Blaze: yay! New chapter
Darth: that's cool
Blaze: here is chapter 37 and I hope that you like it. This is the last chapter and there will be no chapter for the epilogue since I am planning on ending the story with this chapter.
Darth: cool
Blaze: so yeah, reviews, as always, are much appreciated
Chapter 37
Departure, Destruction and Celebration
"Father!" Luke screamed as Palpatine exploded, sending Anakin flying and causing the entire throne room to shudder alarmingly. The glass of the viewports shattered and pieces of durasteel fell to the ground from the ceiling above while Luke gazed around rapidly for his father's body.
"Father!" He cried again.
"Luke, we have to get out of here," Qui-Gon protested.
"Not without my father!" Luke cried.
Qui-Gon bit his lip. "Luke, the Death Star is going to explode soon. The shield is down and I can sense your friend Calrissian is already nearing the reactor core. If we don't leave now then we'll never be able to leave," he said finally.
"I won't leave without my father!"
"Luke, Anakin wouldn't have wanted you to sacrifice your life like this," Qui-Gon said softly. "We need to go."
"No!" Luke cried before he gazed around rapidly until he spotted his father's inert form lying nearby beneath the debris of the destroyed throne room. "There, there he is!" he called before he ran over to join his father and knelt down beside the injured Jedi.
"Father?" he called softly.
Anakin didn't respond.
"Help me, Master Qui-Gon, please," Luke pleaded and Qui-Gon sighed before nodding and between the two of them and Force, they managed to lift all of the fallen debris off of Anakin.
"He's injured," Luke whispered. "We need to get him out of here."
Qui-Gon reached down and gently lifted Anakin's bigger though lighter body into his arms. "Come on," he said before he ran toward the door and Luke quickly ran after him, hoping beyond a doubt that his father was going to be all right.
Lando flew at the reactor core. "Wedge, take the left one," he called.
"I'm already out of here," Wedge called and Lando watched as he fired on the left side of the reactor core and Lando quickly did the same, though he aimed at the center of the reactor before he flew rapidly toward the opening of the Death Star.
"Move the fleet away from the Death Star, now!" Admiral Piett ordered when he realized that it would be fruitless to stay this close to the Death Star when it was obvious the Rebellion was winning.
"But sir…?" One of the captains began.
"I said now! And contact Captain Pellaeon, tell him to not make a move against the Rebellion no matter what. We will wait for orders but now get away from the Death Star!" Piett all but screamed.
"Yes sir," the captain said before he guided the Super Star Destroyer away from the Death Star and he was quickly followed by the remainder of the Imperial fleet.
Qui-Gon placed Anakin's body on the bed in the shuttle while Luke started the shuttle and flew rapidly out of the hangar bay just as a wave of fire shot out after them and Qui-Gon sighed in relief.
"Luke?" Anakin's weak voice sounded and Qui-Gon immediately turned his attention to the former dark lord.
"He's all right, Anakin, he's all right," Qui-Gon said soothingly.
"Good," Anakin murmured his eyelids flickering slightly and Qui-Gon could tell that he was in between consciousness and unconsciousness. Fighting to stay conscious, Qui-Gon noticed, Anakin blinked open his eyes before struggling to push himself to his feet.
"You shouldn't be standing up right now," Qui-Gon warned him softly.
"Have to speak to Admiral Piett," Anakin whispered pushing himself to his feet but his legs wouldn't hold him and he would have fallen had Qui-Gon not caught him.
"Are you sure?" he asked.
"All right, I'll take you to the cockpit but don't overexert yourself."
Anakin nodded slowly in reply before following Qui-Gon as he led the way toward the cockpit.
"Move the fleet away from the Death Star," Admiral Ackbar ordered and Yoda smiled as he watched the fleet move rapidly away form the Death Star. At the same time, he saw that the Imperial Fleet was doing the same thing. He also spotted the Millennium Falcon flying out of the Death Star and an Imperial Shuttle he knew was holding Anakin, Luke and Qui-Gon flying rapidly away from the space station.
Not even a moment later, Yoda watched as the Death Star exploded in a bright flash of light that nearly blinded everyone on the Mon Calamari space station. As the light shone through the darkness of space, Yoda heard the cheers of triumph echo throughout the entire starship.
The Ewoks cheered wildly along with the rest of the strike team that was one the forest moon of Endor and Leia smiled as she gazed up at the sky. She found herself wondering if Luke and Qui-Gon were all right and that was what she was thinking about as Han walked over to join them.
"I'm sure Luke wasn't on that," Han said softly glancing at the bright flash of light above.
"No, I know he wasn't," Leia replied softly.
Obi-Wan smiled. "He, Qui-Gon and Anakin made it out alive," he said soothingly.
"I don't give a damn about Vader," Leia said sharply.
"Vader just saved your lives by destroying the Emperor," a pale looking Mara snapped in reply. When Palpatine had been killed, Leia remembered, Mara had fainted and then woke up and proceeded to tell them that Vader had been the one to kill Palpatine.
"I don't believe it," Leia muttered.
