Cami: Reading reviews from my story just gets me in the writing mood! :) I love you all! Without you I wouldn't have made a second chapter! Let alone finish the whole story! You guys are my motivation to do my best and you all make me smile! :)

Ikuto: Ok, stop the sap. It's not like you're getting a reward ...

Cami: It's a reward on it's own finishing a story! :')

Ikuto: *Rolls his eyes*

Cami: Although this isn't like a super long story, I had fun making this. I hope you all read my other stories and enjoy them as well! :D

Yoru: Cami doesn't own Shugo Chara!

Cami: On with the last chapter of this story!

At The Amusement Park

(Ikuto's POV)

I was waiting for Cool'n'Spicy to arrive. She was a little late. I guess girls are always late. Just then, some one tapped on my shoulder.

"Hey!" She said. I turned around. "Ikuto?"

It was Amu. Why is she here? Oh, that's right. She has a date as well.

"Yo. I guess you decided to stalk my date and I today." I teased her.

"Did not! I thought you were my date!" She crossed her arms and turned away.

"Well, I'm waiting for my date too. We should wait together." I proposed.

"Nah, I wouldn't want our dates to get the wrong idea ..." She said looking down.

"Guess your right." I stood there, waiting for my date. It suddenly came pouring down rain.

"Ah! It's raining!" She stated the obvious. She tried to shield her hair with her bag. Luckily I always brought an umbrella. I really don't like rain.

"I have an umbrella if you want to share. Unless you still don't want your date to get the wrong idea." I showed her my umbrella and she nodded.

"I guess we could share." I opened the umbrella.

"This is a really big umbella ..." Amu said looking up. It really was a big umbrella. It was the size of two regular umbrellas combined. The only downside is that everyone else always wants to use the umbrella also. I have to kick them away like rejected dogs.

"Those girls over there are looking at you." Amu pointed out a group of girls, about 5 or 6 of them, talking and giggling amongst themselves. They were all blonde. Like girl Tadase's. But that's not hard to achieve.

"It's 'cause I'm sexy." I stated. It was true. I'm the sexiest thing I ever did see. That made Amu laugh.

"Haha, that has to be it!" She started to laugh again. How does she not notice my sexyness? One of the girls from the group came over towards us.

"I was just wondering ... Is she your girlfriend?" She asked. She pointed to Amu.

"Nah, I'm waiting for my date." I replied. She looked disappointed.

"Well, if you get tired of waiting maybe we should go out instead." She offered. I quickly declined.

"I don't think I'll be waiting much longer." She nodded her head and went back to her friends. I could kinda hear what she was saying to her friends.

"I knew that pink-headed girl wasn't his girlfriend! She's too ugly!" One of them said.

"Maybe she's trying to get attention. No one has naturally pink hair." Another said. I stopped listening.

"Ugh, some people are really annoying ..."

"Hmm?" Amu looked confused. At least she didn't hear.

"Nothing." A waved my hands to reassure her. It made her think something was suspicious.

"Ah, ok ..."

(Amu's POV)

What's up with him? I thought as Ikuto and I stood there.

"I wonder where our dates are ... When was your's supposed to be here?" I tried to change the subject.

"Hmm... 12." Success.

"So that makes your date..." I looked down at my watch. "2 hours late." I turned to him with a smile. I checked my watch again. 2 HOURS? My dates been making me wait 2 F***ing hours?

"So it seems." Ikuto sighed, completely oblivious to my ranting and cursing going on in my head.

"Is she pretty?" I asked before thinking. Why should I care ...

"I have no idea ... I met her on the internet." Ikuto stated.

"Ah, so now your targeting people over the internet. I see ..." I looked over at him, stroking my imaginary beard.

Ikuto completely ignored the comment. "What about your date?"


An awkward silence creeps upon us.

"Gah! I can't take it any more! This is taking to long! I'm leaving!" But I had forgotten that where ever I went Ikuto had to go. He had the umbrella.

"You want to go in the park with me instead?" He asked as his cat ears perked up with the idea.

