Disclaimer: Please note this is a fanfiction. While details and whatnot may be different, please acknowledge that the author has a style, and characters have personalities, and the author has tried to stay as in-character as possible. This fanfiction is a mixture of the games, the Pokemon Special manga, and possibly the anime. Lance himself is more of the Pokemon Special manga in character, with a mixed look.

Also. When I read a story and I don't like it, I simply don't review it with a nasty comment. If there's something the author really needs to work on, I'll say something. But, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. Constructive criticism is hard to discern from simple "I think your story sucks" comments, so if you do have CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, say so in your review/private message. I think that's only fair.

I also do not own Pokemon, or anything related to Pokemon except Vivian. :3

So with that in mind, please try to enjoy.

I tried opening my eyes, only to shut them tightly again against the glare of a bright light. After a moment, I slowly opened them, slowly sitting up. As I sat up, I suddenly felt the racking pain in my head and my body, and I moaned, and sunk back into the soft bed, closing my eyes, my hair all around me. I breathed in, and I breathed out.

What happened to me?

I couldn't remember; my head was throbbing violently, and I realized, as I brought my hand to touch it, that my hand was criss crossed with white bandages, and I examined my arm; it too, was covered in bandages. I blinked, not knowing what else to do, but raised my other hand to look at it. It wasn't as heavily bandaged, but I noticed quite a few purple spots; these were old, and fading. I winced, and let my arm back onto the bed. I couldn't help it; I hurt all over, and for some reason, I felt a terrible sadness in my heart, and I didn't know why.

As a matter of fact, I didn't know anything, at all. It struck me as odd, and when I tried prying further, it only hurt my head and I recoiled from it, sinking deeper into the pillows, shutting my eyes against the light.

"Ah, awake at last, Sleeping Beauty." An unfamiliar voice sounded, and I flinched; the voice hurt my ears, but I kept my eyes shut.

"The light…" my voice was hoarse, as if I hadn't used it in quite a while, or properly.

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry…" there was the sound of the shuffling of feet, and then the light grew noticeably dimmer, and I slowly opened my eyes to come face to face with a man about sixty. He didn't seem to be very tall, and he wore a polo shirt with khaki pants and dress shoes; very plain, and his hair was cut short, but it was gray. His eyes, however, were brown, and they sparkled with concern as he stared at me. "How are you feeling?" he asked gently.

"Like horse shit," I muttered, looking at him with my eyes half closed. He laughed heartily before regaining his composure almost immediately.

"That's good; at least you feel something."

"Hey mister…who're you?" I asked, feeling like I should know.

"Oh yes! We've never met before!" he slapped himself with his palm on the forehead before introducing himself. "I am Professor Oak, and this is my house, which is right next to my lab. You are in the Kanto region, Vivian."

"Vivian? Is that my name?" I asked, feeling like it was. The professor's expression changed immediately to shock.

"You…don't remember?" he asked, and I shook my head, only slightly; it hurt horribly.

"I don't remember anything." I said nonchalantly. The professor ran his hands through his hair, looking exasperated.

"Oh, dear oh dear…" he muttered, and then he walked quickly out of the room, leaving me in my silence.

"What-aw, whatever…" I was going to ask him some more questions, but he left too quickly and I was too tired to do anything. As a matter of fact, I passed out almost immediately.


"Hey, sleepy head." This time, waking up wasn't quite so painful, and I was able to sit upright to look at the person addressing me. He was cute; his brown hair was light from being in the sun too long, and looked thick as it flipped over his head in a weird fashion that actually looked good on him. His eyes were deep green, and he was wearing a loose black t-shirt with gray cargo pants and tennis shoes. He had a Yin Yang pendant on a thin string around his neck, and he had thick black wristbands that looked sort of fuzzy. His left hand sported a fingerless black glove, and on his belt were six tiny, round, red and white balls.

"Who're you?" I asked, curiously taking him in. "Where's the professor?" The man blinked, and chuckled slightly.

"Wow, you must've gotten hit in the head really hard." He said, a faint smile on his face. "I've been taking care of you for the past week." I stared at him.

"Really?" I breathed, and I noticed I didn't have as many bandages as I had had the first time I woke up, and my head didn't hurt anywhere near as bad.

"Yes; I'm Green, by the way." He said, resting his elbows on his knees as he sat on his chair, watching me with slight amusement. "You're Vivian, you're 16 years old, and you've been dead to the world for the past two weeks."



"What're you doing in Professor Oak's house?" He grinned.

"This is my house too; the professor is just Gramps to me." I stared at him.

