Hey Y'all

This is my new story I literally thought of last night. While trying to work on my new chapter for Wake The Dead, I suddenly went off on some random tangent that resulted in the first two paragraphs of Miserable's prologue. The idea, also, was thought up while I was trying to get to sleep. Basically, it's my own dramatic twist of Romeo and Juliet, but a heck of allot more tragic and action-pact. Also, this is a perfect story to try out my new idea of formating.

What I'm going to do is start every chapter off with a quote that I think summarizes it the most. Before I tell you, the quotes do not shape the story, only interpret what I want to convey in each message. There will als be various quotes from philosophers in the actual story. Just to spice things up, I'll even give a special present to who ever can find all the quotes in the story and tell me who said them. I'm thinking about what the prize nwill be, but I'm kinda leaning towards giving one of your characters a spot in the story. Now, I'm not talking about some background cat that maybe says one or two lines that aren't really important; I mean an actuall par t that will be featured for at least two chapters.

Anyway, I hope you guys are as excited about this story as I am! (squeals)

((The Short Description is a qute from Beothhius, by the way. I wanted to dedicate this story to him, since I agree with his wise words so compleatly))

S U N C L A N:


Petalsun - white she-cat with pale golden streaks and green eyes


Lionscar - dusky longhaired golden brown tabby tom with a scar across his left eye

Medicine Cat:

Shiningfire - bright ginger and white she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Crowheart


Clawshadow - black and white tom with long black whiskers and claws

Longnettle - red-brown tabby tom with black paws
Apprentice: Deerpaw

Sorrelclaw - pale tabby she-cat and white with green eyes

Mousestorm - tortoiseshell tom with white

Darkdapple - black she-cat with lighter gray spots
Apprentice: Daisypaw

Goldenrain - golden she-cat with black bengal spots and white paws

Cedarfoot - ginger tom with darker paws and green eyes

Snakefang - jet black tom with yellow eyes
Apprentice: Brackenpaw

Willowpool - pale gray she-cat with silver points and unusually bright blue eyes

Thistlefur - longhaired white tom with green eyes

Hollowbone - battle-scared brown tabby tom, missing his left eye

Mistynose - silver tabby she-cat with white hind paws and tail-tip

Sedgeflame - dark tabby tom with golden eyes
Apprentice: Emberpaw

Snowlegs - white she-cat with long legs and tail
Apprentice: Fawnpaw

Lizardtail - pale ginger tabby she-cat with a short, thick tail

Amberfire - ginger and white she-cat

Buzzardrise - broad-shouldered ginger tom with white patches
Apprentice: Seedpaw

Cloudleap - long-limbed white tom with red and brown splotches

Mountainsnow - white she-cat with a dark brown back and tail

Rowantalon - dappled brown tabby tom with long fangs
Apprentice: Foxpaw

Shorthawk - dark brown tabby she-cat

Gorseclaw - pale milky brown tom with golden eyes and a strip of white on his muzzle


Crowheart - smoky black tom with white chest and pea-green eyes

Fawnpaw - pale brown she-cat with darker dorsal stripe and flecks on her flanks

Deerpaw - short darker brown tom with black flecks on his back and hips

Seedpaw - pale brown tom with white paws

Daisypaw - pale ginger she-cat with green eyes

Foxpaw - red-brown tabby tom with a thick, fluffy tail

Emberpaw - auburn-red she-cat with black and gold splotches

Brackenpaw - white tom with golden-dappled flecks and orange eyes


Meadowpath - tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with white paws and muzzle
Clawshadow's kits: Mudkit(tortoiseshell tom), Tanglekit(dark tortoiseshell tom), and Thornkit(white tom)

Lilyspots - brown she-cat with black flecks and paws
Cloudleap's kits: Rabbitkit(white she-cat), Bonekit(white tom), and Frostkit(pale gray tom)

Russetspots - dark ginger she-cat with black spots on her flanks

Quietstep - pale cream-yellow she-cat with small paws

Crystal - fluffy white she-cat with amazing golden eyes


Birdflight - crippled cream-colored she-cat with blue eyes

Marshstep - shaggy black she-cat with yellow eyes

Stonebelly - dark gray tom with a darker underbelly


M O O N C L A N:


Fallenmoon - dark gray tabby tom with thick black stripes and a white muzzle
Apprentice: Whitepaw


Ashblaze - gray, black and ginger tabby tom with dark green eyes

Medicine Cat:

Dewfrost - blue-gray tom with dark dorsal stripe


Ravenmist - pale gray tabby tom with black back, tail and forehead

Wolfheart - shaggy gray tom with black flecks

Runningwhisker - sleek black and white tom

Softflower - pale brown tabby she-cat with white paws
Appentice: Hazelpaw

Darkcloud - cream brown she-cat with white

Heavythicket - long-haired brown tom with amber eyes

Wildstreak - long-haired brown tabby she-cat with one yellow eye and one blue
Apprentice: Pinepaw

Shrewblood - dark gray tabby she-cat with bright red-golden eyes

Spidermask - white tom with blue points and long claws
Apprentice: Nightpaw

Aspenclaw - white tom with pale gray tabby stripes

Mossfoot - small gray and white she-cat with lime green eyes

Wrenfeather - pale brown bengal she-cat
Apprentice: Flowerpaw

Orchidfur - pretty calico she-cat

Ripplestone - pale gray tom with thick tabby stripes

Silentbreeze - white she-cat with a ginger spot on her head

Hornetflame - black tom with red-ginger paws and copper eyes

Risingdust - dusky brown tom with long white whiskers
Apprentice: Lightningpaw

Cloverpelt - longhaired tortoiseshell she-cat with soft amber eyes

Antshadow - short-legged marble gray tom

Pebblesky - soft gray she-cat with white patches and yellow eyes

Lilacfern - cream-white she-cat with lilac-blue points

Shadefrost - white tom with dark blue points


Nightpaw - black and white she-cat with gold eyes

Hollypaw - black she-cat with white paws and muzzle

Flowerpaw - longhaired cream dappled she-cat with a darker underbelly

Whitepaw - deaf white tom with icy blue eyes

Hazelpaw - solid blue-gray she-cat

Pinepaw - chocolate brown tom with lime green eyes

Lightningpaw - dusky ginger tom with jagged dark ginger stripes


Yewthroat - yellow tabby she-cat with a black dorsal stripe
Heavythicket's kits: Dapplekit(gray dappled she-cat), Oakkit(dark brown tom), and Volekit(skinny brown tom)

Littleblossom - delicate black she-cat with bright blue eyes
Revenmist's kits: Beetlekit(black tom) and Swiftkit(black she-cat)

Cinderbird - very pale gray tabby she-cat with green eyes
Aspenclaw's kits: Lichenkit(pale gray tom), Forestkit(gray tabby tom), Heatherkit(pale tabby she-cat), and Cragkit(dark gray tom)

Rosefur - red-ginger she-cat with black flecks


Starstreak - blind silver she-cat with white

Sparrowfall - golden tabby she-cat with black paws and whiskers

I. Hate. . Format!