The next morning, to his surprise she texted him that she would not be in. He simply replied noted and got off the elevator at his floor. He was hit with another surprise, his father, who was standing at the missing girl's desk.

"Father" He stated,

Toga turned around "Kagome is missing"

Sesshomaru rose an eyebrow. He stood in a long black coat and briefcase in hand, he looked at his watch "The miko is ill"

"Sick you say?" His father rubbed his chin "Maybe I should go check on her, bring her soup" He mused out loud.

"Leave the girl alone" Sesshomaru walked past his father to go to his office "And stop feeding her she seems to take issue with that"

His father was going to reply but Sesshomaru was gone.

"Hopeless, my sons are hopeless"

"Hey, what I do?" Inuyasha huffed with a bagel in his mouth, dropping breadcrumbs on the ground. Toga blinked at him, shook his head and left the office.

It was no surprise to Sesshomaru of course that his father showed the next day, flowers in hand only to be upset that Kagome still had not shown up for work.

"I am bringing her soup" He declared,

"Leave her be" Sesshomaru warned,

"I brought her flowers"

"Stop spoiling the girl"

His father sat the flowers down "She won't let me spoil her" He said under his breath.

By the 3rd day his father was like a wet dog with his tail between his leg. He came to Sesshomaru office and demanded he go and make sure she was ok.

"Send one of her friends"

"You're her boss"

"You're my boss"

"As your boss I demand you to go"

"I can't

"And why not?"

"I have a date"

His father narrowed his eyes "I don't like her"

"You don't know her"

"You don't like her"

"Whatever fairytale plans you have for me you can forget them father, I am not you"

Toga crossed his arms "Fine but I am not giving up on Kagome"

"Won't you? The half-breed won't chose her and I had a one night stand with her"

"Hm, didn't think about the consequence did you," He Said under his breath,

"It is not my fault if she developed feelings, she knew what she was doing"

"Did you?"

Sesshomaru stood "I have work"

He kicked his father out who only yelled that he would hook her up with Kouga, but Sesshomaru was not worried about that, one the miko would have none of it and two it would not make her his fathers daughter and 3rd, it was not his problem.

Still, his father was acting super strange, he hoped Kagome would show on Monday, he was sick of his dad sniffing around, plus she was behind on filing. He wondered why none of her friends had checked on her, some friends they were.

Of course, when the clock hit 5 he was ready to leave and on his way down he ran into Sango, and he spoke to her. He asked if anyone had checked on Kagome, she told him they called but she told them to say away because she thought she had the flu, made sense to him. Then he learned that his father asked Kouga to visit her tomorrow and to make sure she was well rested and taken care of.

He rolled his eye on the inside, his father was a pest, always meddling in peoples live acting like he was all wise. He may be older, but that didn't make him wiser, at least not all that time.