A/N: Second Chapter this weekend. I hope that you enjoy. :)

Chapter 8

Movie Night


Edward and I just stood there looking at where Alice had disappeared. j

"Bella, Edward get your butts in here!" Alice called. Edward and I looked at each other, shrugged and made our way to the others. We took our places on the sofa next to each other.

"So what are we watching?" I curiously ask.

" Despicable me 2!" Emmett shouted. I smiled and settled in for the movie. The movie was hilarious! Everyone was busting a gut laughing. Emmett was laughing so hard he was crying. Seeing that made me laugh even harder, we were being so loud that I bet you could hear us a mile away.

"My side hurts." Ali gasped.

"Mine too." Rose said clutching her side. I nodded my head in agreement, I was laughing to hard to speak. The show ended to quickly for my taste, but it was so cute and funny. It made me laugh so hard I wanted to cry and then some parts just made me want to cry, other parts were just plain cute. I yawn, hmm I didn't realize I was tired.

"How 'bout a little T.V.?" Em asked, switching to the sattilite. He turned on Scooby Doo and we settled in.

"Sleeping Beauty, time to get up." I heard Edwards sweet voice in my ear. I groaned and squinted one eye open. "Come on, let's get up. Ali had breakfast on the table." He nudged me.

"Pancakes, waffles, or French toast?"

"All of the above." I could hear a smile in his voice.

"Oh alright." I opened my eyes to see that I not only fell asleep on the couch, but on Edward too. I got to my feet and stretched out. "Sorry that must have been uncomfortable."

"Not at all." He smiled his crooked smile. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. "Let's go get some breakfast."

"Ok." I waited for Edward to get up before moving toward the kitchen.

"They're up." Jasper said as we walked in. "Good morning."

"Good morning." Normally I would just say morning, because mornings are rarely good, but today was good.

"So how did you two sleep last night?" Rose asked. Edward and I glanced at each other and simultaneously said, "Great."

"That's good." Alice mindlessly said. " Now sit your butts down and eat." She ordered. I took my seat and began to chow down.

"This is delicious! Thanks Ali." I exclaimed between bites.

"Do I smell sausage?" I heard a distinct voice question, followed by two other voices chuckling. Charlie, Esme, and Carlisle came into view moments later. We all said our hellos and they sat down to eat.

"So what's on the agenda for today?" Edward asked.

" Woo you guys say agenda a lot." I blurted out." Sorry, just cuz you say it two days in a row doesn't mean anything, uh... Never mind... Forget I said anything. " I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

" Anyways, I want to go see The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones." Rose said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"What are we going to do in the mean time?" Jasper pondered.

" Laze around like yesterday." Em said in a 'duh' kind of tone. Em got up and sauntered into the living room type area. Jasper, Alice, and Rose went to join him. I got up and started toward my room.

"What are you going to do?" Edward curiously asked.

"I'm going to take a shower and then get dressed and then roam the grounds." I answered.

" Mind if I join you in your roaming?" He questioned.

"Not at all, feel free to come." And with that I went to my room.

A/N: Ok there you go. It's not very long, but I hope you like it all the same. oh and a side note, part of the reason they were laughing so hard at the movie, is because they had picked out minions that as themselves. Like Emmett is the short fat one, Jasper is the tallest one, Alice is one of the medium sized ones with only one eye and the parted hair, Rose is the same size with spiky hair and one eye, Bella is the same size with two eyes and the parted hair, while Edward is the same size with two eyes and spikey hair. A friend and I did that and it made the movie so much funnier. Anyways I hope you liked it. :) R&R.