Okay, I am SOOOOOO friggin sorry that I dropped off the face of the earth... I dont really have a reason, I just couldnt make myself write anymore. but I cant get this story out of my head, so it means I cant not write it. I understand if ya'll hate me, but I hope you can hang in there for a while. What I think this story needs is a rewritting. So, for now Will of the Willow is on hiatus (which, I guess, you could argue that it had already been on) until I can go through all my chapters and rewrite them. then I will take down the one I have up now and repost the new one. I dont think TOO much will change, but mainly some mistakes I made. There were some things where I wrote something in because I wanted it to have something to do with later chapters, but they never went in that direction. I will also work on making a better summary... cuz mine sucks xD
Anyway, so sorry! I hope you dont all hate me and will continue reading when I have the improved story up. If any of you have suggestions or encouragement, dont be afraid to message me =3