"Wow! They move!" I started to poke one. Haha! It twitched! Ikuto grabbed my hand and pulled me into the park.

"W-wait! I never agreed to this!" I stuttered.

"Ah, but you did! You just don't know it." He said with a smile. A smile. How am I supposed to say no to that?

"Whatever." I let Ikuto drag me along until we were at the Ferris wheel.

"Great idea!" I said, staring up at the ride. "At the top we can yell out our dates name and say how much of a jerk they are!"

"O-ok?" Ikuto sweat dropped.

"Well, it seemed like a good idea in my head ... I'm still going to do it!" I got into the cart with Ikuto following behind.

As we neared the top, Ikuto seemed like he was actually going to scream with me. He went to my side of the cart and stood beside me.

"Almost there. You going to do this with me?" I questioned him.

"Heh, you'll see." He smirked. Where did that smile go? ... N-not that I liked that smile or anything ...

Just as I was about to yell, Ikuto whispered into my ear. "I love you Cool'n'Spicy." E-EH?

I wanted to hug him but at the same time laugh. Hearing him say Cool'n'Spicy, that was the funniest thing I ever heard! Wait ... He said ...

"W-what do you mean by 'Cool'n'Spicy'?" How did he know my screen name?

"Ah, so you still haven't figured it out ..." He said with a sigh. "I'm DarkNeko18."

"Eh? How is that possible?" I started to remember some of the stuff I had said to him. Personal stuff that I hadn't even told Utau!

"I've got to say, the most awkward conversation was when you found out I was a guy." I tried to remember that. That was when I told DarkNeko18, or should I say IKUTO, that I had started my period! Oh my gosh.

I started to beat him up. I really just wanted to get this Ferris wheel. This was so embarrassing!

"H-How did you figure out I was Cool'n'Spicy?" I tried to change the subject.

"Hmm ... I don't know. Maybe I've always known. Or maybe I only figured out today." Ikuto shrugged.

"So I guess you aren't going to answer my question..." My voice drifted off into the awkward silence. Our cart made a sudden stop. We had made it to the bottom.

As we got out of the cart the silence grew longer. Ikuto seemed to be waiting for me to speak.

"Well?" Ikuto broke it. He broke the uncomfortably long silence.

"Well what?"

"I told you how I feel and yet you haven''t told me anything." How can he keep such a straight face talking about stuff like this. He isn't blushing at all!

"W-Well ... I don't know." I couldn't come up with a better answer?

All the sudden Utau popped up out of nowhere.

"According to my calculations ... Amu is the densest person I know." Utau stared at me with a sad face. "But! Fear not Ikuto! This here maiden is head over heels in love with someone with kitty ears!"

"W-What?" How could she come up with that conclusion?

"You said you thought about him all the time. Your heart beat accelerates even when your just thinking about him. Isn't it obvious!" She looked from me to Ikuto.

I turned my head to Ikuto. He was wait- He was blushing? It was a slight blush and you could barely see it but it was there!

I looked down, trying to distract myself with my hands. "I guess." I said weakly.

Utau grabbed one of my hands and then one of Ikuto's. She shoved them together. She then got behind us.

"What are you-" Ikuto started to say.

"Have fun!" She said before she pushed us onto some random line.

"So ... What does this mean?" I asked, fascinated at how my hand fit perfectly in his.

"Guess this means we're together." He started to swing our hands a little.

"Guess so." I giggled.

Cami- That's the end! Hope you enjoyed this story! I know the ending sucked ...

Ikuto- Why was I in her closet all bloody and stuff ...?

Cami- I almost forgot! Yeah ... Ikuto wanted to scare her. He got tired and feel asleep! XD Haha

Ikuto- -_-

Cami- Anyway ... Any one like this? I know I said that I had already started writing this and stuff, and really I had, (I had most of it written) but then school started and before then I kept rushing to finish things that I had all summer to do ...

Amu- Cami accepts flamers. 'Cause most of the reviews will be flames anyway ...

Cami- Don't say that!

Yoru- Review! :3

Everyone- Byeee!~