SSA Aaron Hotchner walked slowly over to his door, pasting a smile on his face for his son. Opening the door he grinned at his four year old son Jack and ex-wife Hayley.

"Hey Jackster, you all ready for a one on one weekend with your dad?"

"Daddy, you won't bel've all the cool things Mommy and Georgie are doing for my Halo'een party at school!"

"Hey honey, why don't you go get everything put in your room so daddy and I can talk to a minute."

Hotch watched Jack walk away with a look of longing on his face, Hayley knew he wanted nothing more than to follow him and escape her. Hayley walked over and sat on the couch gesturing for Hotch to take a seat as well. He sat down with an air of resignation.

"Hayley, I didn't do anything, I made sure I had this weekend off so that I could have him. I am trying so hard."

"I am not saying anything bad Aaron, I just wanted a chance to talk to you. You know when we met in college we became such good friends, Aaron we could talk about anything. The longer our marriage went on the less we even liked each other let alone maintained any form of a friendship. I started thinking more and more while you were gone, and I realized that if I wanted my friend back I had to let go of my husband."

"What the hell, Hayley? Are you saying you demanded a divorce so we could be friends? What kind of twisted logic is that? I wanted to keep trying and you kept saying it wasn't worth it… Now you want to be my best friend?"

"Just Listen Aaron, you and I were and I hope can be again great friends, but we were at best, mediocre as lovers and you know it." At Aaron's shrug she continued, "I love you and I know you love me, but it was never a love that should have moved beyond friends. I fell in love with who you are Aaron, but you were never attainable to me, and you… you wanted so badly to fall in love with me to deny who you really are. And because I cared so much for you I let you lie to yourself. I am deeply in love with George and we have been divorced for three years, you deserve some happiness too. I know you love your job, but even Superman Aaron Hotchner needs someone he can hold on to at night and just break down."

"Hayley, I have Jack and I have my job. I don't have time for some frivolous mating dance just to save myself from being alone. After they see the way my job works, they would leave anyways. Besides I already filed at one marriage…"
"STOP, Aaron! You failed at nothing, we failed at marriage. I already resented your job Aaron because I knew we weren't the great love of the century. If you had someone you truly loved the way stories talk about love you can work anything out Aaron, you just have to try. Take the team out and pick someone to talk to, start slow. I am not saying get married tomorrow or anything, just find someone to connect with, you need it. I mean hell if you are really at a loss, we can get a babysitter and George and I will go out with you."

"Hayl, if I wanted to get a date, I could. I don't need you or anyone else pushing me! I mean hell I got asked out the other day but I told him no! I don't need…"

"Did you just say him Aaron?" She interrupted and watched his head fall into his hands, "You know Aaron when we first met in college, all of my friends and I were convinced you swung that way. The more I got to know you the more I came to the realization that you suppressed it because of your biological father. He tried to beat any oddities out of you and you never got over that Sean grew you didn't. Then we started dating and it progressed into a proposal and I guess I just always thought I was wrong, but I wasn't was I? I am glad you have finally admitted it to yourself!"

"Dammit, Hayley! I am not gay!" Hotch muttered through gritted teeth, glaring at Hayley. After several minutes of her staring expectantly at him, his shoulders slumped, "It's Reid, Hayl. I like Reid, only him. He stuttered through asking me to have a drink with him and I emphatically told him no. I can't like a man Hayley, it's wrong and besides I fell in love with you we have a kid together, I can't be gay. Homosexuality is wrong Hayl, it's a fact. I can't even deal with my team anymore! Ever since Spen… Reid did that, it's like I can't even look at him and if I think he's looking at me I leave. So there is your happy best girl friends confession are you happy now?"

"Aaron, I am not trying to drag confessions out of you or beat you up over anything, I am trying to be your friend. So let's be honest, okay? Yes, you married me and we have an amazing son, but if you like Spencer then take a chance. Are you more comfortable with the word Bisexual? Homosexuality is not wrong! You are letting that close-minded asshole get into your head. It may not be universally accepted but it is making a lot of progress. The Aaron Hotchner I knew knows that love knows no boundaries and you can love anyone for who they are and not what they are. You said you would never become him, if Jack is gay are you going to make him feel like there is something wrong with him or are you going to accept what is inside of you?"

