made about cities." Finland complained with unusual frown.

"Hmm? It seems completely normal to me. It will help us to do more accurate statistics and keep an eye on urbanization," England said slightly confused. What could bother Finland in that kind of trivial definition which didn't even have any effect to everyday life?

"I know that but… well, I just realized that according to it I have only four cities in whole country," Finland answered looking both sour and amused at the same time.

/AN/ This is a fact. According to EU's definition of cities there are only four cities in Finland; Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Lahti. I found this quite ridiculous thing. I mean, nobody can really think that right? -.-

Please review and tell me what you think. I'm a Finn so this isn't my native language so feel free to point any errors I may (probably) have done. I would also like suggestion how to improve. ah, well even a one word will make me really happy. =D