Chapter 1
There she was under the moon lit night sitting under an oak tree, thinking of HIM.
She softly touched the lavender bracelet he had given her for her birthday.
"Oh N-N-Naruto-kun this is t-the b-best p-present I've received from y-you" The white eyed girl
said looking up at the sky, closing her eyes remembering that wonderful day when...
"Hey Hinata where are you!? A high pitched voiced asked. Hinata jumped in fear to her feet
knowing the voice came from...
"N-N-Naruto is looking for me?" She asked herself.
"Hinata-Chan come out" Naruto yelled again.
Hinata then felt her legs moving towards where the voice was coming from; there he was with
his hands on his forehead searching for the white eyed girl.
"Oh there you are Hinata-Chan! Naruto yelled when he spotted her near the trees.
"Y-yes?" Hinata said walking backwards only tripping on a branch.
"Hinata are you okay?" Naruto said running towards her.
"Y-yes don't w-worry a-about me" She stuttered trying to get up from the ground.
"Here take my hand" Naruto said giving his hand out to Hinata, who just sat there looking at it.
She took a while before gladly taking it with a smile.
"What was it I wanted to tell you?" The blue eyed boy asked himself scratching the back of his
"Oh yeah well" He began. "I was wondering since Kiba and Shino are on a retrieving mission with
Shikamaru. Trying to bring someone important to me back" He said look down at the ground.
"And Granny Tsunade didn't let me go with them" He went on tightening his hands into a fist.
"WHY THE HELL NOT…I MADE HER A PROMISE?!" Naruto yelled hitting the desk.
"Because I say so Naruto...and I know you made a promise but we need you here in the village
as well as we need Sakura" The now irritated Hokage said while doing paper work and drinking
"But"...Naruto started only being cut off my Tsunade.
"I said NO and that's final!" Tsunade said glaring at Naruto.
AND LOOK FOR HIM MYSELF!" Naruto yelled before slamming the door.
End of flashback
"I thought maybe we could do something together." He said
"N-Naruto and m-me?" She thought for a moment
"Hinata?" Naruto watched as Hinata got a shade of red and with a smile on her face she fainted.
"Hinata...Hinata." She hears,
"N-Naruto" She said blinking a couple of times trying to clear the image of the person in front of
her and saw Naruto.
"Aaawww!" She yelled quickly getting to her feet blushing.
"What is something I said?" Naruto asked getting up.
"N-no Naruto n-no I-it's No-nothing...w-what w-would y-y-you l-like to d-do? She stuttered
"Well..." He began scratching the back of his head.
"I thought maybe we could eat some ramen at Ichiraku treat" Naruto said getting
two coupons out of his front pocket.
"U-mm...Sure N-N-Naruto K-kun" Hinata swallowed the happiness in her throat.
"We'll have two specials Teuchi" Naruto said handing him the coupons.
"Here you go Naruto...enjoy" A brown eyed girl said handing him the ramen bowls.
"Thanks Ayame" Naruto said grabbing his chopsticks
"So Hinata-Chan how was last week's mission I heard you got badly injured" He said while
slurping the hot noodles into his mouths.
" was n-n-nothing but i-if it hadn't been for S-Shino, K-Kiba and Akamaru. I p-probably
w-wouldn't be here r-right n-now" She said softly touching her right shoulder were the kunai
knife was jabbed during her mission.
"Shino look out!" Hinata yelled
"A bug clone!" The sound ninja who threw the kunai aiming for Shino yelled before falling to the
"Arf" Akamaru barked only to warn Kiba of the two sound ninja running towards them.
"Ready Akamaru?" Kiba asked
"Arf" The little white dog barked getting on top of Kiba.
"Beast mimic beast clones!" Kiba yelled and with a puff of smoke Akamaru had
became a second Kiba charging at the sound ninjas Kiba yells "Fang over fang!" spinning around
with full speed they knock out the two sound ninjas.
"Byaku" Hinata said only being cut off by a sound ninja being stabbing her with a Kunai.
"AAAWWW" was all Shino and Kiba heard before seeing Hinata on the ground blood coming out
of her shoulder.
"Now to finish you off you little brat" The sound ninja said pulling out another kunai. When.
Kiba threw a kunai making the sound ninja jump back and dodge it just in time.
"I'll finish you first and then the girl" The sound ninja yelled wrapping a paper bomb around the
kunai when the sound ninja fell to the ground yelling in pain
"My insects are inside of you eating away your chakra" Shino said turning around only to see
Kiba picking up Hinata slowly from the ground.
"AAAWWW" was all they heard from the sound ninja while walking back towards their leaf
village. Hinata only said. "Thank you" Before falling asleep on Kibas arms.
"No problem rest" Shino said looking at her.
End of flashback
"It's getting late Hinata I should take you home before Neji has my head" The blonde headed
ninja said laughing worriedly
"O-okay" She said with a small chuckle.
"'s really beautiful outside tonight isn't it Hinata!" Naruto asked her looking up at the sky
"Y-yes i-it is" She said slightly looking at Naruto.
"She's still weak, shy...and yet she has something no other girl has. What is it about the Hyuuga
that got my attention?" He thought looking at the Hyuuga girl and his former blonde headed
teammate from the roof of Ichiraku ramen.
"Well this is your house Hinata-Chan good night" Naruto said sheepishly.
"Domo Arigato Naruto-Kun" She told him walking out to the back garden.
(DOMO ARIGATO-Thank u so much.)
"That feeling back there...And those eyes" She said looking back at Ichiraku ramen then quickly
turning back going into her house and out to her garden in the back.