I struggled opening my eyes. They were sore and tired. My vision was blurry. I was facing a ceiling, a white ceiling and a light bulb… they were not familiar to me…I wasn't in my room…so I wasn't lying on my bed. I tried to move…it was painful… How long was I sleeping for? I sat up. I was on a double bed with a blanket over me. I was in a room that was bigger than mine… Four plain white walls around me, no windows, just a drawer beside the bed and a wardrobe and door opposite me. I felt…I felt like I was in prison…in this particular room. Why was in here for?

It took me a few minutes for my hazy memory to come back…. A man…Jacob Carter offered me his umbrella….I got in his car ….and he drugged me.


My hands started to shake….Tear drops came down and seconds later I was uncontrollably crying. I tightly grabbed the blanket…holding onto it. Why did this happen to me? I took the blanket off me and noticed my pants were not on me… only my underpants. I also realized the long loose buttoned shirt I was wearing wasn't mine. I truly felt scared. I closed my eyes and slipped my right hand in my underpants not knowing what to find- pain, blood, skin…??? I was relieved, there was nothing… I stood up, my rib hurt badly. I had a bright pink bruise on it. Even though it hurt, I gave it all my strength to walk…I turned the door knob and not surprisingly it was dead locked, well that did usually happen in horror films. It reminded me of when I tried to open the car that I was drugged in. I still tried opening the door…I even kicked the door. I made so much racket.

Suddenly, I felt a strong sharp stabbing pain on my head. I never felt anything like it. It hurt so badly, I sank to the floor cupping my entire head in my hands between my legs. It became worst….more painful, I started to frenziedly moan so loudly. Right now I wanted more than anything for the pain to go anyway. I heard the door open, but I was too weak to even open my eyes, the pain was agonizing. I felt a hand on my back.

"Take this."My kidnapper… Jacob said.

My eyes opened.

He bent down, I was too dizzy too see him clearly.

"W-hy-y-y?" I whispered, too weak to talk.

"Because it will make the pain go away..." He answered.

"I-I meant-t-t, why-y did you kidnap me-e-e..." It was hard to spit out the words.

There was a long pause. He wasn't going to answer. Would he let me go? I knew I was scared. Scared of him. Waiting for him to do something… Murder me perhaps. He was one of them….the scary syncopates and pedophiles that you would see on television…on the news and on those crime investigations programmes. Their victims were always murdered…Usually raped and cut into pieces and then thrown into lakes or placed in a bag dumped somewhere. But I had to try… to be brave. I had to find a way to escape.

He placed a pill in my mouth and made me swallow with a glass of water. I didn't even know what he had given me, but I just wanted the headache to end. My eyes were closed; I was too tiered and in pain to open them again. I couldn't move a muscle. I just laid there on the floor, waiting for the pain to gradually disappear. I felt him picking me up from the floor like a baby…I felt his hard chest as he walked swiftly to the bed; he laid me on the bed and covered me with the blanket.

I opened my eyes. What he had given me was strong, because the pain was gone. He was there…my kidnapper sitting on the side of the bed looking straight at me…with his deep green eyes. He had a perfect face. How long had he been sitting there starring at me? It made me feel self conscious and uncomfortable.

"You're awake." Jacob smiled. I frowned back.

"How long have I been sleeping for?" I was curious.

"After you had taken the pill I gave you for the pain, you slept for three hours more. It's now an hour past midnight." He answered.

"How about when I had taken the spiked drink you gave me when I was in the car." The anger in my voice…I was surprised.

He was quiet for a second or two.

"I-I….I had to. You slept for a whole day." That was all he said.

There was a short pause.

"What happened to my clothes?" I asked.

"They were wet. I didn't want you to get sick. There in the wash." He replied.

He took my clothes off…I felt sick to the stomach.

"You need to eat; I'll come back with some sandwiches and some water." He said

My stomach was flipping. I hadn't eaten for a while. I was so hungry. Jacob left the room…He closed the door. It was my chance…to escape. Did he lock the door? I didn't know where I was. If I left the house…did I know I was even in a house? Maybe I was in some underground cell where he keeps other innocent scared girls my age. Would I know which direction to take? He would come back soon.

The door opened. My chance to escape was gone… What if it was my only chance to get out of this place before he would kill me? He held a tray with a plate of two sandwiches and a glass of water. He placed it on top of the drawer beside the bed.

"Eat." Was all he said. I grabbed one sandwich and looked at it. It was cheese and ham. It didn't look that appetizing. I placed it under my nose…near my mouth. Did he put anything in it? Something that would make me unconscious again? Poisoned it because he wanted me dead already? I couldn't fight my hunger. I took a bite slowly, expecting to be choked. I swallowed it, nothing happened. I took another bite till I ate the whole piece.

Jacob was still there. Sitting on the side of the bed…starring. I felt self conscious.

"Drink." He handed me the glass of water. I took a sip.

"Are you going to let me go?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

"Why did you take-e me? What do you want from me?" I could hear the anger in my voice.

He didn't answer.

"Are you-u going-g-g to let-t-t me go-o-o?" My eyes became moist.

He didn't answer.

"PLEASE!" I screamed…sobbing.

There was a long pause.

"Elena. I had to take you away because I need you….I-I love you."


He waited for an answer. And didn't get one. He left the room. I had mixed emotions. I was scared. How could he need me and love me when I don't even know him? I was angry. He kidnapped me….stole me away…Away from my family, friends…my life.