Title: Wonders of the Human Mind
Summary: Tony is stuck babysitting a young Peter Parker, what happens when he discovers that the boy has an IQ twice the size of his.
Warnings: This fix contains Yaoi Slash BL boyxboy
Disclaimer: I do not have not and will not ever own the rights to neither Spiderman or Iron Man all rights go to their proper owners who by the way is no me.
A/N: At first I wasn't going to continue this fic because unfortunately I lost my muse but thanks to Kamagong's lovely review I forced myself to hunt it down and drag it back kicking and screaming. So now here we are in the second chapter of 'Wonders of the Human Mind. Again thanks so much Kamagong this chapter would not have been possible without you. I hope this makes your day, Kamagong.
Chapter 2: I Don't Need Your Coddling
He was the illustrious Tony Stark. The fucking Tony Stark. He was the same Tony Stark who happened to build a super advanced suit of armor in the middle of nowhere. He was the billionaire Tony Stark. He was the owner of Stark industries. He was stuck watching SpongeBob Square pants with an eight year old.
The show didn't even make any sense the sponges that belonged in the ocean looked nothing like the yellow kitchen sponges that you used to was your dishes with. At least that's the look Tony assumed they were going for seeing as how, he'd never washed dishes before in his life, ever.
The only thing worse than this show was the one about the little Hispanic girl who ran around the place with a talking monkey and played with magic stars. Why the hell did she need help finding rainbow mountain if the mapped talks, it fucking talks?
Tony had tried without avail to get Peter away from the TV because really there was so much more important things that they could be doing with their time like reviewing the notes in the black and white spiral notebook Peter brought with him but refuses to show Tony.
Tony watches the TV screen with vigilance and ninja like persistence so that the moment the show ends and the credits are going up he shuts it off before Peter can see what comes next.
"Hey" Peter's voice calls out in protest
"Hey is for horses and sometimes cows but pigs don't eat it cause they don't know how" Tony recites the rhyme he learned when he was, well he's not sure how old he was when he learned it, but Peter's confusion is just enough to side track him from the TV long enough to be lead down to Tony's work place.
"Now let me see that book of yours" Tony asks his hand out stretched, and Peter hands him the spiral notebook without truly realizing he did. Instead his eyes are glued to Tony's workplace that has machinery Peter's only dreamed of seeing.
Tony thumbs through Peter's book, his expression is amazed. The different equations and blueprints scrawled all over the book in every available space, it still amazes Tony that Peter has written all this. Peter is still only eight years old and as much as Tony hates to admit it, some of the things Peter has written are confusing.
"What is all this?" he asks Peter who his inches away from the Transmooker device (A/N: I will be surprised if anyone gets that joke, and if you do you get your own free muffin) he's been working on.
"Huh" Peter asks breaking out of his stupor to walk over to Tony and his notes. "Oh that's the theory of relativity."
"Hasn't that already been solved" Tony asks bewildered
"Not correctly" Peter says shaking his head.
"And what about these" Tony asks flipping to the page of the blueprints
"Oh, those are schematics" Peter answers his eye again drawn towards the Transmooker device.
"Well I know that, but what are they schematics for" Tony rolls his eyes and turns Peter's head so that it's facing him.
"They're for a device that I'm working on. I'm trying to create something that'll make an electromagnetic pulse strong enough to manipulate the light rays around a specific object, throwing it into the negative zone, making it appear invisible. But so far it's just on paper I'm missing some key variables that I can't seem to figure out, I've been working on it for six months" Peter's voice sounds frustrated and desperate.
"Ah" Tony nods his head slowly as he continues to read over Peter's notes looking for what the boy missed. "Well, maybe if you got a larger power source" Tony offers
Peter stares at him like he's grown a second head "I factored in a power source greater than an atomic bomb, what's more powerful than that" Peter asks skeptically.
Tony smirks and points at his chest that houses his miniature arc reactor "I could think of something" he says motioning towards his work bench where they immediately set out to work.
When Pepper walks into Tony's workplace she braces herself for many a different odd scenarios, she does not however expect to find Tony drawing out schematics with Jarvis and a nine year old kid. "What are you doing to this poor kid" Pepper gasps slightly rushing over to the two. Pepper has known Tony for as long as she can remember and he wasn't what one would call the best influences.
"Kid" Peter says indignantly "I have an IQ twice the size of Einstein's, I don't need your cuddling" Peter pouts softly with his arms folded across his chest.
Tony laughs loudly, and Pepper just continues to stare not knowing what to make of the situation.
A/N: Yes, yes I know that this was really short but don't worry Kamagong the next chapter will be much larger.