Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life.

Waldorf vs. Bass: 20 killed in shooting

Waldorf vs. Bass: No one yet arrested in the killings of 5 men.

Waldorf vs. Bass: Who will win?

Chuck Bass sighed as he read all the different headlines.

When will this end? He asked himself.

For as long as he could remember the Basses and the Waldorf's never got along. It was just the way that things were run. But to have innocent people lose their lives? That seemed cruel and unfair to him. He put the newspaper down, and continued making his way down the sidewalk. That was until he heard someone call his name. "Chuck!" he heard a voice yell. He turned around to see his best friend, Nathaniel Archibald, running towards him.

"Nathaniel," he nodded in response, as Nate reached him, out of breath.

"Your father has been looking for you. He would like to talk with you about finding a wife," Nate replied

"Alas, why does he insist on finding me a woman? Doesn't he see I do not desire to be married?" Chuck asked in frustration.

"The offer is still on the table. The real question is: what are you doing here? Roaming around the streets by yourself?" Nate asked.

"Trying to clear my head. Not much help reading those headlines," he sighed, pointing towards the newspaper stand.

"Ah, yes. The never ending battle of the Basses vs. The Waldorfs," Nate acknowledged.

Chuck only nodded in response, and began to walk away.

"Wait!" Nate yelled, running after him.

"What?" Chuck asked.

"I happen to know that the Waldorfs are hosting a party, this very evening," Nate grinned.

"Your point?" Chuck asked.

"If you go, you might be able to find someone new, fresh. Somebody you haven't seen before," Nate responded.

Chuck pondered the idea. It's time to take a risk, he thought.

"Sure, why not?" Chuck smirked.

"Great. The party's at 8. I'll text you the address," Nate nodded before walking off.

"What kind of party is it?" Chuck yelled after Nate.

"Masquerade!" Nate yelled back in response.

Now all I need is a costume, Chuck thought as he walked back home.

Ok, so I know it's not much; but it's something. I had the idea in my head, so I just had to write it down. Tell me if I should continue!

List of Characters:

Chuck Bass- Romeo Montague

Bart Bass- Lord Montague

Lily Bass- Lady Montague

Nathaniel Archibald- Mercutio

Blair Waldorf- Juliet Capulet

Eleanor Waldorf- Lady Capulet

Cyrus Rose- Lord Capulet

Serena Van Der Woodsen- Juliet's 'nurse' (she won't be a nurse, she'll obviously play B's best friend, but her character will be like that of the nurse's in the 1996 version)

Marcus Beaton- Paris

Dan Humphrey- Prince Escalus