Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or Wikipedia, unfortunately. If I did. I probably wouldn't be writing this.
Chapter 1: Prologue
I didn't know something was different about me until I was in 1st grade.
"Today, we are going to start learning our spelling words." Mrs. Smith continued, "Does anyone know how to spell.. hm... how about "the"?"
A couple of children raised their hands up.
"Yes, Ashley?"
"T- umm.. h?- and uhh... e?" Ashley ended with a squeak, nervous about getting it wrong.
"Good job, Ashley! By the time you're in high school, children, you will be able to spell even bigger words like.. 'appellation'!"
Hesitantly Isabella Swan, a very shy child, raised her hand up while blushing.
"Isn't it spelled a-p-p-e-l-l-a-t-i-o-n?"
Mrs. Smith sat shocked. How could a first grader spell a word like that?
"Bella. Did your mommy and daddy teach you big words like that?"
Bella blushed even more and stuttered nervously, "N-no-o."
"Then how did you know how to spell that Bella? A lot of high school students don't learn words like that until they're in at least 11th grade."
"I-I-I don't k-n-now."
Mrs. Smith dismissed it while all the other children glared at Bella for being smarter than them.
I've always been smarter than the other kids. Even the ones that got straight A's and studied all night long.
I've never had to study.
I became hated. Known as the teacher's pet, even in high school.
No one talked to me.
Not even the 'Nerds' because they were always trying to compete with me.
People called me tons of names. Nerd, loser, freak.
Freak was the most common.
I've always felt like a freak.
On tests I would read the questions and automatically the answer just came to me.
I felt guilty for the longest time.
I felt like I was cheating.
As I got older, I got smarter and started missing questions on purpose to not call attention to myself.
I hate attention.
It worked. People started ignoring me, except for the occasional 'Freak' when I bumped into someone.
I've never figured out what was wrong with me.
At first I though it was photographic memory, when I first learned about it (in my head, of course.)
Except.. how do I know the answer to something if I've never seen it before?
I've even tried looking up this weird.. power? up on the internet.
Ironic, huh? The only question I really wanted the answer to, I would never get.
Sometimes it drives me crazy. Not being able to guess something or figure it out.
Except for puzzles or fictional books. For some reason I never got the answers to certain little things like that. My guess is my.. ability only knew the answers to things that are certain. Like date of births and written historical facts. Like my own little Wikipedia.
This led me to spend most of my time doing small hobbies that I never (automatically) got the answer to.
It kept me sane. Though I know I'm far from sane and a little closer to crazy.
I mean.. who gets answers in their heads before they can even ask the questions?
I know the answer to that, though this time it's from myself, not from the mental internet*I have inside my head.
The answer?
Who am I?
My name is Isabella Swan and I just know things.
A/N: Alright so I reread this and I decided it was decent enough; so I didn't rewrite the whole thing. I just fixed a few errors. I'm finally back though! I hope you guys are as happy as I am. I'm hoping with the free time I have this summer I won't have trouble updating. I am editing the first few (already written chapters) up all at once. So check those out too! If writer's block hasn't come back yet there might even be a new chapter to read too! (Replacing the AN I originally had.) Which means the poll will be put down. 60 people voted for me to just keep posting as I write so that's what I'll be doing from now on. For news about 'Stranger Than Fiction' look at my profile. Also, AN's will from now on be at the end of the chapter. For the following refer back to the marked areas in the chapter.
*Cause the internet has all the answers :P
Yep, only one for this chapter :).
Hope you enjoyed!