Author's Notes: Here it is, the final chapter of this story!!! YAY!!!! I FINISHED IT!! It isn't very long, I know, but I hope you enjoy it!

"Uncle Deano! Uncle Deano!" A three year old Shyanne threw herself at her uncle's leg. "It's Christmas!"

Dean picked her up and kissed her. "I know it, punkin." He said.

"Hey Dean." Sam said, carrying six month old Aiden in on his hip. The poor baby looked so uncomfortable in a little Santa suit.

"Dude," Dean said. "What is that poor kid wearing?"

"Bubba's dressed as Santa, Uncle Dean!" Shyanne shouted.

"Inside voice, Shy." Sam said. "Where's Dad?" He asked his brother.

"Right here." John came through the door with a bag of gifts.

"Grandpa!" Shyanne wiggled out of Dean's grasp and launched herself at her grandfather. "Is one of those for me? Huh? Is it, Grandpa?"

"You bet, baby." John picked her up and swung her around. "And there's my little bucko!" He cooed at Aiden who was in Dean's arms.

"Come on, puddin pop." Sam took Shyanne. "Let's let Grandpa and Uncle Dean get in the door."

"Daddy..." Shyanne whined, but stopped at a Look from her father. "Uh, I'm gonna go watch Clifford." She grabbed John's hand. "Come on, Grandpa!"

"Wow." Dean shook his head. "She's a pistol." He bounced Aiden on his hip.

Sam rolled his eyes. "You have no idea. Now she's insisting we get a dog."

"Well, that's all you need." Dean said. "You got the wife, the two kids, and the dorky minivan. Just need a Fido to round it out."

Sam grinned. "Jealous?"

Dean shrugged. He was, a little. When they came to visit his brother, it was kinda hard on him to see what he was missing.

"You could always settle down, start a family." Sam suggested.

Dean shrugged again. "I could." He said. This was getting waaay too touchy feely for him. "Let's go see what Dad and Shy are doing."

John and Shyanne were watching Clifford the Big Red Dog, and Shy was trying to explain the characters to him.

"That's Emily Elizabeth, she owns Clifford." Shyanne was saying.

"Hmm." John said. "Now, who's that dark haired girl?"

"Hey!" Bobby popped his head into the living room.

"PAPA!!" Shyanne hopped up and ran to her other grandfather, nearly bowling him over. "Come watch Clifford!"

"Okay, okay!" Bobby laughed, sitting down next to Dean. He took baby Aiden and kissed his head.

Stephanie came in then, surprised to see her house so full so quickly. Hugs and kisses went around.

Sam sat back and watched his family, so glad he finally had one to call his own. He watched his older brother tease his wife and his father cradle his son. Shyanne ran over and hopped on his lap, kissing his cheek sloppily.

"I love you, Daddy." She whispered.

"I love you, too, baby." He whispered back. "I love you, too."