"He's my subordinate Hayl; this is not as cut and dry as you are trying to make it. It just doesn't work like that; there is no taking a chance. I am so fucked up Hayley that I couldn't even fully commit to you and you are great. I kept the BAU, even when I had a chance to get away to keep that distance from you! I am a profiler, I know my flaws. Besides Spencer is so young and innocent he could never deal with me. Jack would never understand why Daddy left his mommy to be with another man. Hell, I don't even understand!"

"Aaron that damn team is like the closest knit family I have ever seen, you all love and support one another through things normal people couldn't even imagine. They would accept and support you and Spencer if you made the decision to take a chance. Spencer may be young in years and may not be as socially capable as some, but you have told me some of the things he has went through not only on the job, but outside of it, and I am willing to bet that mentally that "kid" is older than anyone on that team including you and Dave. Jack is at an age where he will accept anything and Mommy has already found another man and all I had to do was explain to him why. Yes, you would have to do the same but if Spencer was willing to ask you out I am sure he realized you came with the baggage of Jack. He is not stupid, so I am sure he knew that if anything good came out of drinks you guys would have to deal with that. All I hear are a bunch of excuses Aaron; you were the one that told me profilers could not profile themselves, because they are too close to the subject. You want a profile? I will give you a profile and I won't even need any of your special training. Tell me what you think… Children's perception of themselves are pretty locked in by the age of eight so when your mom finally left your biological father you were already convinced that anything that made you happy would be taken away. I am sure that your mom and step-dad had a hell of a time getting you to take anything. So you are still afraid to be truly happy because then you will lose everything, it is why you still hold a part of yourself back from Jack and you try so hard to fake it so I don't see and he doesn't notice. You reject Spencer as to young because as long as you view him as a child you can push down the feelings you don't want to feel. It helps you justify the fact that you rejected his invitation, though the reason you were so adamant about it was because you wanted so bad to say yes and see where it went. You use our marriage as definite proof that you are meant to be alone so that you don't have to admit to yourself and deal with the fact that you like men. You use the job as an excuse that "no one would understand" how much work goes into it and how often it takes you away so that you don't have to try. Spencer, on the other hand would understand, because he does the same job and it takes up just as much of his mind and time. You are withdrawing from the team, not because you don't think they would approve but because you know they would. You care about Spencer and he has admitted to liking you by asking you out and you are running from him not because you are uncomfortable but because you are scared. You are scared you could truly love someone and be happy, because to you being alone and miserable is you penance for any and every wrong you feel you have committed. So how did I do Aaron?"

The longer Hayley talked the farther Hotch sunk into the couch and the more his head fell, he knew she was right but there was no way for him to get over everything she was talking about. There was just no way he could do this.

"You did great Hayl, do you want a job? What are you trying to prove? You are right okay! I can't do anything about it. Do I want him? Yes. Do I care about him? Yes. Can I ask him out? That would be a resounding no. So all this talk has done has made me feel worse about myself and see my flaws in a new glaring light. So I will ask you again, are you happy now?"

"Don't do that Aaron, I told before I am not trying to hurt you. Everyone gets rejected; hell you did it to him. That's the worst that can happen, and you have one up on everyone else in the same situation. He asked you out first you know he likes you. Try it, Aaron; or at least think about it." Hayley getting up walked past Aaron and squeezed his shoulder gently, "Jack, come say goodbye to mommy!"

Jack darted out of his room and wrapped his arms around her legs, kneeling down Hayley told him, "Take good care of Daddy honey. He's a lil sad, make sure he knows how much you love him."

Walking herself to the door Hayley glanced back one more time to see Jack in Aaron's lap and tears slowly pouring down Aaron's cheeks.

I have more thought out, I just don't know if this is any good please let me know!