"Anakin's changed, Leia," Obi-Wan said gently. "What happened on the first Death Star and on Bespin should have been enough proof but what happened today also proves that to be true. You have to believe that Anakin is back."
Leia snorted but she found that she couldn't make herself believe her own thoughts. Perhaps Anakin Skywalker really is back, she thought and she found that she believed that more than she thought she would.
"Admiral Piett?" Anakin called weakly over the comm.
"Yes, my Lord?" Piett's voice sounded.
"Call in the entire fleet and prepare to surrender. Emperor Palpatine is dead and I am in charge now. The rebellion has won this war and we will now discuss the terms of a treaty with them before we do anything else, am I understood?"
"Yes my lord."
"Then do so." Anakin disconnected the transmission before sinking weakly into the co-pilot's chair.
"Are you all right?" Luke asked.
"Tired, weak, in pain but other than that, I'm just fine," Anakin muttered sarcastically as Luke guided the star cruiser toward the forest moon. "Do you think the rebels would mind me being here?" he asked worriedly after a moment of silence.
"I have already talked with Admiral Ackbar and Mon Mothma before you contacted Admiral Piett. I told them everything that happened onboard the Death Star and I am sure they would like to end this war as much as we would."
Anakin sighed. "I hope so," he murmured.
Luke landed the spaceship on the outskirts of the clearing where the celebration was taking place before he got to his feet and led the way out of the shuttle. Qui-Gon followed him while Anakin leaned against the elder Jedi Master. The three of them made their way toward the campsite where the strike time, Han, Leia, Obi-Wan, and Mara where sitting.
Anakin hesitated before he was half dragged by Qui-Gon and Luke as they entered the clearing. Leia immediately narrowed her eyes as Anakin had expected her to do so and Han and the wookiee Chewbacca immediately reached for their weapons.
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, smiled before walking forward and wrapping his arms around Anakin. "Welcome back, my brother," he whispered.
Anakin hugged his former master back, feeling tears well up in his eyes. "I'm glad to be back, Master," he whispered before he gazed at Obi-Wan. "I'm sorry Master for everything..."
"Don't be, Anakin, I forgave you long ago for what Palpatine made you do," Obi-Wan interrupted him. "And you have always been my brother, no matter what and I still love you like one."
Anakin felt tears slide down his face and he didn't bother on wiping them away as he held his former master until he remembered his wounds and winced. Obi-Wan glanced at him. "Are you all right?" he asked.
"Now that you mention it, I ache all over," Anakin admitted.
"Just like when we fell into that nest of Gundarks," Obi-Wan said with a sigh.
"You fell into that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember? Or in your old age, did you forget already?" Anakin asked raising his eyebrows though amusement glimmering in his eyes.
"Oh yes but what do you expect? If I remember correctly, you're only ten years younger than I am. If I'm old then what does that make you?"
"A decade younger than you."
"Oh ha, ha, very funny."
"I thought it was."
Obi-Wan scowled at him. "You're incorrigible, Anakin," he said.
"Ah but you love me anyway, Master."
"That I do, Anakin, my brother, that I do."
"Aw, how sweet," Qui-Gon said smiling.
"Oh shut up," Anakin and Obi-Wan muttered at the same time before they smiled at each other and laughed.
Luke smiled at his father before he looked at his friends and Mara. "Hello again, Jade," he greeted her.
"Hello Luke," Mara replied.
"You've met before I take it," Han said.
Luke nodded. "While I was on Dagabah," he replied. He walked forward before hugging his sister and Han in greeting and found himself getting a bear hug from Chewbacca in the wookiee's excitement at seeing him.
"What now?" Leia asked.
"Now we go to the celebration and then we will have to wait and see," Luke replied softly.
The celebration took place immediately and Anakin found that he was having a great time with his brother. The other rebels were immediately distrustful of him until Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Luke both vouched for him. Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar also joined the celebration on the forest moon of Endor but they were discussing some things that Anakin couldn't hear.
"Lord Vader," Mon Mothma said walking over to join Anakin and Obi-Wan.
"Please, Mon Mothma, call me Anakin," Anakin said with a small smile. "I'm sure you've been holding suspicions for quite a while as to who I really was so I may as well give it to you straight."
"Anakin Skywalker?" Ackbar asked confused. "You were a Jedi and all of a sudden you became the second in command of the Empire. How?"
"It is a long story," Anakin said softly the pain raw in his voice. "But that is in the past and now I am thinking toward the future. Since I am technically the ruler of the Empire now that Emperor Palpatine is dead, I can declare a truce between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. I wish for you to help me recreate the Republic, Mon Mothma, as I remember what Padmé told me about your expertise in the area of politics. I really don't want to rule but I suppose I will have to. Also, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon and my son, Luke, will start recreating the Jedi Order in a way to where they will not be so easily dealt with."
"That was partially your fault, V…Anakin," Mon Mothma pointed out.
