Chapter 7: Draco's POV

Dearest G,

How are things about there? I hope things aren't too bad...

Has your mother forgiven Ronald yet? Whatever did that harpy need to talk to him about any ways? Potter hasn't come near you...right?

I know these are questions that I ask you every time I write, but I just want to know that you are safe...but more importantly...I want you to know that I am thinking about you..I miss you so much. I miss the way you looked at me..the way you spoke. God, I miss the way you laugh. Did I ever tell you there was something about your laughter? Whenever I heard it I just wanted to laugh along with you...

I could really use some of that right now...I'm not going to tell you where I am this time. I think someone is following me. I don't want to put you into any more danger than you are already in. I found what Dumbledore needed. I should be back to you within the month. I can't wait to hold you again...


I read over the letter one last time before sending it on its way with the others. I check my surrounding quickly, I have already been that this location for far too long. Its time to move before they find me. I have to lose them before I even think about going back to see her. I made my way into the bathroom to collect my items, making sure that I safely hid the item for Dumbledore. This wouldn't all be for nothing. As I walked back into the bedroom of the filthy hotel I have been staying at, as soon as I made it to the bed I felt something knock me over the head. My last thought before I blacked out was of her and not making it back like I promised...