His father demanded it. They were all to pack and get on the plane for a little...vacation. He didn't want to go, he had work to tend to but his father demanded he pack and if he didn't he would not have a job to return he did.

So now they were all on a plane going to a nice beach resort, and by all he means...........himself, his father, the half breed, the half breeds past or not past lover, the half breeds what ever you want to call her, kagome, the half breeds assistant Miroku and kagomes friend and assistant Sango. His father insisted they all go, leaving Kouga and Shippo to deal with the company. He knew when he got back from this so called vacation he would have a world of a mess to clean up. He could not believe his father would leave Kouga and the young Shippo in charge!


So now here he was in a ball room, in a hotel, on a beach, on' vacation', one he cared not to be on. He is now leaning on a bar with a glass on wine in hand and scanning the room.

His eye found the half breed first, he was talking to his past or not past lover kikyo. He wondered about that, Kikyo had to leave, had to, and when she did she was replaced by this kagome woman. When kikyo had returned not only did kagome have her job but it would seem she had the attention of her 'man' and kikyo would not let him go without a fight. Ok, so Kagome and Inuyasha were not dating. It would seem the half breed could not be with either women, he could not pick. Sesshomaru felt sick, he hated that the half breed was his brother. His eye moved on...

He soon found Miroku who was groping the woman Sango, which earned him a slap. Sesshomaru didn't care about human affairs but he never did understand why the man insisted on groping the woman when he knew she was going to slap him.

His eyes then fell on her, she walked in playing with her little necklace. She was wearing a short blue party dress and her hair was up in a pony tail with a blue ribbon and a butterfly clip. The clip, it was a gift from 'him' for her last birthday, his father had demanded everyone buy her a gift for her 22nd birthday, so one day while having his watch cleaned he spotted the butterfly and thought of her, he knew not why, but he did. It was white gold and had diamond's and blue Sapphire in it and he bought it, he never bought women anything, but had to, his father demanded it. Ok so he didn't have to buy her something that expensive but he knew it would erk his brother and make his father happy so he did it and she had loved it. But was quick to tell her not to think to much of it that his father demanded he buy it for her, which she had believed.

So now he was watching her and her butterfly clip, walk across the room to his half brother. He sniffed the air, she was nervous but determined. In that instant he knew she was about to demand the half breed choose her or Kikyo, he just knew it. He found himself smirking, he knew the half breed would choose the other woman, he knew his bother was once again going to be stupid and make a mess of thing, yes his brother was a idiot. So he smirked and watched but soon found himself with company, his father.

"Sesshomaru my boy your smirking I never see you smirk, I must know whats on your mind"

Sesshomaru did not removed his eye from where they were. "It would seem the half breed is about to make a fool of himself"

Soon his father was following his line of site, now they were both watching as Kagome talked to Inuyasha, then Inuyasha trying to plea with her, then her not letting him, then him telling her something she didn't want to hear, then her turning on her heel and running crystal tears falling from her face. Yep, the half breed once again was being stupid. Sesshomaru felt his father stiffen and soon the smirk on Sesshomarus face left and he turned to his father. His father was angry that the half breed hurt the girl. Sesshomaru could not figure out what was with his father and humans.

"Go to her" his father said,

His father never told him or asked him to do anything...in less his father felt strong about it. He growled but did as he was told, he respected his father, yes his great and terrible father. He walked out of the ball room and out some double doors that led to the beach. There out near the sea sat the woman, her knees to her chest and her head on her knees. He slowly walked to her and stood not saying a word. His father told him to go to her, he didn't say talk to her. But the silence was killing him, the only other times they were alone they were throwing insults at each other or arguing, he liked that about her. He felt like making her mad, as if she was not already upset enough.

She lifted her head up "Sesshomaru im not in the mood for one of our arguments" she said. He had to admit he liked the way she said 'their arguments'

She was the only woman or human he let talk to him that way, the only one he would let argue with him, the only he would let insult him to a degree, for she was a different kind of human... and different kind of woman. She was one to take note of.

"If you have nothing to say you could at least help me up" she said. He didn't have anything to say to her at the moment so he offered her his hand. She got up and dusted the sand from her butt and began to walked away but stopped when he spoke.

"Do not be so stupid woman" Yes he would make her mad, he liked it when she was mad.

"Yeah, I'm stupid, stupid for thinking someone would love me" she spat back sarcastically.

"Maybe I should be cold and mean like you" She added turning to walk away again.

did she just insult this sesshomaru!! she did!! and she dare walk away!!

She quickly found her arm grabbed, she looked up at him.

"Do you dare walk away from me?" he said angered that she dare do that, like she had never had done it before, she had. But he was trying to make her mad, how dare she walk away while he was in the middle of trying to make her mad!!





"I hate you"

"You deserve better"

"You deserve- -wait what?" Did he just say what she thought he just said, yes he did. He didn't know why he had said it, yes he did, he was wise and to be known as wise one would have let one know he was wise buy saying wise things,yes that is why he said it.