"Palpatine twisted my mind against the Jedi," Anakin said with a slight shrug and a pained look in his eyes. "But Qui-Gon, Luke and Obi-Wan have allowed me to see the truth now. Palpatine manipulated me and now I know there will be no way for me to atone for my mistakes. I pray that I will someday leave the guilt of what happened in the past in the past where it is supposed to be but I must work on it right now."
Mon Mothma nodded. "Will the rest of the Empire agree to a truce?" she asked.
Anakin snorted lightly. "Probably not but since I am the Emperor now, they will have to adhere to my decision," he said with a shrug. "I suppose I will have to stay Emperor long enough for the Senate to be reestablished."
"And you know what that means right, Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked
"Politcs, ugh!" Anakin groaned.
Qui-Gon laughed. "I suppose you will get used to it eventually, Anakin," he said.
"I honestly doubt that."
"Oh come now. It will be fun, you'll be able to speak to politicians night and day and get to spend a lot of time around politics and political disagreements and agreements," Qui-Gon said cheerfully.
"Well, I'm the Emperor so I suppose I'll have to agree to that but at least I didn't get stuck in the ventilation shaft, Qui-Gon," Anakin said smirking.
Obi-Wan burst out laughing. "You got stuck in the ventilation shaft?" he gasped out from in between laughs.
Qui-Gon glared at him and Anakin but directed his question at Obi-Wan. "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"
"Nope, never," Obi-Wan replied with a smile.
And so the galaxy was finally righted, the darkness had been vanquished and Emperor Anakin Skywalker had reigned in the Imperial Starfleet after the Battle of Endor. Naming Mon Mothma as his second in command until the Senate could be once again reestablished, Skywalker began the long and tedious task of repairing the Republic. It took three years for the Senate to finally be reestablished and in that time, the Jedi Order also began reconstructing itself.
Qui-Gon Jinn became the Jedi Grand Master of the fledgling New Jedi Order with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker as the first two Masters of the new Jedi Council. A seat on the Council was promised to Anakin once the New Republic was stable enough for Anakin to leave his post as Emperor. And just as Obi-Wan had promised, he did not let Qui-Gon live down getting stuck in the ventilation shaft during the final battle.
It wasn't until a year after the Senate was recreated that Anakin was able to leave his post and Mon Mothma became the Chief of State of the New Republic almost immediately after Anakin's departure from office. Anakin took his place on the Jedi Council and took it upon himself to teach Mara Jade the light side of the Force as he had done with Ahsoka Tano during the Clone Wars before the Great Jedi Purge.
Lando Calrissian maintained his position as General when the New Republic was created but soon left to pursue his own dreams. He then met a woman named Tendra and they married before they started a business on Kessel near the Maw Cluster. Even with their unlikely position, Lando still maintained contact with all the friends he made within the Rebellion.
Chewbacca went back to his homeworld of Kashyyyk for a while to visit his wife and his son but he still hardly ever left his partners side because of the life debt he had with Han Solo. He stayed at Han's side often and made sure the former smuggler didn't get into more trouble than he could handle, which was often when it came to Han Solo.
Han Solo became a General of the New Republic army but still maintains his pose as a captain who is merely seeking adventure. Whenever he is not on duty, he and his co-pilot Chewbacca are often seeing flying from one planet to another even though his days as a smuggler had come to an end. He also became a husband and a father four years following the Battle of Endor.
Leia Organa Solo became vice president of the Republic and represented the survivors of Alderaan's destruction in the Senate. She also married Han Solo three years following the Battle of Endor and a year later gave birth to Jedi Twins which she named Jaina and Jacen Solo. Two years later, she gave birth to another son, this child she named Anakin Solo after her father, the Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker.
Luke Skywalker, as was predicted at his birth, grew into the second most powerful Jedi of the New Jedi Order, second only to Anakin Skywalker whose powers were still as powerful as if the Force itself infused his spirit, as he was the Chosen One. Luke married Mara Jade five years following the Battle of Endor soon after Qui-Gon rewrote the Jedi Code to permit love and marriages as it was love that had saved the entire galaxy from the darkness.
Mara Jade Skywalker became a Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order six years following the Battle of Endor and married Luke Skywalker. Seven years following the Battle of Endor, Mara gave birth to Luke's first and only son, Ben Skywalker, named after Obi-Wan Kenobi.
And so the light once again shone on the once dark galaxy and peace existed in all corners. A sense of security, peace, and prosperity lay across the entire galaxy as the Days of the Fulfillment, as the Galactic Civil War became known as in the eyes of the Force, came to a close. After many long tedious years, the Force was once again balanced.
-The End-
A/n what do you think?
Blaze: that is the end, there is no more, no sequel, nothing, nada, zip, zero
Darth: why not?
Blaze: because no one reads the sequels hardly
Darth: come on, please?
Blaze: if I get enough people asking for a sequel then I will think about doing it
Darth: ah okay
Blaze: so please review and tell me how you liked the ending of Far From Over and thank you to everyone who stayed with me this long, free virtual lightsabers and Tigerstar plushies for everyone of my reviewers! You guys are the greatest. I would never have finished this story if it had not been for your constant encouragement so once again, thank you!