"He's your grandfather?" Green nodded, still watching me with amusement as I didn't say anything else. I didn't have anything to say, and I didn't know what to say. "I've had Alakazam slowly repair the mental damage done to you," he started, "Seeing as how you had a horrible concussion and the doctor said you might never wake up again, and Alakazam had the brilliant idea to try, and here you are, awake."

"What's an Alakazam?"

[an hour later]


Vivian had fallen asleep almost as soon as I had stopped talking. I sighed, pulled her covers up to cover her, and then I left the room, closing the door and turning the light off behind me. I walked down the hall to Gramps' room, where I didn't bother knocking on the door but rather walked in and leaned against the wall as I waited for him to realize I was there. After about five minutes of his typing furiously away on the computer, I cleared my throat, and he jumped, and looked at me, before letting loose a sigh of relief.

"She doesn't even remember what Pokemon are." I stated, and he just stared. "I think she catches on quickly though, remembering it as it's told to her, but I don't think she'll be able to recall anything about herself for a while, if ever, and Alakazam agrees with me." Gramps sighed, looking more worn out than usual. I noticed the empty beer cans stuck in his trash can, but I chose to ignore them. He must be having an incredibly hard time, what with Vivian being here and Lance doing what he was doing.

"It's horrible, what she had to go through," Gramps muttered, more to himself than to me, "Lance has made me promise not to tell her anything that might make her remember-"

"What?! Why would he want to do that?!"

"Green, you don't know the half of what she's had to live with." I stared at Gramps; he rarely used this tone with me, let alone anyone else, and something truly terrible must've happened to her if he was unwilling to share it. "Lance almost broke into tears telling me about it, he cares so much for her."

"Lance, the Dragon Master, crying? I find that hard to believe." I scoffed, folding my arms, and he glared at me.

"It's not a laughing matter Green. Lance needs you and Red to help him with this change in leagues, and what with the all the damage caused to the Plateau two weeks ago…"

"What happened at the Plateau…" I paused, "Does it have anything to do with Vivian?" He didn't answer immediately, and I realized how cluttered his usually spotless work room was. Papers were everywhere, empty coffee mugs were left here and there, and Gramps looked like he hadn't slept in days. The blinds were closed, not letting any light in aside from the ancient luminescent lighting in the ceiling, and half of them were off, and more than one was flickering ominously. With the glow from the outdated PC on his face, the room and Gramps looked like something from a scary movie.

"Unfortunately, it does, but we're not going to discuss it. If Lance feels you need to know, he'll tell you."

"Highly confidential meaning far too personal for Lance, I assume." I muttered, almost understanding Lance's attachment to the girl a few feet down the hall. Gramps only nodded, his face set in a grim look. "Maybe you should get some rest, old man. You look like you haven't slept for days."

"I haven't." he admitted, turning back to the computer. "But with Alakazam healing her brain, do you have any idea what a breakthrough that is? Brains are almost impossible to repair once damaged! I've been up all the days and nights writing about it!" he almost looked maniacal. "I've also been on the phone, on and off, covering up Vivian's disappearance, keeping her hidden from her parents, and so on."

"Why do we need to hide her from her parents? Wouldn't it be a good idea to give her back to them so we wouldn't have to worry about her?"

"Green…that is where the confidentiality starts. Unless Lance tells you, or Vivian remembers and tells you, I cannot say anything. Legally, in Johto, she's now listed as dead, and her funeral was held last week." My eyes widened.

"Then shouldn't we give her a different name, if she's supposed to be in hiding?"

"Her middle and last names will change; I have here somewhere papers for her, saying she is Vivian Scarlet Atwood. According to the papers, she's come from Almia, where there aren't any Pokemon trainers; rather only Pokemon Rangers, which will explain why she doesn't have any Pokemon of her own, and it will be very easy for her to start as a rookie, should she want to."

"Didn't she have her own Pokemon?" I dared to ask, and Gramps didn't answer. I took his silence as saying something bad happened to them. "I understand…"

"Green, be careful what you say around her. She's still in a terribly fragile state of mind." He said, and I nodded and turned to leave the room.

"I have some things to take care of; I'll be back later tonight." I said, closing Gramps' door behind me, and I walked down the hallway, through a living room, and out the front door to inhale the sweet scent of fresh grass the wind blew over the rolling hills of Pallet Town. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I thought about Vivian, and kicked a pebble by my shoe as I made my way down the familiar beaten path.

How exciting! Le story begins.

Just who is Vivian Scarlet Atwood really...?